Spirals of consciousness - Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology

by Pia Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith with Laarkmaa

Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology is the only known system based on the cosmic energies that spiral (unnoticed) through the distinct levels of human consciousness, using the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades as guide points on astrological maps. In this special book excerpt, the authors introduce their ideas.

The Pleiades star cluster
The Pleiades
Source: Public Domain, by NASA, ESA, AURA/Caltech, Palomar Observatory (https://hubblesite.org/)

We live in a world that is bound by time, and we measure our experiences on a linear scale oriented toward the past or the future. But the rest of the universe is not linear. Stars, planets, and other orbiting bodies in the galaxy move in circular or elliptical patterns. In fact, about 80 percent of known galaxies exist in a spiral form. The remainder exist in elliptical-spiral combinations or as irregular, shapeless forms. We live in a spiraling universe; therefore, should we not recognise that as part of the universe, our consciousness also moves in spirals? And realising this, should we not understand that our own evolution could most easily be achieved by participating with spirals of energy, rather than restricting our development through our current focus on linear time – past and future?

When we move away from our focus on time we can begin to understand that everything in the universe is organised around the movement of energy. This book is based upon the concept that energy is alive, conscious, and intelligent. It knows how to move and where to go for its most efficient application.

Energy is nonlinear. It arrives in waves, vibrations, or frequencies (terms that are indistinguishable for the purpose of this book). Waves transport energy everywhere. In fact, all of life is about wave motion, and our experiences occur in wave motion, not in linear, fragmented parcels of time. We ourselves are waves of energy; we are not static, unchanging solid particles joined in some random (or intentional) fashion. Our bodies are even equipped to translate the vibrations of incoming energy into the experiences of our reality. This is how we interface with our third-dimensional world – our physical senses are designed to interpret vibrational signatures of energy. Our sight translates vibration into what we see, our hearing translates vibration into sound, our olfactory senses translate vibrations of energy into smell, and so on.

Science has not yet been able to explain the deeper underlying structure of harmonics that form life. But recent scientific observations have revealed that our material world is not as solid as we may believe it to be. It consists of unrealised vibratory possibilities, which are rendered into the solid physical world we perceive through the energy of thought. Waves of energy manifest into physical form through interacting with other waves of energy. Einstein attempted to prove this while working on his unified field theory.

Today his work on this idea is simply interpreted to mean that every thought we think affects every aspect of our reality.

When we begin to observe and participate with energy as energy, rather than using time as our organising principle, we can discover how to truly participate with other energies to create a different reality on Earth. The magnetic field of our planet broadcasts a very wide range of energetic frequencies that commingle with the energy of the Sun and other planets in our solar system, even extending out farther into the cosmos. Astrophysicist Percy Seymour proposed that each of us is attuned to specific frequencies that were magnetically imprinted upon us while we were still in the womb. We, the authors, see that magnetic imprint as an alignment with specific energetic frequencies, which we will delve into more deeply in this book to explain the specific essence of each energetic frequency and how to work with it. Understanding how these energies have imprinted upon us as we arrived on Earth in physical form is equivalent to understanding our purpose. How are we defined by a specific combination of frequencies, and how can we utilise that frequency combination we call our individual selves to participate in human evolution here on Earth and beyond into an infinite universe? The continual wave motion of energy can be explained somewhat today through quantum physics. At the quantum level, scientists perceive phenomena as either particles or waves, depending upon how they are measured. Particles are perceived to be stable and unchanging localisations in a quantum field of continually moving waves.

We humans typically view ourselves as particles – stable, static, unchanging (for the most part) – rather than as waves. Once we are born, according to Percy Seymour, our senses begin to take in information and send it to our brains. We lose the sense of being fluid, undulating, as our immediate sensory experience begins to override our earlier prenatal experience of magnetic or energetic resonance. We forget about our earlier wave-like forms.

It is fundamentally unfeasible for us to believe that we are progressing in developmental strides when we are not in harmony with cosmic rhythms. By segmenting our experiences into blocks of time, especially focusing on a perceived past or hoped-for future, we have become ever more separated from each other and from Nature, stuck in the artificial rhythms of man-made time. We have further separated ourselves through a belief that everything that happens to us is local, meaning that it involves a transfer of some kind of signal through some kind of force, giving it the appearance of a reality manifested through cause and effect only. Nothing could be further from the truth. We actually live in a nonlocal universe, meaning that everything can happen simultaneously, regardless of distance between objects or events. We will explore this more deeply later in the book.

We need to step away from the limits of time and begin to recognise the possibility that events can and do occur in synchronicity, and that we have the ability to participate in the way energy unfolds into our manifested reality. Everything is connected simultaneously, and these connections are not affected by size or distance. Yet the energy of each instant is separate and distinct, and each energy adds to the energy that presented before it and contributes to the energy that follows. To realise the potential available in this understanding, we must begin to carefully watch the energy of the moment and respond accordingly.

Book cover: Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology
Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology
 The book can be purchased at https://www.amazon.co.uk/

The purpose of this book is to expand our human awareness by reorganising our understanding of energy. The astrological system unveiled…introduces energy as a potential – making us who we are and providing endless opportunities to unfold into our true selves. It’s an evolutionary process. We can become who we’re intended to be. Unlike some earlier astrological systems, this system does not rely only on the element of time or the placement of specific planets to define an individual. The system acknowledges that each of us came to relate to specific energies and synchronistically to participate with every available energy. Each of us magnetically aligns to several specific energies as we come into human form to understand and work with those aspects of energy more completely. We are here on Earth to fully explore each aspect of every energy, and to intelligently integrate the results of our explorations. We reach unity when we share our combined understanding and integration with each other. This is how our species can evolve. Later, we’ll explain how the essence of integration is contained in the energy of thirteen, a number that – with the exception of meters in the metric system – is conspicuously absent in most of our current measuring or counting systems. The energy of thirteen is a fantastically important key to understanding and synthesising all combined energies; it’s a fundamental missing link!

Every astrologer seeks a deeper understanding of what makes us human, what makes us individual, and what governs our circumstances in life. The ancient science of astrology has many wonderful branches to help explain who we are, yet none remotely approach the subtle levels of awareness that make the Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology system unique. For starters, it is based on the most mathematically stable, dynamic structure known to the third dimension: the spiral. Many fundamental processes or patterns we know about involve spirals. From galaxies and seashells to the arrangement of notes along a musical scale, water flowing in rivers or down drains, the motion of the electromagnetic field or the structure of DNA, the mysterious spiral is everywhere! The examples are endless.

There are two major patterns of spiralling energy that constitute the foundation of our system. The first pattern is found in universal energies that relate to cosmic laws and cosmic truth. They reflect principles that are constants throughout the universe and are continually changing in the ways they manifest. There are thirteen universal energies, defined and explained in chapters 3 and 6. The second pattern is found in earth energies, which are the energies most relevant to our human proficiency. These energies are more specific to our lives on Earth and they build upon one another, creating a non-hierarchical foundation for what comes next. Each contributes an important piece to understanding the whole of our earthly experience. Participation with these energies occurs at a lower or higher vibration, depending upon our choices and the development of our conscious awareness.

Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology is the only known system based on the cosmic energies that spiral (unnoticed) through the distinct levels of human consciousness. It is also alone in its use of the number thirteen as an integral player in understanding ourselves and our potential for evolution. Remarkably, this system instructs us in internally and externally expanding and integrating each level of our awareness. Once we understand and earnestly apply the intelligent guidance the cosmic energies offer, results follow naturally.

The Seven Sisters, as the stars of the Pleiades are sometimes called, are rarely used as guide points on astrological maps. Yet ironically, the Pleiadians have given humanity one of the most coherent and user-friendly systems to understand the relationships of all the energies that affect us (individually and collectively) and govern the unfolding of our human condition. The most famous use of this energetic wisdom is the Mayan calendar, which was never about time; it was always about energy. Here, we offer a much-needed, in-depth, and up-to-date approach for studying this valuable energy and introduce ways to apply it for our conscious evolution.

Each of us aligns specifically with one or two of the earth energies at birth. Hence it is an individual mission to explore and discover how to use those energies for personal and planetary evolution. There are twenty of these energies and they will be defined and explained in detail in chapters 7 through 9. Who we are and how we interact – with each other and with our environment – and how they colour and flavour our lives. This is what determines the course of our evolution.

To begin to understand how our human energy manifests into physical form, we must look at our makeup and our environment. We are electromagnetic beings living in an electromagnetic atmosphere. Seventy percent of our physical makeup is water, which conducts electricity. Our nervous systems, essentially electrical in nature, are sensitive to the magnetic fields around us. Therefore, we respond to the fluctuations of energy as it pulses through our bodies and through our environment. Magnetism and electricity are complementary, and one can induce the other. An electrical current will generate a magnetic field, and vice versa. Because our bodies are electromagnetic, once we learn to understand our own energy more thoroughly and to participate more consciously with external energies as they pulse through our atmosphere, it is possible we may learn to co-create our own environment by oscillating our electrical charge in a way that attracts other specific energies of our choosing.

Spiral galaxy NGC 2008
Spiral Galaxy NGC 2008
Source: ESA/Hubble & NASA, A. Bellini, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

The opportunities to evolve continuously unfold as each group of spiralling energies ceaselessly winds its way through our levels of consciousness. We integrate each level as we complete it. In this way, we energetically change our relationship to ourselves and our outer experience simultaneously as we cycle through the system’s clear, simple, and direct teachings. We now present an overview of this astrological system and show how the universal base of thirteen energies helps us realise (more deeply) the potential of who we are and our place in the universe.

This astrological system guides our individual and collective experience from the physical, mental, psychological, and spiritual levels. You will discover just how easy it is to work with these energies to co-create a more balanced personal and collective reality. In other words, the Pleiadians have given us a gift to help us open the doorway to our own potential with ease.

Extract taken from Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology by Pia Orleane, Ph.D and Cullen Baird Smith with Laarkmaa, published by Bear & Company.

Published by: The Astrological Journal, Apr/May 2019

Pia Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith Pia Orleane Ph.D., is an author, lecturer, and former practising psychologist. The recipient of an international award from Saybrook University for her research on the importance of natural cycles for life and author of the Nautilus Gold Award winning book Sacred Retreat, she is a respected intuitive and astrologer. Cullen Baird Smith, trained in anthropology and archaeology, is co-author, with Pia Orleane, of Conversations with Laarkmaa and Remembering Who We Are and co-creator of their revelatory new Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar. Orleane and Smith work with a group of Pleiadian beings known as Laarkmaa. They currently reside in Europe. www.piaorleane.com; www.laarkmaa.com.

© Pia Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith, 2019/21

The Astrological Association

AA LogoThe Astrological Association is a registered charity dedicated to the support and promotion of astrology in all its branches. For over fifty years, it has been serving the astrological community through informing and bringing together astrologers from all over the world, via its stable of publications, its annual Conference, Kepler Research Day and other occasional events, and its support of local astrological groups. It also represents the interests of astrologers generally, responding when appropriate to issues raised within the media. 

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Current Planets
7-Aug-2023, 12:49 UT/GMT
Venus241' 5"r7n04
Saturn517' 7"r11s12
Chiron1952' 0"r9n12
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