Love Horoscope

for Adele Adkins, born on 5 May 1988
EALE 6212.502-9, 28.2.23

Introduction to the Love Horoscope

Rising Sign
Ascendant in Cancer

Sun in Taurus *Sun in the Eleventh House *Sun Square Mars *Sun Conjunct Jupiter *Sun Trine Neptune *Sun Opposition Pluto

Moon in Sagittarius *Moon in the Sixth House *Moon Opposition Venus *Moon Sextile Mars *Moon Conjunct Saturn *Moon Conjunct Uranus

Mercury in Gemini *Mercury in the Twelfth House *Mercury Inconjunct Saturn *Mercury Inconjunct Uranus

Venus in Gemini *Venus in the Twelfth House *Venus Opposition Uranus

Mars in Aquarius *Mars in the Ninth House *Mars Square Jupiter

Jupiter in Taurus *Jupiter in the Eleventh House *Jupiter Trine Neptune *Jupiter Opposition Pluto

Saturn in Capricorn *Saturn in the Sixth House *Saturn Conjunct Uranus *Saturn Opposition Ascendant

Uranus in Capricorn *Uranus in the Sixth House *Uranus Opposition Ascendant

Neptune in Capricorn *Neptune in the Seventh House *Neptune Opposition Ascendant

Pluto in Scorpio *Pluto in the Fifth House *Pluto Trine Ascendant

The Data Page

Introduction to the Love Horoscope

This report presents an overview of your personal expression of love and sexuality according to the positions of the planets by sign, house and aspect for the date, time and place of your birth. The Love Horoscope is divided into eleven sections: one for each planet, including the Sun and Moon, and one for the Rising Sign or Ascendant. Each section begins with an introductory paragraph on the basic meaning of that planet.

The expression of love is of considerable importance to everyone. Few persons are completely consistent or predictable in their feelings toward their own or others' sexuality. You may find that you have contradictory feeling about a sexual situation, either all at once or in rapid succession. This is normal, for one's sexuality and personality are often an amalgam of seemingly incongruous characteristics.

As an astrological outline on this subject, your Love Horoscope also may contain some contradictory statements about your personal sexual awareness. Such statements do not cancel each other out; instead, both statements apply to you, either simultaneously or at different times. Reading your Love Horoscope from this point of view can lead to useful personal insight about areas to which you can direct your energies for enhanced sexual fulfillment and awareness.

Much of the material in this analysis deals with your potential for sexual expression, not necessarily with experiences that you have already had. Discussion in your Love Horoscope is intentionally restricted to different personality styles in the expression of love and does not touch heavily upon specific sexual techniques or methods, as these vary tremendously with experience and conditioning. We hope that by learning more about this vital area of your life, your experiences will be more rewarding.

This horoscope, entitled 'Love Horoscope', is also available under the title of 'Astrotext Love'. Apart from the title, the two horoscopes are identical.

The report was generated with the following birth data: Female, born on 5 May 1988 at 8:19 am in Tottenham, England.

Your sun sign is Taurus. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart. Your Ascendant is in Cancer, and your Moon is in Sagittarius.

Rising Sign

The Ascendant represents how your physical body appears to others, so it is quite important in the discussion of sexuality. The sign on the Ascendant at your birth colors your style of presentation to a lover and the image you project to others, especially at first meeting.

Your image may or may not be consistent with your inner personality. It is important to understand the relationship between these two areas of yourself so that you will be able to tell when others are misinterpreting you because they are judging only by superficial appearances. At times you may want to consciously alter your image to suit your inner intentions or, on the other hand, you may just wish to be aware of the impression that you make so that you can work within it.

Aspects to the Ascendant have a significant effect on your physical energy and timing in sexual and social situations. If there are difficult aspects to the Ascendant, you may have to modify your approach to others in order to become more in tune with them. Reinforcing aspects can provide valuable clues to why you are as successful as you are and what reputation you may have to live up to.

Ascendant in Cancer

For you, probably the most important aspects of a relationship are integrity and security. You do not rush into an affair helter-skelter, and when you do commit yourself to a lover, you expect it to be a lasting relationship. You will persevere through many trials and tribulations in order to make an affair work out, as long as you feel that your partner is equally committed.

If there is any problem with this position, it is oversensitivity, a tendency to take remarks made in jest too seriously. You can overcome this difficulty in part by choosing your lover carefully. Then you should watch your emotional reactions and be discriminating about what you take to heart.

This position makes you a very faithful lover, but in the liberal climate of today, an incident of unfaithfulness will be very traumatic for you. You should avoid being overly possessive in the physical sense; faithfulness belongs more to the heart than to the body. If you can keep this in mind, you can avoid much unnecessary emotional injury.

Physically, what is most meaningful to you in sexuality is love and devotion; sincerity in a partner far outweighs technique. For a truly happy and fulfilling long-term relationship, sex and love must be synonymous.


The Sun represents your basic inner ego energies, and its position in the chart denotes your overall inner direction. Its influence is quite general, referring to your orientation and style of life than to particular physical or mental attributes in love.

Any difficult aspects to the Sun mean that you are under a certain compulsive pressure, the effects of which depend on the nature of the planet aspected. Easy aspects, on the other hand, lend self-assurance, confidence and a feeling that you know where you are going.

Where the emphasis of the Sun by sign and house is different from that of other planets in the chart, there may be a dichotomy of inner direction and mental or social influences. For the most pleasure and reward from sexual expression, you must take into account all these factors, but in the long run the position of the Sun is likely to have a stronger effect.

Thus your eventual path of development will be fundamentally shaped by the position and aspects of the Sun, especially concerning your inner feelings about sex. However, at first your sexual habits and attitudes will probably be determined by the accepted social norms.

Sun in Taurus

You are a meat-and-potatoes person when it comes to loving, possessing both consistency and endurance. For you, love is something to be taken in good-sized portions, with enough left over for a second helping.

You are very good-hearted and generous with your lover and will go to any length to lavish favors on your partner. In return, you expect great loyalty and consistency more than physical generosity, although you do prefer a physically demonstrative partner.

You would do well to choose a lover who is emotionally adaptable, for you are not one to give in very much; when you make up your mind, it stays made up. Two stubborn people make for a contentious relationship.

The ideal partner for you would be someone who enjoys sexual variety, someone who can introduce you to new and exciting forms of lovemaking. You have a great capacity for sexual enjoyment, but it is not your usual style to initiate experiments. You'll be happier if the initiative comes from your partner.

Unlike some others, you seldom fall into the trap of jealousy, for you value your lover's feelings about you more than technical chastity or faithfulness. For this reason, you are one of the most easy-going partners a person could have.

Sun in the Eleventh House

You have a natural desire and ability to turn yourself into an eminently desirable partner for almost anyone you meet. As a result, you will have to carefully weed out many casual acquaintances from among the friends who truly love you.

Socially, you tend to be quite upwardly mobile and quite successful in finding others who live up to your high social standards. This ability can bring you great success and even wealth, but you must be careful not to leave old and faithful friends by the wayside. In the end, it is they who will stand by you and mean the most in your life.

In general you are a good influence on your lovers, causing them to dress better and take better care of themselves than before you became involved with them. This is true also of your environment, which you tend to rearrange and improve.

Since your social life is quite important to you, try to avoid the lone wolf or wallflower type of lover. You're much better off with a partner who likes to be right in the middle of the crowd with you. The more involved you are externally, the more fertile and happy your personal involvements will be, each one stimulating the others and propelling you along an upward spiral.

Sun Square Mars

You may have some difficulty in properly expressing your energies. As a result, they may build up to an uncomfortable level or find release at times or in areas that you have not deliberately chosen.

Pent-up energies can also add fuel to repressed anger and frustration, which may then overflow at inappropriate times or in situations that are not really that important. You will be most comfortable with a lover who understands this problem and can absorb or defuse these energies.

However, you have a unique kind of spontaneity, and you may initiate and enjoy love at unexpected times and places. This can add a great deal of fun to your love life if your partner is willing to make love into an adventure and if you temper your spontaneity with a modicum of wisdom.

As you grow, your abilities and, particularly, your endurance in love will probably increase significantly. You may find that the areas in which you felt insecure in early youth will become strong points with increasing age and experience. This will happen, in part, because of your ability to amass a great amount of energy in order to solve a problem. Also, practice brings perfection, and experience brings confidence in personal relationships and sexuality.

Sun Conjunct Jupiter

You have an expansive nature, and you tend to get involved in any activity, including love, in a big way. Generally you are quite generous, and in a love affair you enjoy showering your lover with gifts.

Naturally, this can become quite expensive if you are not careful. However, you don't need to express your generosity through material gifts that may be beyond your means. It is enough to be generous in your attentions to your lover and in the warmth and breadth of your love.

In the mundane financial aspects of an affair you need a more thrifty partner who can keep you from occasional inappropriate extravagances. Also if you can find someone who will take care of the details of your life together, you will be saved lots of trouble, for your talents are not likely to lie in that direction.

Similarly, you are less fascinated by the details of love than by its overall feeling. Be sure that you do not neglect your lover's specific needs, for you may tend to overlook them. If there is any question about this, simply ask, and then take whatever steps are necessary to correct the oversight. Tell your lover to ask or remind you, if you do overlook some special need.

Sun Trine Neptune

You probably have a good sense of proportion about what can and cannot be achieved in a relationship. Your expectations are usually quite realistic, so that you are not disappointed because of lack of judgment.

You are not usually a very demanding partner and can freely forgive your lover when a situation does not work out as you wanted it to. Also your partner can depend on you, for you are the leader in establishing your mutual goals. The standards and expectations you set are ones that can be reasonably met by both of you, thus leading to success rather than disappointment.

Your partner should be able to provide an extra challenge within the relationship, so that you both can feel that you are really accomplishing something together and that your love is moving in an upward spiral, not merely marking time.

But when difficulties arise or when the affair faces reversals, you are the one who takes it in stride and moves evenly forward. You can put the relationship back into gear for new and more successful efforts together, so at such times you should feel free to take charge.

Sun Opposition Pluto

Your confidence in love may fluctuate greatly. At times you feel quite sure of yourself - even overestimating your luck of ability - and at other times you don't give yourself the credit you deserve, thus crippling your own actions or initiative.

Since you do not always have a clear or accurate view of yourself in such matters, you should rely on a trusted partner's view of what is happening. That will help to even you out and allow you to function on a middle ground instead of at emotional extremes.

Because of this kind of fluctuation, you may feel very strongly about a lover at one time and totally indifferent at other times, with not much in between. You may experience times of exceedingly heightened sexuality, but also you may abandon an affair that has much potential or attribute great depth to a relationship to which your partner is not really committed.

To balance this, your lover should have a fairly even and reliable temperament. He or she should have enough influence over you to keep you from making hasty or rash moves. At the same time your partner can be inspired and uplifted by the heights to which your intense love energy can take you.


The Moon represents, in part, how you react to situations, sexual or otherwise. If this reactive style is consistent with other planetary indications, your behavior will be quite reliable and predictable. If this is not the case, your behavior will be characterized by more variety and sometimes inconsistency.

The Moon has to do with your response to love, which depends on your situation. When you are the one who is initiating activity, this factor is operating less than when you are responding to circumstances. How you feel about a certain sexual experience may depend on whether you or your partner suggested it. Being aware of this can help you to structure your relationships to take advantage of each partner's type of response to suggestions.

Some people consider that the influence of the Moon is more important than the Sun in the charts of women, but that is true only if you consider that a woman should always take the passive or receptive role, which is a somewhat dated notion now. It is better for both men and women to use both the initiative (Sun) and reactive (Moon) centers of their personalities in patterns that will provide the most enjoyment and the best communication.

Moon in Sagittarius

Your most distinctive trait may well be your sense of humor. Even in scenes that would cause others to be downhearted or discouraged, you can find a spark of laughter and mirth that brightens the situation and makes it more enjoyable.

This can be a problem only if it is overdone. People who take life too seriously may not appreciate having their homemade tragedies belittled with humor, so you should find a lover who shares your easygoing and broad approach to life.

Probably you have a very rich fantasy life, which some people might consider overabundant. But you create fantasies for their own sake basically, and you enjoy creating them as much as fulfilling them. Acting out sex fantasies is always desired, but it can be more troublesome than just cooking them up, because the acting-out process tends to get in the way of enjoyment.

In the long run, your style of loving is more in the spirit of a warm, friendly fireplace on a late fall night: merry, comforting, the essence of happy comradeship. Like good wine, your love relationship will grow mellower and fuller with age. The more you partake of it, the more you will treasure it.

Moon in the Sixth House

You are good at creating fantasy structures of love, which an affair must fulfill if it is to come out right for you or be really satisfying. When an affair doesn't proceed according to your expectations, you may be unsure how to respond. Probably the best way to handle this is to prepare a number of scenarios ahead of time and simply switch from one to another as the affair goes on. For this reason, it is not a bad idea to read more about sex in a good modern manual so that you will be prepared for any situation that comes up.

There may be a problem of equality between you and your lover, for you have a certain inclination to either serve or be served by your partner. This can be worked out in carefully arranged bedroom games of dominance, which can be very exciting if you both are up for them. Outside of the bedroom, however, you should strive for equality with your lover as much as possible, for in the long run that will sustain the relationship better.

Once you have gained experience in love, you can be a very considerate and thoughtful lover, who as both teacher and lover can gently initiate a younger person in the ways of love. In that case, it may be difficult for your lover to make the transition from student to equal, but that must happen if you intend to have a long-term relationship. Well played, a Pygmalion affair like this is much to be envied.

Moon Opposition Venus

You may not be inclined to blend emotional and physical love, so that you get involved with a partner who provides one or the other but not both. This can mean that you keep your close friends separate from your lovers, and if a partner must be both, as in a marriage, you may have some long-range difficulties.

This problem may stem in part from social attitudes that you learned as a child, in which sex was separate from "real" love. That sort of belief is a holdover from our Puritan past, when sex was considered a necessary evil, not to be confused with pure love and affection. A good way to get over the problems that result from such attitudes is to give yourself a good education in modern sexual mores. The many available sex manuals and therapy programs can go a long way to alleviate the problems that may come up.

In the bedroom you can indulge in some role-playing in which your partner is cloaked as a stranger, which can heighten lovemaking. Various scenarios of this type may provide some exciting experiences in loving, bringing you and your partner closer, both emotionally and sexually.

By looking at sex as an exciting journey of exploration with a friend, you both will derive maximum enjoyment from the experience.

Moon Sextile Mars

More than most people, you can maintain an even flow of emotional energy. Because of this, you will not burn yourself out in the initial excitement of an affair, but will make it last and explore its possibilities more fully. This is just one outcome of your basic ability to react to life with strength but moderation.

In lovemaking you can pace yourself in response to your partner's energies without getting out of sync or pushing your partner faster than pleasure dictates. Instead, you can hit a perfect stride, so that both of you get the most out of the experience.

However, you are probably happiest with a fairly active lover who encourages you to use up all your available energy without any left over at the end of an experience, for that could be frustrating for you. The more you exercise, the better you will become, and without practice, your abilities and enjoyment of lovemaking will diminish.

As long as you have enough outlets for your energies, you will have an active and rewarding love life. If you feel that your partner is cramping your style, you both should make some adjustments, or you should find a new and more compatible partner.

Moon Conjunct Saturn

You tend to have a rather cautious view of love and will not rush into a relationship without giving it a good deal of thought beforehand. This approach will certainly help you avoid some unwise affairs, but it may also cause you to drag your feet and lose an impatient lover who cannot wait for you to make up your mind.

Once you make a decision, however, you usually stick to it to the end, so you are the most loyal of partners once you have committed yourself to a relationship. However, you demand equal commitment and loyalty from your lover, insisting that your partner conform to the letter of the law in this respect.

In lovemaking, you tend to be conservative, valuing tenderness and communication over technique. You will be most compatible with a lover whose views are similar rather than someone who always wants to experiment. However, a lover with a lively imagination could help you by instigating change and variety when things slow down.

Before passing judgment on yourself or your lover, wait to see how the situation develops - very often it will come out better than you expect. Try not to be so critical, but at the same time maintain your high standards.

Moon Conjunct Uranus

Probably your friends consider you a bundle of surprises, for you have a way of doing the unexpected in most situations. You have a unique style of thought, especially in your emotional response to others and in your way of modifying the suggestions of those around you.

You will be most compatible with someone who has a similar flair for the unusual or who appreciates this talent in you. If that is the case, you can feel free to explore all the nooks and crannies of your imagination without fear of offending or confusing your lover.

You tend to change your mind rather suddenly and completely. When that seems appropriate to others, they admire your decisiveness, but when it does not, you may be considered inconsistent or flighty. For handling everyday affairs, you need a steady, reliable partner who is not so changeable, so that the duller necessities of life can get done without interruption.

You have a real talent for inventive experimentation in love, and you should feel free to follow your imagination as far as your body will allow. This can make sexuality very creative, but keep an eye on your lover to make sure that you aren't going too far or too fast for mutual enjoyment. Your partner has the extra responsibility of following your lead and learning from your example.


The position of Mercury in your chart describes your mental style and inclinations. Since the stimulation for sexual expression is related to your attitudes and fantasies, Mercury is quite important in the discussion of sexuality. Depending on how you use imagination in the service of love, you may create a rich set of experiences or, on the other hand, you may inhibit your expression of love.

It is important to remember that the body cannot always go where the mind suggests. Some forms of sexual expression that seem exciting or enjoyable beforehand may be less interesting or even impossible in actual practice. But it is quite possible to enjoy those experiences in imagination, leaving the more practical forms of expression for real life. Your ability to do this successfully depends on how consistent the position of Mercury is with that of the other planets in your chart.

Mercury is basically an asexual planet and thus it is not a major indicator of your actual sexual expression or desires. Instead, it describes what you think about and the embellishments you dream up to add subtlety and variety to your sexual experience. To that extent, Mercury can have a powerful enriching effect, even though it is not a strong internal motivating factor, except through curiosity.

Mercury in Gemini

You have a distinct ability to express your sexual needs and desires verbally, and you are happiest with a lover who can express love on a mental as well as a physical plane. You can learn to use words with great erotic impact, and the better your love vocabulary, the more expressive your lovemaking will be.

This ability can be useful in simple courting as well as in making love, when your verbal expressiveness will greatly enhance the experience. Indeed, you and your partner will derive much pleasure from erotic conversations or discussions. Even a phone call at the appropriate time can be turned into a love affair.

You may also enjoy discussing lovemaking with your lover both before and afterward, affectionately going over every detail and exchanging ideas about what each of you enjoys most. Fantasies are also a fertile topic, and your prolific imagination can dream up many scenarios that are impractical or impossible in reality but that are great fun to talk about.

Reading about sex will further enrich your fantasy life and give you new paths to explore. By developing and trying out a variety of sexual techniques, you can have a fuller love life and greater communication with your lover.

Mercury in the Twelfth House

You may find it somewhat difficult to clearly express your emotions or intentions to your lover in words; the right phrase often occurs to you only when the appropriate time has passed. Therefore, you do better if you communicate in more physical ways - using body language, touch, facial expressions, even gifts. For that reason, you need a partner who does not need to have everything spelled out to understand what you are trying to get across. To a sensitive lover, a meaningful glance is worth a paragraph.

You tend to be fairly closemouthed about exactly what goes on in your relationships, and you consider inquiries into your love life as an invasion of privacy. Not everyone will respect your privacy, but rather than offend an innocently prying friend, you should tell a few white lies. Usually that will end the questioning, leaving you even more an object of mystery.

Even though you aren't particularly verbal, you are drawn toward probing the deepest and most mysterious aspects of your own relationships and of human relationships in general. In this area, you need to explore various experiences at first hand; advice from other explorers of the subconscious can serve only as a guide. Experience, both good and bad, is your best teacher.

Mercury Inconjunct Saturn

You should resist the temptation to criticize your partner in matters of love, particularly sex. Your lover may indeed deserve the criticism and need to make improvement, which you could suggest, but negative criticism in love almost never has its intended effect. Instead, it tends to kill the affection that brought the two of you together in the first place.

Thus, if you see room for improvement in your relationship, approach the subject positively, making creative suggestions for new experiments in order to improve what you have already achieved in the affair. In this way you can gradually work your lover out of bad habits and into good ones without risking hurt feelings or alienation, which criticism sometimes causes.

You should take a similar approach to yourself, for you tend to be too self-critical. If you feel you have done something wrong or have mishandled a situation, relax and start all over again without self-recrimination. With more self-confidence, you will do better, and you can take advantage of your mistakes instead of letting them weigh you down and inhibit your future performance.

Mercury Inconjunct Uranus

Your imagination in love, as well as in many other areas, is almost limitless, but it may be hampered by your disinclination to refine the ideas and fantasies you dream up. Your desire to come up with original and innovative ideas may cause you to miss the substance of those that you have already devised.

Because of this trait, you will be happiest with a lover who is less original but who enjoys working out the details of your ideas with you. Such a lover will enrich your love experience immeasurably and allow you to truly enjoy the fruits of your own imagination.

If there is any lesson to be learned, it is that newness in love is not necessarily good in itself, but it is valuable if it furthers communication and growth of affection between you. Indeed, too much innovation can be so distracting that it slows down the growth of a relationship. It may be wise to slow down and go back over your past innovations, savoring them in depth before moving on. In this way you will bring depth and meaning to your undoubtedly wide variety of love experience.


The position and aspects of Venus have a direct effect on your physical and emotional desires in a receptive or passive sense. If the position of Venus is not consistent with other planets in the chart, your physical or emotional desires may be quite unrelated to your long-term inner goals or direction. For example, close friendship with a lover may be important to you as a goal, but it may not figure at all in your concern with immediate physical gratification, and vice versa.

Venus represents the basic nature of your love desires, and it is quite important to satisfy them if you are to gain consistent reward from sexual expression. You should make a place for these desires even if they do not fit neatly into the pattern of an established relationship or your inherited code of moral ethics. A relationship that does not fulfill the partners' basic physical needs will almost certainly flounder, no matter how much effort is spent on keeping it going. And while it does last, such a situation will cause only frustration and resentment, perhaps unspoken.

Venus in Gemini

You enjoy delicacy and finesse in love, and you treasure the touch of an experienced and thoughtful lover. Your greatest pleasure may come from gentle, sensuous tickling and stroking, which may even become a satisfactory substitute for sex now and then. The softer and more ethereal the physical quality of love, the more you respond to it.

However, you also appreciate being told how much you are loved, and the more verbal your partner is, the better, both in everyday interchange and in lovemaking. Not everyone can express loving feelings so fluently, however, so do not feel rejected if your lover is not verbally affectionate. Instead, look for other ways in which he or she transmits affection and learn to reply in kind. Similarly, do not take too seriously an ill-chosen word from your lover, for you are likely to read into it much more than was intended.

You feel that a good relationship is based on sincerity and good will, but your lover's physical skill is also a very important factor. You respond most to considerable variety in love, and you need a partner who can deliver it. Love at its best is a happy, sometimes complicated game of constantly changing stimuli, but underlying it is a much simpler emotional base of mutual friendship and companionship.

Venus in the Twelfth House

At times you may find it difficult to decide exactly what you want out of a relationship, or you may find out what you would really have enjoyed only after the affair is over. This can be the result of choosing a lover too hastily, so the more consideration you give to this, the better.

For this reason, it is a good idea to prolong your courtship in order to find out what each partner wants and expects before making a commitment. Although you take longer to make a final definition of a relationship, a gradual, in-depth approach can result in an affair that is deeper, firmer and better founded than most, with more self-understanding.

You appreciate a lover who doesn't discuss your personal life with others; in fact, you are quite attracted to the idea of carrying on an affair in secret. This can be an enjoyable amusement, but avoid becoming involved with a lover with whom you can't have a lasting open relationship. Taking a secret tryst too seriously is a sure road to heartbreak.

If you desire the sweetness of suffering that love can produce, you should play out this scenario actively in the bedroom. If you express this need through unwitting self-denial, neither of your will grow and learn from the experience.

Venus Opposition Uranus

Your desire, although strong, may be an off-and-on phenomenon, so that you are quite attracted to a given partner, then utterly cold in swift succession. This can lead to a relationship with many ups and downs, or it can result in a series of quick but intense affairs.

In the first case, the more latitude and space there is in the relationship the better, so that both you and your lover can be free and unfettered by jealousy when the flame is not burning hot.

In the second case, you may choose partners who are radically different from you in age, appearance or culture, which adds to the excitement of the affair. Your personal life can be very educational, providing you with contacts and connections that will serve you well in many other areas of your life.

In either case, you will doubtless be known as a person of unusual and distinctive tastes, and you will be happier in less conservative circles, where such attributes are admired and not feared. It is quite important not to hold down your fancy or try to make it conform to any other standards than your own. Your inclinations are unique to you, and you should not hesitate to exercise the freedom of creativity that can be yours.


The position and aspects of Mars have to do with the style of your sexual drives in an assertive, active sense. It is important to take these drives into account, especially if they are not always consistent with your intellectual estimate of them. If Mars is in easy aspect and well positioned, your energies may be quite consistent and even overabundant. But if its position is more difficult, you may have to readjust your expectations to be more in line with the type and rhythm of your sexual energy.

Almost everyone has plenty of sexual energy for a full and rewarding sex life, but this energy should not be used casually or wasted. Like any other source of energy, it should be conserved and used intelligently to avoid unnecessary shortages and to produce the most pleasure.

If you can learn to be aware of the style and timing of your internal sexual energy, you can more easily attune yourself to your partner's style and assert yourself effectively when you choose to.

Mars in Aquarius

Your style of expression is multifaceted, and you focus on exploring a number of forms of fulfillment rather than developing one particular area.

You may be tempted to play the field to find maximum opportunities to extend your range of expression. This can be rewarding, but it can result in a lack of communication and a certain sexual dilettantism. Ideally, you should find a partner who wants to be as wide-ranging as you are, combining variety with truly satisfying intimacy. This should not preclude the possibility of having others share your mutual enjoyment, but one steady partner will provide the fairly regular expression you need and the real closeness that only a long-range relationship can provide.

You go out of your way to discover and fulfill all your lover's fantasies, which makes you a particularly desirable partner. But be sure to avoid jealous lovers, for you must remain free to express your personality, even if you do not choose to exercise that freedom.

When you try out new varieties of sexual expression, however, you should define each sexual vignette quite carefully, so that it can be carried out fully and not devolve into confusion.

Mars in the Ninth House

You may have developed a rather externalized approach to sexuality in which you decide on your moves and expectations ahead of time; then physical fulfillment depends upon each partner properly playing a predetermined role. This is one of the surest roads to sexual satisfaction if both you and your partner understand each other's expectations beforehand. If you share the same general concept of how sexuality should be externally expressed, then you have much ready-made enjoyment in store.

However, you may find that much-played roles become less interesting after a while, and then you both should decide upon a new direction before launching into it. In this way you can find endless adventures in the realm of sexuality, limited only by the creativity and imagination you put into it.

You may become a connoisseur of special sexual roles, developing a number of fairly well-defined relationships through which you can express myriad forms of sexual communication. It is a kind of sexual adventurism in which you retain control of what is going on so that you have both variety and the security to express yourself freely.

Mars Square Jupiter

Before engaging in sexual experimentation, you should make sure that what you are planning is both enjoyable and physically possible. At times you may overestimate your capabilities or appetite and get into situations that are not as pleasurable as you had anticipated.

Sometimes you simply misjudge your abilities, but also you may overdo some new aspect of sex until its pleasure value is worn out. It is a good idea to rely on your lover for cues about when to stop and start, for variety and stimulation.

Naturally, if you pay attention to your lover's rhythms and needs, this will not be a problem at all. For this reason, you tend to have better and deeper sexual experiences with a partner you know and love than in a new affair, when you must rely on instant judgment. The more you develop the physical aspects of a relationship, the more satisfying it will become, and the more newness and variety it will pleasurably sustain.

When you are in doubt about trying something new, you should rely on your lover's judgment. In that way you can avoid much unprofitable experimentation, and your experience in loving will have the most positive reinforcement.


Jupiter represents your positive and actively creative attitudes toward sexuality as well as life in general. Its position and aspects reflect the ease or difficulty of your expression of these attitudes.

Easy aspects of Jupiter indicate an even flow of creativity; you can be active without going past the limits of enjoyment. With more difficult aspects, you may go to extremes or overdo some aspect of sexuality. If this is the case, you should be aware of it so that you can have some external control over this tendency. That will help you see more realistically the difference between true enjoyment and too much of a good thing.

No matter what its position, Jupiter encourages activity and creative change in the areas governed by the aspected planets and the affairs governed by its sign and house. It is helpful to know exactly what these areas are, because you may not have had the opportunity to explore them and you may wish to direct your energies accordingly. This is especially likely when Jupiter falls in quite a different category than the rest of the planets in the chart, indicating much unexplored territory that can provide considerable pleasure if given some extra attention.

Jupiter in Taurus

A new love affair usually inspires you to great generosity. You see love as ideal when it is surrounded by unlimited bounty and fruitfulness.

You are not likely to enter a new relationship hastily, and once you are involved, you will do everything in your power to make the affair rich and perfect in every detail. The keyword for new love is abundance; you try to provide every chance for a full and tender relationship to blossom.

This can be true physically, also, for you savor every special touch of your lover. You communicate not by words alone but by body language and by the mutual, quiet understanding that this closeness brings.

At times you may need to be a bit more verbal in making your feelings known to your lover, particularly a new love who is not yet totally in tune with you. A few thoughtful words or questions can eliminate any awkward or uncomfortable moments stemming from unfamiliarity. Such foresight can bring you closer intimacy and greater communication in a shorter period of time.

In its most precious moments, love is an intuitive communion that leads you both to new heights by the instinctive movements and age-old choreographies that lie locked within the human body.

Jupiter in the Eleventh House

You enjoy mixing with well-thought-of people and leader types; indeed you are, or strive to be, a leader yourself. You are not emotionally self-motivated, but take your inspiration from moving among others of talent and achievement.

Similarly, you want a lover who matches your desired image of beauty and creativity. Probably you ignore or overlook some diamonds in the rough, preferring the more polished gems. This may be just as well, for you are not inclined to put much effort into developing your lover's personality. Such energies are better spent on your own personal growth and striving toward excellence.

It is more likely that you will benefit from your partner's position and skills, rather than the other way around. You will do well to listen to your lover's advice, particularly in matters of image improvement, because in that area, feedback must come from outside yourself.

You may not be particularly verbal or outgoing, but when necessary you can give that appearance at a social gathering. Be careful not to do this too much, however, for you might attract incompatible partners who have misinterpreted your image. It is best just to let your light shine, even if quietly, for the people whose companionship you most enjoy will pick up on it without extra effort on your part.

Jupiter Trine Neptune

You tend to become involved in relationships that have strong spiritual overtones and are not based merely on physical attraction, although that may be important too. Indeed, you may be quite sexually experimental, but the solidity of the relationship is guaranteed by the stronger but less obvious spiritual bond between you and your partner.

This bond makes communication at any level much easier and helps you avoid the kind of misunderstandings that can be damaging to a relationship, especially concerning sexual experimentation. The basic trust between you allows you both to make mistakes without recrimination, thus keeping the relationship from being harmed.

Although you may express your love for each other verbally, underlying the words is an unspoken communication that makes your verbal expression more enjoyable for being unnecessary. Words become the playthings of love rather than critical vehicles that can make or break the relationship.

In any case, you are always attracted to lovers who are also friends; in fact it would be hard to prevent that from happening. And the friendship will live on, even if you both move on to other partners.

Jupiter Opposition Pluto

From time to time you may have a strong urge to rearrange everything in a relationship or to throw it away altogether and look for something entirely new and more meaningful.

In part this trait may stem from an inability or unwillingness to deal with problems in a relationship as they arise, until they pile up so high that they demand a solution. If you are aware of this problem, you can solve it by finding out what's wrong periodically and making adjustments right away. Or you may be fortunate enough to have a lover who will make the observation and goad you into making the necessary changes.

However, if an affair has gotten to the point of needing large-scale repairs, there is nothing to be done but go ahead with it. Very often the easiest solution for both of you is to end the relationship. In that case, you should think carefully about what led up to that state of affairs so that you will not repeat the same mistakes in another situation.

If your partner has a similar style, however, your affair can survive and even benefit from great upheavals. A relationship can lie dormant for many years, then suddenly rise up like a phoenix, transformed into a new form. But don't count on that, for then you won't be disappointed.


Saturn represents sexual conservatism and, in general, inhibition. Its effects can range from healthy common sense that keeps you out of difficulties to severe repression or prudery.

Difficult aspects of Saturn usually lend a negative or self-repressive attitude toward sex in the area governed by the aspected planet or by the sign and house that Saturn is in. This effect is most likely to occur early in life before you make a real attempt to overcome these tendencies.

In easy aspect, Saturn makes for great perseverance and consistency in love, as well as a sense of honesty and honor in the friendship that is part of a long-range love affair. Easy aspects of Saturn mean sexual security, successful habits and the courage to try new directions. Difficult aspects have the opposite effect, making you feel insecure about your current mode of expression but afraid to replace it with something new.

In the long run, Saturn builds courage and character, either through the confirmation of success or through the struggle to overcome emotional difficulties, which are at last conquered. Saturn casts a rather serious light on whatever it touches, but it also lends considerable intensity.

Saturn in Capricorn

You handle your life in a steady, practical way, and you seldom let problems upset you too much. Instead, you methodically work to clear them up forthwith.

Indeed, your ability to plan ahead helps you avoid many of the major obstacles in a relationship, because in building it you are careful to steer clear of such dangers. For this reason you can sustain a partner who is less stable than you. In fact such a lover is a stimulating challenge, for you enjoy serving as a bulwark to your lover in times of difficulty. Such a role can be a creative outlet for your talents as a friend and lover.

You have enough patience to take the good with the bad and to create a workable long-term affair. You do not rush into an affair headlong just for involvement, preferring to wait for a partner with whom you can have a full and rewarding relationship.

With the help of your lover, you should try to overcome your innate conservatism now and then, for that will bring added spark and excitement into the relationship.

Saturn in the Sixth House

You may have an innate desire to play the game of love by "the rules," so you are somewhat at a loss when a lover doesn't follow the pattern you are accustomed to.

Trying the anything-goes philosophy is not the right answer for you, for that would create a great deal of mental confusion about where you stand with your lover.

You should develop a complex and varied set of patterns in lovemaking so that you always have a reference point and can't get lost. By so doing, you can become an extremely skilled and sensitive lover, whom your partner can rely on for direction if the situation becomes confused. It takes a good deal of effort to learn and educate yourself to the myriad possibilities in lovemaking. Fortunately, there is now an abundance of literature on this subject, so you do not have to rely only on your own experience. But at the same time, only personal involvement can give you confidence in using the knowledge you have gained.

You will do well with a lover who has a healthy amount of sexual curiosity and a deep desire for fulfillment, who will support and encourage you in finding complete gratification.

Saturn Conjunct Uranus

You treat the subtle details of love with particular care and skill, and you do not need a great deal of variety to keep love fresh and full of new discoveries. For you, slight variations hold a wealth of pleasure possibilities that can last you a long time.

You may be able to discover some especially pleasing styles and delicate techniques that your lover may not have been aware of before, since you have devised them yourself. Such discoveries are not made in a flash, however, but developed through careful, sensitive observation of your lover's responses over a long time.

Indeed, you might explore sexuality with an almost scientific method, so that your knowledge is thorough and precise. In that way you can move with confidence, knowing the exact effect that your actions will have. This approach will be more successful if you stay with one partner. People's responses are so varied that it is difficult to establish a reliable set of standards for more than one partner. In a long-tern affair, however, you have the time to explore every possible pathway to pleasure at your leisure.

Saturn Opposition Ascendant

You may be attracted to partners who restrict you in some way or who are or appear older than you. Although this may limit your sexual possibilities, in some instances, in others it will stabilize you, if your partner can provide effective guidelines as to what will be most pleasurable in the long run.

However, there may be barriers of communication between you, stemming from a certain coldness and unwillingness on your lover's part to communicate openly. In part this problem may be of your own making because you have chosen such a person in the first place.

In some ways, it would be better to remain unattached than to lock yourself into an unsatisfactory relationship. You may find it more convenient and more rewarding to take lovers, not limiting yourself to a permanent partner until the right person comes along.

Once the right partner does come into your life, however, you will stick to that partner like glue. When you understand the scarcity of truly compatible people in this world, you will value your lover twice as much. For that reason, you will allow such a partnership to limit your lifestyle a bit if necessary, because the knowledge and certainty of a continuously satisfying relationship will be worth it.


Uranus represents the principles of discovery that lie within us all, and in sexual expression it represents the quest for new and different styles of sexuality.

Uranus is rather sudden and forceful in nature, and the discoveries it brings tend to strike like lightning, particularly when it is in difficult aspect. The areas it touches will be characterized by upheaval and change. If the aspect is difficult, the changes will be upsetting; with easy aspects, the changes will bring freshness and stimulation.

The sign that Uranus is in has much to do with the attitude of everyone in your age group toward sexual exploration, since Uranus remains in each sign for a period of seven years. Depending on the aspects of Uranus in your chart, you may either accept or reject these generational attitudes. If your attitude toward sexuality differs in some way from the accepted norm, you should consider it not as a problem but as an opportunity to explore and enjoy realms of sexual expression that aren't available to your peers.

The motive behind the Uranus effects is to discover the absolute truth about sexuality, which may be found right in your own backyard, or after an endless search or never found at all.

Uranus in Capricorn

You will find unusual rewards in pursuing love in the face of adversity. Difficult circumstances may even favor the development of a love affair. For you, love is not something to be given or taken lightly, and once you make a commitment, you defend it, so its value grows proportionately.

Naturally, if your judgment is poor, you may defend a lost cause to the death. You should not let your peers pressure you to hang onto a relationship that you honestly believe has no real future. There is a proper time to abandon a sinking ship, even if you are the captain.

In the other hand, if your partner is in your age group, he or she is likely to be similarly determined, and the two of you will treasure your relationship more if you have spent a lot of effort in ironing out the difficulties.

An easy, unchallenging relationship may be rather boring, but don't trouble calm waters just to keep your interest up. In time, circumstances will provide plenty of challenges. Later you will treasure the quiet times in your relationship. Think of these times as moments when you can enjoy the fruits of your efforts and prepare for further growth ahead.

Uranus in the Sixth House

You are most creative in teaching and in learning the arts of love and in devising particularly enjoyable methods of pleasing your lover. You will want a partner who can return the favor and who will learn some subtle techniques to provide you with fulfillment.

Your specific tastes may change quite sharply and suddenly from time to time, so you need a lover who is sensitive enough to follow along quickly. Do not hesitate to express your needs verbally, for that will make your mutual adjustment much easier.

In spite of changes in your sexual needs or approach, your external life should not reflect the vicissitudes of the bedroom. Often you may be playing quite different roles in the different areas of your life. If you can keep the roles separate, this duality will lead to greater growth and personal understanding for both you and your partner.

Your view of physical sexuality is quite realistic and not overly intellectual. You gravitate toward fantasy fulfillment that has a real physical basis in pleasure, not drifting off to more abstract eroticism that appeals primarily to the imagination.

Uranus Opposition Ascendant

You may be particularly attracted to partners who are somewhat unusual, either physically or intellectually. Thus you may find yourself in a relationship with a lover who is quite different from you in stature, attitude, social upbringing or behavior.

Learning to share intimately with someone who is very original can provide a particularly enjoyable and broadening experience; indeed, your partner may serve as a real source of learning and inspiration. To a certain extent, this unusual quality will rub off on you as well as on your other friends, who will enjoy the company of you both.

However, your partnerships may form and dissolve rather swiftly, so you should not be overly possessive nor become involved with someone who is very possessive. If you do, you will both suffer emotionally in the long run.

Your usual reason for splitting up suddenly is that you discover that you have nothing left to learn from your lover and that the relationship is no longer causing creative changes. When you do settle down with one person, it will be because you have found someone who changes as much as you do, so that you can keep the process going indefinitely.


The position of Neptune reflects your inner ideals and expectations of sexuality. These can be either confining or fulfilling, depending on the aspects involved and your willingness to deal with these matters.

The greatest problem that Neptune brings, especially when it is in difficult aspect, is that of expectations that are so high and unrealistic that they cannot be fulfilled, thus leading to disappointment. In easy aspect, however, Neptune brings strong personal reinforcement and security through continuing success and achievement, which can lend much to a happy love relationship.

You share the sign that Neptune is in with everyone in your age group, since Neptune remains in a sign for almost fourteen years. The sign represents the ideals and romantic ideas about love that are held by your generation. Those ideals may not be totally realistic, however, and they apply differently to each individual. Each person must come to an understanding of how much of the generational sexual mythology is acceptable and workable and how much is unrealistic or overdemanding. In the long run these tendencies are regulated by experiences more than by conscious effort.

Neptune in Capricorn

In general, your contemporaries have a rather negative view of love and personal involvement, a certain expectation that disappointment and loss are necessarily involved in any commitment.

Naturally, that does not have to be the case, but it is certainly more likely if you go into an affair with a defeatist attitude. Love can certainly restrict your personal freedom in certain respects, particularly a permanent relationship. However, that restriction should be taken on joyfully and willingly, not as a sacrifice that will be regretted later.

You may find that your attitude toward love is quite different from this negative approach. In that case, you should follow your own direction and take on love without hesitation or worry that it will somehow turn out badly. However the affair proceeds, it does not happen because of the nature of love itself but because of the problems and joys you and your lover develop on your own.

You should thoroughly investigate your peers' preconceptions about love and sex, for they certainly color and perhaps distort your own attitude. If you understand this, you can be true to yourself and can develop relationships in your own w, unhindered by others' prejudices.

Neptune in the Seventh House

You tend to idealize your lover, which makes you an ideal partner in the classically romantic fashion. A strong and satisfying partnership is very important to you, and your standards of what is desirable in an affair are rather high.

To a certain extent, you should modify your expectations with patience and understanding, for no lover can measure up to your standards in every category, no matter how hard he or she tries. If you expect too much, you will be disappointed and may even break off a relationship that could become very rewarding.

The fact is, nobody's perfect. But you can find more reward in gently changing a lover to fit your desires than in making love an all-or-nothing proposal. Indeed, in time your needs will change to more closely fit your partner's abilities. With that kind of give and take, the relationship will grow increasingly more ideal.

Your love relationships will always be a source of motivation for you, and as a result they will be more carefully wrought and attended to than most. Others will look up to you as someone who is especially blessed and successful in love.

Neptune Opposition Ascendant

You may tend to idealize your partner to the point that he or she is more a concept than a real person. You may heap praise and adulation on your lover, which can be very flattering, but it can lead to great difficulties later if your lover fails to live up to your high expectations. At that point you both may be in for an unpleasant and rude awakening.

You may be the victim of a similar tendency, for you gravitate toward partners who are as idealistic as you are, who may mentally frost over your character and come up with an image of you that is not very realistic.

Getting down to brass tacks is an important part of any successful relationship, so that you can get to know each other for what you really are, instead of creating shadow images of each other based on what you would like to see. This doesn't mean that you must settle for less than you would like but that you must be aware of what you and your partner are working with. Then you can work concretely to build the relationship into the shape that you both will enjoy. The only effective road to reaching your ideals is through first recognizing reality.


The position and aspects of Pluto have to do with the deep underlying motives and fears that propel you toward inner transformation and force you to come to terms with the basic issues of life and death.

On a more mundane level, Pluto governs the power motive in sexuality, the impetus for one partner, perhaps because of personal insecurity, to dominate the other. Difficult aspects of Pluto can cause serious problems in a relationship by preventing real intimacy through an irrational fear of personal invasion. Easy aspects, on the other hand, create a fundamental inner faith and security that will stand up in the face of repeated difficulties or even defeat. It can give sexuality an almost religious quality that is elevating and transforming.

You share the sign that Pluto is in with an entire generation, for it is in the same sign for at least twenty years. The sign reflects the sexual issues that each generation works to transform in order to make sexuality relevant on an individual basis.

The house position of Pluto indicates the areas in which you seek power and have a positive reforming effect on others, including your lover.

Pluto in Scorpio

You may find that your generation puts a premium on intensity in a relationship. Love, like other aspects of life, is considered an all-or-nothing proposal. If this is in line with your personal style, you will feel catapulted along by the times you live in. Your love relationships will be both very stressful and very rewarding, often at the same time.

However, if you are more easygoing, then you may find that your partners expect more energy and conflict in a relationship than you want or can deliver. In that case, you should look for a lover whose temperament is similar, even though you may be attracted to those who are very different from you. In the long run, you will be happiest with someone who keeps your pace and does not run you ragged emotionally, even though that may seem like the most exciting direction.

No matter what kind of relationship you are in, however, the level of intensity will be heightened just by the attitudes and expectations of those around you. If this is not your preference, it might be better to postpone a permanent relationship. Those in the next generation, about ten years younger than you, will approach love in a radically different and much simpler way. That style may be more to your liking.

Pluto in the Fifth House

The physical expression of sexuality may be very important to you and quite intense, but you may not be able to find a regular outlet for sexuality. Because of this problem, internal pressures may build so much that when you do find an opportunity for release the experience may be overwhelming from your partner's point of view.

Try not to pressure your lover into any sexual situation for which he or she feels unready. If you do, you might get your way at the time, but you run the risk of ruining the relationship by denying your lover necessary breathing room.

When you do find the opportunity for sexual expression, you will be happiest with a lover who can share the depth and intensity of the experience as much as you do. Such a partner will suit you much better than a lower-keyed person who is not able to fully participate in or understand your intensity.

Carefully matching your rhythms with your partner's is quite important; in this way your pressure-building and release will more or less coincide, and neither of you will feel the frustration of being out of sync.

Pluto Trine Ascendant

Probably you have a deep inner confidence and pride in your body, which makes you an excellent, consistent lover, whether or not you fit the popular social image of one. In sexual expression it is inner strength, rather than physical appearance, which you have plenty of, that determines your impact.

To this extent, you can help a lover who is less aware of bodily pleasures, who has not learned how lucky the soul is to have a body to enjoy. You can reassure a shaky or hesitant partner who may be uncomfortable with the externals of sexuality and thus be inhibited or have more serious problems.

In a way, such a partner would be very good for you by reminding you of the great variety of assumptions and attitudes that people have about the body. You tend to take your physical being on faith with few questions, which means that intellectually you could learn something about this subject, at least so you can communicate with others better.

This does not mean that you will never have any sexual problems. However, they will not be inner or basic problems, but ones that are caused and resolved by circumstances. Your mental relationship to your body is all right as it is.

Astrological Data used for Love Horoscope
for Adele Adkins (female)
born on 5 May 1988 local time: 8:19 am
in Tottenham, ENG (UK) U.T.: 07:19
0w04, 51n35 sid. time: 22:12:16

Planetary positions
planet sign degree motion
Sun Taurus 15°00'42 in house 11 direct
Moon Sagittarius 26°13'36 in house 6 direct
Mercury Gemini 0°53'31 in house 12 direct
Venus Gemini 25°21'03 in house 12 direct
Mars Aquarius 18°56'28 in house 9 direct
Jupiter Taurus 13°14'13 in house 11 direct
Saturn Capricorn 2°04'59 in house 6 retrograde
Uranus Capricorn 0°39'52 in house 6 retrograde
Neptune Capricorn 10°02'37 in house 7 retrograde
Pluto Scorpio 11°05'01 in house 5 retrograde
True Node Pisces 21°37'26 in house 10 retrograde

House positions (Placidus)
Ascendant Cancer 5°30'52
2nd House Cancer 21°26'56
3rd House Leo 8°44'19
Imum Coeli Virgo 1°01'20
5th House Libra 4°05'04
6th House Scorpio 21°50'40
Descendant Capricorn 5°30'52
8th House Capricorn 21°26'56
9th House Aquarius 8°44'19
Medium Coeli Pisces 1°01'20
11th House Aries 4°05'04
12th House Taurus 21°50'40

Major aspects
Sun Square Mars 3°56
Sun Conjunction Jupiter 1°46
Sun Trine Neptune 4°58
Sun Opposition Pluto 3°56
Moon Opposition Venus 0°53
Moon Sextile Mars 7°17
Moon Conjunction Saturn 5°51
Moon Conjunction Uranus 4°26
Mercury Quincunx Saturn 1°11
Mercury Quincunx Uranus 0°14
Venus Opposition Uranus 5°19
Mars Square Jupiter 5°42
Jupiter Trine Neptune 3°12
Jupiter Opposition Pluto 2°09
Saturn Conjunction Uranus 1°25
Saturn Opposition Ascendant 3°26
Uranus Opposition Ascendant 4°51
Neptune Sextile Pluto 1°02
Neptune Opposition Ascendant 4°32
Pluto Trine Ascendant 5°34
Numbers indicate orb (deviation from the exact aspect angle).