Personal Portrait

for Adele Adkins, born on 5 May 1988
EAPE 6212.502-8, 28.2.23

Sun - Moon Polarity * Sun in Taurus, Moon in Sagittarius

The Ascendant and the First House * Overall psychological attributes and general course of life * Ascendant in Cancer, Moon in the Sixth House * Moon Ruling the First House

The Second House * Material acquisitions and general health * Moon Ruling the Second House

The Third House * Intellectual characteristics... * Education - applied mentation - mobility * Sun Ruling the Third House

The Fourth House * Domestic environment - family influences... * Inner Sanctorum * Mercury Ruling the Fourth House

The Fifth House * Emotional nature and pleasure seeking activities * Pluto in the Fifth House * Pluto Trine Ascendant

The Sixth House * Health - Industrial Environment Limitations * Moon in the Sixth House * Moon Opposition Venus * Moon Sextile Mars * Moon Conjunct Saturn * Moon Conjunct Uranus * Saturn in the Sixth House * Saturn Conjunct Uranus * Saturn Opposition Ascendant * Uranus in the Sixth House * Uranus Opposition Ascendant

The Seventh House * Ego relations with the social environment... * Marriage - other associations * Neptune in the Seventh House * Neptune Opposition Ascendant

The Eighth House * Effects of more subtle influences in your life... * Material possesions of your partner, or associates * Saturn Ruling the Eighth House

The Ninth House * Your higher mental outlook - possible attitude to religion... * Nature of your own distinct philosophy of life * Mars in the Ninth House * Mars Square Jupiter

The Tenth House * Professional and/or public life * Influences concerning your position in society * Neptune Ruling the Tenth House

The Eleventh House * Human relationships that pertain to non-material goals * Friendships - possibilities of the luck element entering in your life * Sun in the Eleventh House * Sun Square Mars * Sun Conjunct Jupiter * Sun Trine Neptune * Sun Opposition Pluto * Jupiter in the Eleventh House * Jupiter Trine Neptune * Jupiter Opposition Pluto

The Twelfth House * The hidden side of your personality * Subconscious and semi-conscious influences * Possible negative psychological load * Mercury in the Twelfth House * Mercury Inconjunct Saturn * Mercury Inconjunct Uranus * Venus in the Twelfth House * Venus Opposition Uranus

The Data Page


Your Personal Portrait describes your personality, character traits, potential strengths and weakness, and abilities - as seen through the scientific art of astrology. It is based on your exact date, time, and place of birth, and as such is completely unique and individualized.

The Sun, Moon, planets and Ascendant (also known as the rising sign) are discussed according to their house placements in the birth chart. Besides, you will get interpretations for the sun, moon and the ascendant in the signs. Aspects - or angular relationships between two planets - are also examined. Quite likely, you will notice some contradictions in the analysis of your personality. This is because you are a complex entity, a composite of many diverse, sometimes conflicting, energies. At times these differing energies balance each other out; at other times they fight with each other, causing confusion or unrest in your life.

As you read your Personal Portrait, keep in mind that the energies interpreted here are your birth potentials. However, you may or may not choose to actualize these energies in the manner described. Your age, sex, socio-economic situation, education, environment, level of development, and many other factors contribute to the ways in which you express your natal energies. Remember, the planets do not compel you to do or be anything. They influence you, but you still have the free will to determine your own life.

This horoscope, entitled 'Personal Portrait', is also available under the title of 'Astrotext Portrait'. Apart from the title, the two horoscopes are identical.

The report was generated with the following birth data: Female, born on 5 May 1988 at 8:19 am in Tottenham, England.

Your sun sign is Taurus. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart. Your Ascendant is in Cancer, and your Moon is in Sagittarius.

Sun - Moon Polarity

Sun in Taurus, Moon in Sagittarius

You were born with the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Sagittarius. Your essential self seeks tranquillity, natural living, and accumulation of just enough possessions for subsistence and a satisfactory livelihood. At the core you are determined, immutable, and firm.

What others see is quite a different image. Your personality (as the result of circumstances and education) casts you as restless, unsettled, and quick-mannered. Physical exercise, sports, and traveling give your energies a perfect vent. Very probably you will change your place of residence many times during your life. You are religious by nature, and even if you profess to be a complete atheist, you assert your beliefs with the vehemence of a religious zealot. Once you have accepted an idea, you do not easily change your views. Because of your strong commitment you would be an enthusiastic and dedicated teacher.

Conflicting aims are the source of your inner friction. On the one hand you seek rootedness, fixity, and self-security, but on the other hand, you respond to stimuli from the outside. In search of the universal, you set out on intellectual voyages, with no concern for your material possessions. Some aspects of this astrological combination indicate acquisition of material wealth, though it might be best if someone else could administer your affairs. The source of your wealth is acquisition of land and houses. All activities connected with real estate are encouraged. With your appreciation of form and substance, you may also be attracted to sculpture and painting.

The Ascendant and the First House

Overall psychological attributes and general course of life

Your overall psychological attributes and the general course of your life are determined by the sign of your Ascendant and the mundane position of its ruler.

The ascending sign in a chart is utilized primordially - in astrological work - as a third, and very important, factor which complements the psychological information given by combined positions of both the Sun and the Moon. Figuratively speaking, it is the geometrical base that encloses the human triangle where its sides are represented by the individuality and the personality.

Ascendant in Cancer, Moon in the Sixth House

At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Cancer was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler the Moon is located at the sixth house.

Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiacal belt and its natives are under the rulership of the Moon. Your life will be full of changes and intermittent periods of activity and relaxation. Your vulnerability to external influences makes you subconsciously imitate the manners and ways of those with whom you relate. Inadvertently you tend to use the opinions of others as those of your own.

You appear to others as a fairly hard individual; but actually you are tough only on the surface, just like a crab whose shell is hard but who is soft and vulnerable beneath. In many instances, circumstances will require that you play the role of worldliness and sophistication but under the mask there will exist a very sensitive human being who is easily offended, and also very perceptive of the more subtle influences and impressions, as well as of psychic vibrations.

Cancer gives the tendency to completely retreat when hurt or frightened of a situation. This happens to you often because you tend to interfere in the affairs of others when you are not needed or wanted. Throughout your life, your responses will be emotional rather than rational. It will be very hard for you not to disguise your lack of sympathy for people who are not congenial to you, and conversely, you will be kind to those who are friendly to you.

You will develop an inclination for compulsively collecting all sorts of miscellaneous objects which you regard as interesting although after some time you will throw them away.

Cancer also gives a tendency for life to be centered in the home and family; your attachment to your private and domestic habits is so strong that without them you could hardly endure. In love matters, you are emotional and gentle. Though you are easily hurt and temperamental at times, you correct the situation with your soft touch.

For the difficult aspects we must warn you against becoming overly preoccupied with trivial details of a psychological nature. Another tendency that you have is to flatter and to criticize carelessly, without regard for the other person's feeling. Your love partner may nevertheless find you lovable and faithfully devoted to your home and relatives.

Destiny may place you in environments where your natural traits can be best expressed. You will be happier when allowed to be occupied with searching for a person or a thing, though not necessarily in important work. Common housework - no matter how important your profession may be - is also attractive to you; cooking, cleaning, home economics are some of your hobbies.

In connection with family affairs you are not always the average person others seem to see as you secretly nourish strange notions about child rearing and home maintenance, and you are a lover of all modern advances of technology.

The Moon, the ruler of your life, appears in the sixth house. This is the house of environmental limitations, work as a concept of duty, and the relations between the subject or native and those that are at a lower professional level. The fact that your ruler is here denotes a life in which work is of the utmost importance. An existence that binds or limits you causes you to rebel violently. A spiritual struggle in this respect does not lack in certain beauty and heroism. However, we must warn you against reacting too strongly against natural duties an obligations; it is best to try to use tact and diplomacy rather than violent assertiveness, for you do possess certain inborn temperamental qualities that allow you to exert wisdom in critical situations.

This lunar position advises of a certain liability to suffer because of continuous changes in work; evidently these fluctuations can result in ailments affecting your nervous system, but no serious events are foreseen. This position may have caused you to have rather weak health during your infancy. As years went by and your temperament became calmer and less inclined to change and adventure, you guarded your physical energies and you were less vulnerable to accidents.

To your benefit or need, the position of your life ruler in the sixth house will incline you to be a better subordinate than a leader in business, with great ability to work for others. Despite the nature of the circumstances in life which oblige you to conduct activities not altogether harmonious with your inner disposition, you secretly nourish the desire to one day occupy a position of respect within the professional world. This is not totally impossible. Much depends however on your persistence and in the supportive energies which you may dedicate to this pursuit. Insist and you will reach the goal. "Knock and the door shall be opened to you."

Moon Ruling the First House

The Moon is ruling the first house. The Moon is the primary indicator of receptivity, feelings and habit patterns in the horoscope. This position indicates that you are strongly influenced by your feelings and moods. When you feel emotionally high, you are outgoing and can express yourself easily and with great flexibility. However, when your life is unsettled, you are passive and tend to withdraw from contacts with others. Your awareness of yourself is influenced by your momentary feelings, and this perception is subject to rapid changes of mood and emotion. Your family, in particular your mother, has strongly influenced your emotional makeup and your instinctive reactions to situations. In time, you will learn to understand why you react as you do to various situations, and then you can begin to change your response patterns and take more control of your life.

Others sense your lack of emotional self-sufficiency and tend to get involved in your personal affairs, even if you try to prevent it. Usually this problem comes about because you do not have confidence in yourself and you want to get other people's approval before initiating any action. Once you recognize this problem, you will be more in touch with your feelings and can give yourself the assurance you are so anxious to get from others.

You express your sensitivity through an emotional need to nurture and be nurtured by others. This is often influenced by the role that your mother and other women have played in your early development. You feel most comfortable with supportive people who seem to understand your feelings and moods. While you would like to have guidance and supervision concerning your goals and objectives, it would be better to achieve your aims independently so that you will not feel obligated to others.

The advantage of this position lies in your ability to sense other people's needs and desires. You are strongly empathic, and most people respond to this quite freely, thinking they have found someone who understands them. In fact, you have a calming effect on people who are under stress, and in helping them solve their problems you minimize your own. This makes you ideally suited for working with the public. However, you have a tendency to take on the characteristics and traits of the people you associate with. This can lead to feelings of confusion about the nature of your own personality. It would be wise to establish a strong sense of self.

The Second House

Material acquisitions and general health

The aforementioned matters come under the rulership of the second house of the so called "mundane" houses of astrology. It is the first, however, of the "succedent" group and this denotes the preliminary magnetic force which attracts the spirit to denser states of consciousness within the continuum of life. Its corresponding zodiacal sign is Taurus. And according to tradition, it would therefore have the same potential meaning as its sign counterpart. However, it should be recognized that the signs are incessantly circling around the houses whereas the latter remain fixed for astrological purposes so that they do not change in meaning. Again, because of the correlation between the second house and Taurus, the former has regency over all the material property of human beings. From a different point of view, it is classified as a member of the temporary group, perhaps because of the impermanence of material objects. Specifically, the second house rules financial status, means of livelihood, and the accumulation or collection of things as a trait of temperament. As for any planets found in this house, we will first analyze the general influences indicating the possibilities of wealth according to that position. Secondly, we will effect an interpretation of each of the astrological aspects of the present planet, if any. You should read both categories of the second house to better visualize the opportunities given to you by the celestial bodies.

Moon Ruling the Second House

The Moon was found ruling the second house at the time of your birth. As you already know from our interpretation of the combined zodiacal positions of the Sun - Moon bodies, the latter has regency over the various personality roles of a human being as well as over the most external and natural emotions. Consequently, this position of the Moon may make your financial situation so unstable that you will be required to play a variety of public roles. Your business dealings and means of income will consist of a multiplicity of activities where you must relate to many people. The position is generally good. Much will depend, however, on the cosmic condition of the Moon, and in this respect we advise you to read carefully the interpretation of the lunar astrological aspects which will follow this interpretation. Occupationally, you are going to be inclined to pursue money through popular activities involving either public work, sales, food products, liquids, perhaps travelling and continuous movement. Any one or several of the former may occur. There is a propensity to be greatly influenced by members of the feminine sex in money matters. Whether these effects are favorable or not will depend on your efforts. In any case, expect a fortune which holds variation and fluctuation. Try to orient your monetary dealings to the general public for you possess the ability to succeed when in touch with the popular masses.

The Third House

Intellectual characteristics
Education - applied mentation - mobility

We will now deal with the condition of the third house of your computerized horoscope. According to certain schools of astrological thought, this house belongs within the classification of mundane angles; its basic significance stems from elements borrowed from its corresponding zodiacal sign of Gemini. Among the meanings attached to the house are: applied intelligence, distant family relations and acquaintances, communication, letters, paper work, short journeys, and vehicles for transportation. Because of the combining nature of this house most of its effects do not always actually take place when alone but rather in conjunction with any of the other planets present, for it is especially open to these outside influences. In this relation, we will first analyze the planets present in the house, attempting to bring forward the general influences which will exist throughout the course of your life concretely affecting it from the viewpoint of the house under consideration. Secondly, we will effect a interpretation of each of the astrological aspects involving the planet or planets present (if any); you should read both categories of interpretation regarding the matters of this third house in a clear but open-minded manner. There may be paragraphs which appear paradoxical; but it is well to remember that the house's main signification is that of the mind, and there is nothing so ambiguous and complex as the human mind.

Sun Ruling the Third House

The Sun appears ruling the third house at the time of your birth. In physical terms (as the abstract connotations may be too unintelligible for our finite intellects), the influence of the Sun is felt as radiant energy which affects everything that it touches without discrimination. Yours is a solar mind; that is, one that strives for glory, social success, honors, power and magnanimous elevation by means of intellectual understanding. You are capable of understanding with a sweeping view; generous and noble, you have the ability to express proud and magnificent concepts. The path for the realization of fame, honor, nobility and advancement lies through study, communication and self-expression. Your views about life are optimistic, self-assured, kind and generous. Confident of possessing a privileged mentality, you will go through life exercising command with dignity and honor. Much will depend, nevertheless, on the cosmic state of the Sun according to its astrological aspects. Information about this will appear in subsequent paragraphs. Notwithstanding these conditions, in principle, the Sun makes you prone to achieve certain fame by demonstrating your mental abilities through problem solving, writing and thinking. You have relatives who also have become well known in specific activities and this factor will aid you (even inadvertently) in many professional pursuits. The liabilities of your mind are a lack of interest in detail or occupations and matters that you regard as being below your dignity. You also are very proud of your own intelligence and susceptible to compliments. Too much keenness of intellect may be an excellent asset for prompt and overall comprehension of problems, but you tend to regard with certain contempt all disciplines of specialization as well as the mechanical functioning of important elements of the world. To finalize this study of the mundane position of the Sun, let us say that, in one way or another, your mind will acquire a relative degree of fame within your circle of occupation which will serve as a source of intimate gratification.

The Fourth House

Domestic environment - family influences.
Inner Sanctorum

The matters referred to immediately preceding these lines are signified by the fourth house. This house is considered to be the central angle of the psychic triangle composed of the fourth, eighth, and twelfth houses. On an abstract level, it is the magnetic center of all physical forces as well as the pole of biological currents streaming through the physical vehicle. Because of its correspondence with the zodiacal sign of Cancer, the fourth house pertains to: forces directed toward material accomplishments (this is especially so during the last epochs of life); family relations and childhood; nature and location of the home; all activities related to intimate family circles; and hereditary factors. First, however, we will analyze the planets present in this house. These will delineate the basic tendencies as they exist in relation to the house. Following this, the various astrological aspects involving each of the planets present will be analyzed, thus further determining the specific quality of each planetary influence. As has been stated in previous paragraphs, this section, too, must be viewed with the premise that "starry influences" merely incline, but man is the final master of his destiny.

Mercury Ruling the Fourth House

Mercury, the planet of the intellect, was found ruling the fourth house at the time of your birth. Your inherited constitution and psychological potential is that of a quick and alert person with a natural bent for mental work. There seems to be a physical legacy consisting of manual dexterity and literary inclinations. Within your family there appears to exist strong intellectual currents and perhaps a celebrity or super-intelligent individual. Your life appears directed to commercialism, business practices, and study. In consequence of this overactive state of affairs, some anxiety and worry may result. At home, you are scientifically oriented. You wish your family to follow dietetic, hygienic, and medical orientations and are much preoccupied with these matters. Generally speaking, your life is characterized by inconsistency. Many changes of residence due to business obligations can result in aggravating the lack of stability. On the positive side, you shall be given reason and all strictly human traits entirely free from bestial emotions. Basically, it is the celestial body that represents harmony, communication, and rhythm. Therefore, if Mercury's cosmic condition were not altogether favorable (see subsequent paragraphs), at a later age your reason and other mental functions could be affected. Otherwise, as years pass, you will find that reason and power of abstraction augments, and your life becomes easier. Yet, you could be prone to excessive worry due to lack of absolute certainty in material security.

The Fifth House

Emotional nature and pleasure seeking activities

The interpretation of your emotional life and other sensual activities is possible through an analysis of the fifth house. This house relates to pleasure, society, emotions and feelings. It shows the character of your love events, and the affections which result from the feeling side of your nature; it also represents the seat of the magnetic attraction between human beings.

The matters pertaining to this section come under the regency of the fifth house. It is here that we find the natural expression of your temperament as it was delineated in the first house. The corresponding zodiacal sign being Leo, the house concerns itself with the Leonine, emotional nature of human beings, generative powers, and with feelings and emotions arising from the senses and from memory. It also rules children, places of entertainment, and public activity and business speculation.

Pluto in the Fifth House

Pluto was found in the fifth house at the time of your birth. Pluto has province over situations occurring under extremes of good or evil influences. Much will depend on the cosmic condition of this planet, and we advise you to read attentively any paragraphs dealing with astrological aspects affecting Pluto. Positive aspects, of course, will enhance its influence and negative aspects will make it malignant. Pluto in the fifth house will give you very strange emotions in relation to sexual matters. You adopt an attitude in love which can succinctly be stated as follows: "I am a universe unto myself. Therefore, whatever I do should not be looked upon from a functional angle, rather one should await the final product (or the results of my acts) only then can one justify or deny the validity of my actions". This position suggests a possibility that at some point in your life you will be involved with very complex and unusual speculation connected to world trends. Whether in love affairs or in business speculations, you will have the psychological resources necessary to raise yourself from situations which would appear as utterly catastrophic to anyone else. Conversely, it will appear that in other situations, when the goal that you have been striving for appears near the horizon and almost within reach, it suddenly begins receding and disappears. The liability of this position is that it gives you a Machiavellian mind which is focused on the realization of hedonistic desires - sometimes at the expense of the security of others. Again, the principle that the end justifies the means seems to exist. Pluto may lead to very abnormal occurrences connected with the breeding of your own children. One of them may become a very strange personality connected with events of a sinister nature.

Pluto Trine Ascendant

Pluto trine the Ascendant shows that you have an enormous source of energy to draw on in using your creative abilities. There is literally nothing you cannot do if you set your mind to it. You have the strength and self-confidence to project your ideas and win the full support you need. Tolerating the past only for what it teaches, you look eagerly to a future made more secure from the lessons you have learned. You are eager to communicate what you know to others, but you will not force it on them, preferring to wait for an indication that your suggestions are welcome. Lack of funds is no excuse for inaction in your view, for you feel that there is always a way if one wants something desperately enough. You are clever in converting all your resources into the tangible assets you need to implement your projects.

Knowing your failings, you work hard to transform your negative qualities so they do not limit you. Even more important, you understand your capabilities and emphasize them in seeking your goals. The task of making the future secure challenges you to use every resource you have. You know what you are worth, and you expect to be fully rewarded for the contributions you make in your career. You admire people who seek an education, if they are motivated by a desire to be the best in what they do. Ignorance is no defense for lack of accomplishment, you believe, because you know that being well-informed is as accessible as the nearest library.

You know how to get along both with competitors and with associates, and you strive especially to be worthy of the people you deal with. You want to know that you have made an important contribution in stimulating them to reach their goals. But do not assume that without you these people would not be able to succeed. You must realize that many people are quite capable of transforming their own lives and may not need your self-righteous assistance. Be available when they need you, but don't be a nuisance when they don't.

The Sixth House

Health - Industrial Environment Limitations

As indicated previously, we now arrive at a point in your computerized horoscope where we will analyze and interpret the several influences concerning your external limitations, general health, and work as a life duty. In connection with health, we have already given you certain information at the time when the Ascendant was analyzed. Whatever information is given here should be viewed in light of the Ascendant data. The planets in the sixth house are indicative of the main significance of this section. In all cases, these occupying planets have some direct bearing upon the work in which you are engaged, the subordinates with whom you relate, and the areas in which you are liable to suffer (the latter condition is always in relationship to any basic information given in the Ascendant). Again, we must remind you that celestial bodies in our solar system only influence the Earth as to certain possibilities, but the final outcome of human destiny is a function of individual will power. Knowing the possible events and influences throughout your life, you are in a better position to prevent damage to yourself or to expedite the occurrence of favorable vibrations.

Moon in the Sixth House

The Moon was found in your sixth house at the time of birth. Among other things, this indicates that throughout life your work duties will be varied, multiple, and require contact with many people. Healthwise, this may denote a propensity to suffer through excessive changes and motivations; you were very susceptible during infancy and possibly this was a period of your life when you were most frequently ill. Because of this position there is a tendency to undergo a health crisis every 29 years. Psychologically, this position inclines you to act through subordinate roles rather than those of leadership. You show an ability to follow orders and to accomplish tasks as you are told. There is an inborn ability to serve and to win respect and admiration by satisfactory implementation of the orders that you receive. In some cases this is an indication of domestic service or of many opportunities in life gained through your relationship with families or persons of good financial position or authority. There is also a tendency, at certain points in your life, for you to work in places near or with liquids. A final psychological trait is a secret desire to become known professionally. Much will depend upon the astrological aspects of the Moon which are explained in several paragraphs in this computerized horoscope where you will find more specific information.

Moon Opposition Venus

The Moon opposition to Venus shows that you tend to be challenged by other people. They especially try to take issue with you when you want to show appreciation for something they have done. You are generous with praise for others, but they may get the feeling that you try too hard to convince them of your sincerity. In your desire to be loved, you do not want to risk anyone's displeasure. You really want to cooperate with others, but they do not react as though you do. The people you love most misunderstand you, so you are often at odds with them. Others tend to be defensive and suspicious of you when you show an interest in them, because you give the impression that you want something from them.

Try not to expect too much from those you are attracted to. It would be beneficial for you to get involved in enterprises or social functions with the people you are fond of. Learn to relate to them on an intellectual level, to understand them and their problems, and to be generous and helpful when they indicate a need for assistance. Let them get to know you and understand that you do not want anything from them except friendship. As you adjust your desires to be more cooperative with others, you will find that they will make concessions to you.

You have a taste for expensive things and could easily spend more than you earn to satisfy your longing for comforts. The real reason you seek these physical comforts is to compensate for the difficulties you have in achieving emotional satisfaction. You could find that there are always strings attached to the possessions you acquire. You may try to use sex as a device to attract the physical security you want. But this tactic can introduce unhealthy complications in your relationships and could eventually lead to legal problems.

You can be successful in activities that bring you before the public. It might be better not to work at all closely with the affairs of the people you would serve, at least until you can become more detached in your attitude. You tend to personalize incidents in the affairs of others, and your judgment is influenced by emotional considerations as if these matters were your personal concern. Learn to mind your own business.

Important emotional crises can occur in your life, which would indicate that maladjustments continue to exist between you and the people with whom you are closely involved.

Moon Sextile Mars

The sextile between the Moon and Mars shows that you tend to react emotionally when provoked. You are aware of this, however, so you try to keep your feelings in check in order to make a logical appraisal before reacting impulsively. You will still flare up on occasion, mainly when you are feeling argumentative and want to get something off your chest. But the results of such flare-ups should not be difficult to deal with. You do not generally hold grudges, preferring to clear the air between you and the other person by discussing your differences. You will be admired for not ending your outbursts with arrogant finality. Not wanting to close the door to any relationship, you try instead to leave it ajar so you will be able to communicate with that individual in the future. This is a sign of developing maturity.

You are a vital, energetic, and exciting person who can charm people with your infectious and personable manner. You respond to people eagerly, and your enthusiasm stimulates them to respond to you as well. You are a good companion to those close to you and on good terms with most, if not all, of your friends and associates. Knowing that you react to people in an emotionally biased way, you give them the benefit of the doubt in any confrontation. Your emotional vulnerability shows that you are human and not indifferent to the feelings of others. Because you learn from your experiences, your future is brighter with hope and anticipation of continued development.

Your ability to think twice before you act allows you to avoid many unnecessary complications in your dealings with people. You do this because you know that your first response is probably based only on emotion and therefore invalid. You can succeed in any occupation that brings you into close personal contact with the public or with fellow employees. You respond to challenges and are not terribly upset if you do not succeed with all of them.

Whatever your role in life, you will enjoy and appreciate it. You value your rights enough to fight for them when you feel they are threatened. Your domestic affairs are a source of pleasure and contentment, and your home is a refuge when your job puts you under the pressure of constant competition.

Avoid eating when you are angry and do not take your job home with you. Psychologically, you are a well-oriented individual without severe maladjustment between your emotions and your feelings of aggression. You should enjoy pleasing contacts with people at all times.

Moon Conjunct Saturn

The conjunction between the Moon and Saturn shows that you are emotionally defensive, cautious, reserved, and extremely apprehensive about your experiences. Perhaps during your childhood your parents or guardians disciplined you so much that you assumed they did not love you. Because of your extreme sensitivity, you tend to overemphasize negative effects anyway. Almost certainly you did have traumatic experiences with your parents during the early conditioning years, and there is still a residual negative effect, probably caused by the parent who had the most authority in the home. Your early conditioning did not prepare you to deal successfully with the circumstances of everyday living, and you have learned to expect the worst.

Perhaps the guilt you felt during the formative years is the cause of the difficulty you sometimes have in forming close, emotional ties in your adult years. It often happens that you seem unsuccessful in developing a partnership. Even so, you must deliberately stop thinking that happiness will always elude you. You must recognize your self-worth in order to project yourself optimistically toward others.

You are very likely to succeed professionally because you focus your efforts in worldly areas where your feelings do not have to function. Because you protect yourself by insulating your emotions, you could achieve success in business. In your professional dealings you are basically honest (sometimes painfully so), and you demand the same honesty from others. Management is your particular strong point, and you should rise to prominence in that area. You demand competence from those under you, and you demonstrate it by your own efficiency. If you have a position of authority you will not hesitate to fire someone who does not measure up to your expectations. You regard each person under you as an extension of yourself.

You could work well as an employee of professional people such as judges, lawyers, doctors, industrialists, educators or politicians. You would gain the trust that is necessary in order to function effectively, and you would also serve their interests capably. It is also possible that you could undertake such a profession yourself. Your emotional detachment would allow you to provide unbiased opinions, which would serve the interests of your clients.

Emotional fulfillment will come about through contact with mature and serious individuals. A permanent relationship is possible only if your partner regards you as a mate in all areas socially, spiritually, and professionally. It is essential for you to share your life with another, but that sharing must be total. Most important, you must always respect each other.

In the area of health, you may have problems involving your back, which may restrict you on occasion. Above all, try to look at the brighter side of life. Certain negative experiences may seem dismal at the time, but the lessons learned from them enable you to become more optimistic as you grow.

Moon Conjunct Uranus

With your Moon conjunct Uranus, you are somewhat of a character, and your personality is exciting. You are very expressive, especially when emotionally aroused. You prefer to have few secrets and thus remain free of the anxieties often brought on by them. Although you may become involved in emotional situations, you always try to examine them intellectually and as realistically as possible. You believe that this is the only way to solve such problems.

In your circle of friends, you are popular because of your tolerance and understanding. You rarely take sides on an issue because you can always find something worthwhile with both sides, and you know that there is a common ground for harmony. Your basic honesty is what endears you to others. You are so hopeful and optimistic that others feel better in your presence, even when they are experiencing personal difficulties. But you cannot always solve your own problems as easily as you solve those of others. When this happens, you may suffer from intense strain and nervous irritability.

Your romantic life is filled with unusual types who range from saint to sinner. You enjoy the thrill of forming relationships with unusual individuals; an average person never seems to turn you on. Although you are often the matchmaker for others, you may remain unmatched yourself. When you do fall in love, you fall hard, and if the love is not returned, you may become distraught.

Being such a free individual, you are impatient with any restraints. You insist on the right to determine your own way of life, and consequently your life-style bears little resemblance to that of your parents. You consider your success or failure to be an exclusively personal matter and will not permit yourself to be the product of someone else's conditioning.

Saturn in the Sixth House

Saturn was found in your sixth house at the time of birth. This is a very faithful position. It indicates that your destiny will be fulfilled by overcoming obstacles in achieving success in your work. There is, however, a strong liability to become ill due to self privation or lack of personal care; in short, you may occasionally suffer and feel frustrated because of your health condition. The physical ailments that may occur most often are colds, respiratory disturbances, bone problems, spleen infections, rheumatism and related problems. Yet do not be depressed by these statements. As previously stated, the celestial bodies only give inclinations for certain events, but do not determine these exclusively. It rests in your own will to either prevent them from becoming problems or to fight back intelligently when they occur. In addition, much will depend on the astrological aspects of Saturn, that is, whether they are negative or positive (in this respect please see other paragraphs as they may give you better information in reference to your health.) In general, your work orientation and general health may be difficult at times, but you have enough willpower and stamina to make the best of them. Even if you find problems in working and you may also be distressed by your relationships with subordinates or fellow employees, you can prove your reliability by doing your duty and taking responsibility for the general work process. Most of the more unfortunate circumstances should be regarded as tests of your character and viewed in this manner, you may obtain much enrichment in your psychic life from this knowledge and experience of pain.

Saturn Conjunct Uranus

The conjunction between Saturn and Uranus shows that you have the ability to give form to your many creative ideas. You are unusually mature in your attitudes, which enables you to derive some benefit from everything you do. Your desire for freedom is matched by your capacity to earn it by carefully and efficiently mobilizing your resources for particular objectives. This self-discipline will always sustain you. You have healthy respect for authority and its lessons. You also have the drive and ambition to accomplish important tasks that can assure your future security.

Your professional potentials are almost unlimited because you are not afraid of responsibility and the demands of leadership. Almost certainly, you have much to offer the world in terms of understanding and experience. You comprehend the lessons of the past, and you act aggressively to help rid the future of ignorance. These contributions should be harnessed to group enterprises or sociopolitical activities. Fields such as science mathematics, research, politics, the occult, and especially teaching are some of the areas in which your talents would be useful.

You are most comfortable in the company of rugged individuals who have high aims and ideals. You need to associate with adventurous types whose grip on the future is firm. People on the move and on their way up the ladder of achievement are those whom you can relate to meaningfully. You are impatient with trite, superficial people, since you doubt that they can serve the needs of the masses. Your life has purpose and direction, and your closest associates have similar goals. You must relax periodically in order to recharge your energy center. You can easily drive yourself too hard, unmindful that your physical reserves are being depleted. When tired, you may become pessimistic about plans that would otherwise seem to be going well.

Saturn Opposition Ascendant

Saturn opposition the Ascendant shows that you are defensive in your associations. You have to exert a lot of pressure to get a response from people, and most times you do not think it is worth the effort. You tend to be so preoccupied with your own affairs that you cannot be too concerned with anyone else's. But at the same time you accuse people of being indifferent to you. The truth is, you are so reserved about projecting yourself into their lives that you give the impression you think yourself better than they are. So they keep their distance and are not likely to warm up to you.

You assume people will not appreciate your talents, so you do not offer your services. Convinced that others are more competent, you are afraid to accept challenging competition. You need the approval of others to reassure yourself of your skills. You cautiously test people's reactions to what you do and draw their conclusions for them before they have a chance to express an opinion. Probably you had a harsh beginning and are not accustomed to being praised for your efforts. Although you have a mind of your own, you are never sure you can exploit your ideas and get a favorable response, which you desperately need. A minor chore like asking for a pay increase is a major event to you, and you have to have a lot of determination to do it.

You prefer people to come to you, because you fear they will not accept you if you go to them. You may be obsessed by the thought that your subconscious fears are obvious to everyone, but of course they are not. The only guilt you should feel is in your failure to assert yourself enough. Because you are more competent than most of your competitors, you will never take on a task you can not handle. Until you try, of course, you will not know this. You secretly fear responsibility, but you are more than able to perform your duties and fulfill your obligations, both to yourself and to others. You need the reassurance of knowing that achievement is well within your grasp.

Uranus in the Sixth House

Uranus was in your sixth house at the time of birth. This astrological combination indicates that throughout your existence you will undergo rare organic disturbances which may be caused by a negative reception to environmental influences or by nervous stress. It is possible that your psychic ability will be very well-developed, and at an unexpected and unpredictable time you will find intense development of your extrasensory perception. In health, Uranus usually gives a nervous ailment. Much will depend, however, on the astrological aspects of this planet, whether positive or negative. We have interpreted this in other paragraphs in this horoscope case, there is a possibility of your being in a position to recover from a disease by advanced medical techniques or those involving such technology as hydro-therapy, electrotherapy, massage and other related methods. You are going to face varieties of challenges in the different jobs that you will have. You are not a very solicitous, complying, or willing employee, and in general you do not have the capability of effecting service of any sort because of a rebellious temperament.

Uranus Opposition Ascendant

Uranus opposition the Ascendant shows that relationships stand in the way of achieving the freedom you want. You attract people who demand their own freedom, even though it means you must curtail yours, and this annoys you. Attracted to people who are defiant of authority, you would like to share all the exhilaration of their independence. You feel uncomfortable when anyone asks you to make a commitment, for you consider contracts and related obligations as too limiting and frustrating. A traditional marriage is not for you. You prefer a more liberal association in which the only binding agent is your emotional attraction to your partner. You enjoy a wide circle of friends who share your views and with whom you feel safe and secure.

Your contemporaries admire your ingenuity in using your creative talents. You are drawn to occupations that give you freedom to work in your own way, unconfined by rules and regulations. You do not like to be told when and how you should do something or to receive an ultimatum if you do not submit.

Rebellious by nature, you probably left home at an early age to seek your own goals. Although you have a mind of your own, you probably are not fully prepared to accept responsibility for your actions. You tend to avoid competition on the excuse that it is the trap of a regulated society.

Although you secretly hope to make a substantial contribution to improve society, you may actually lack the motivation to actually do something to prove your concern. Your resentment of authority may cause problems in reaching your goals. You make your own rules to serve as guidelines, but they are not very demanding. Part of your role in life is to help others gain their freedom by urging them to get an education and to learn about the social and political issues that can affect them.

The Seventh House

Ego relations with the social environment
Marriage - other associations

We are able to define your relationship with the environment and all its derivatives as marriage, business associations. In every chart, this house complements the first which is that of the native, and represents the unification of all factors which appear isolated in the first house. It also points to the subjective side of the self as contrasted with the objective side, just as there is a spiritual union between the personality and the individuality when a person attains the perfection which they are destined to reach. On a minor scale, at a physical level, astrology defines this union of the sexes as the beginning of that association which will eventually join you with all the other selves.

Now we turn to the subject of marriage and how its occurrence (or absence) influences your life. Although in modern times we have forgotten the original and metaphysical meaning of marriage, according to astrological tradition, the union of one's self with another is a worldly representation of a more profound and deep function. This consists of the transposition of the animal passions into divine love, also regarded to be the sacrifice of the intellectual function for the incomprehensible true wisdom of the unconscious. These are but parapsychological interpretations of marriage, and in reality what occurs is that one marries for one or several practical reasons (even the gratification of love desire could be regarded as practical). Then as years go by, there occurs gradual accommodation of the personalities of both parties so that they are better integrated. When the later does not happen, separation is inevitable. It should be remembered that any information concerning marriage must be regarded in a functional rather than in the conventional sense of hallowed awe. Astrology does not particularly recognize the formal marriage, but rather the realistic union between two beings. It is possible, as we know, that a very novel, yet stable union could occur without having had the sanction of legal marriage. As in previous sections, the planets present in the corresponding house - in this case the seventh - will have a direct bearing on the matters which were pointed out in the immediately preceding sections. When reading the interpretation of the planet present, it should be remembered that any astrological aspects affecting this planet will have a direct bearing on its final significance. Therefore, you should read with care all aspects which involve the planets present in your seventh house (since these will better indicate the outcome of matters of this house). Finally, let us point out that in addition to marriage, this section also has province over enemies and other relationships in life.

Neptune in the Seventh House

Neptune was found in the seventh house at the time of your birth. Among other things, this indicates that you will have to overcome an environment that is rather mysterious and ambiguous. Circumstances will be characterized by a sense of etherealness through which some spiritual conception may come to pass. In enduring human relationships, you may be immersed in depths of confusion which can only be overcome by sublimating them into elevations of mysticism. Destiny is indicating by this position that your quest for advancement will consist of your proven ability to subtly disengage the bounds of the physical world and be receptive to the silent messages from the intangible world which may come through your subconscious mind. This may result in human unions surrounded by inspiration and hyperemotional sensitivity. Specifically, your marital union is going to be marked by peculiar and exceptional circumstances. Your marriage - or any other intimate relationship - possesses a sense of spiritual sacrifice. Positive and negative extremes are latent in your relationships; you possess the power to determine the extreme to which your life will be oriented. You are one of those unique individuals who may accomplish a platonic union or its total opposite. You can anticipate supreme joy and long expected happiness through your relationship or its converse result - utter disappointment. Remember that any astrological aspects affecting this planet will have a direct bearing on its final significance. Therefore, you should read with care all aspects which involve the planets present in your seventh house (since these will better indicate the outcome of matters of this house). Finally, let us point out that in addition to marriage, this section also has province over open enemies and other relationships in life. And disillusionment. In any case, this is a very difficult astrological combination to interpret and denotes circumstances in relationships which are very uncertain and unclear, or at least very unconventional.

Neptune Opposition Ascendant

Neptune opposition the Ascendant shows that you are greatly influenced by the people with whom you associate. But it is difficult for you to distinguish between those who are your friends and those who are not. Because of this, some people may take advantage of your emotional sensitivity to make you feel obligated to them. Your opinions of the people you deal with are too idealistic, and you are hurt when they disappoint you.

When you volunteer to help people, you must protect yourself. Offer to help only when you know positively that someone needs your assistance. You tend to love everybody and overburden yourself with concern for their welfare. Actually you are trying to compensate for your inability to stand on your own; you need someone who needs you in order to have a feeling of belonging. Being alone makes you feel helpless, so you seek out obligations to others.

Since you are imaginative and creatively inspired in expressing yourself, you should direct your talents to writing, music, or the arts. Avoid competition until you gain the expertise to meet challenges without being crushed by failure.

You depend on others to provide the opportunities you need to earn a living. Because you feel that you do not deserve to be happy and contented, you overemphasize your negative qualities. But you are more loved than you realize, and your friends are deeply concerned for your welfare. Seek their advice before making a commitment so you will not regret it later. When supervisors make a promise to you, get it in writing or have someone present who can back you up when they do not fulfill it.

In a romantic relationship you are easily hypnotized by a stronger personality. You should never agree to a permanent relationship until you know the person well and know that the feelings between you are sincere.

The Eighth House

Effects of more subtle influences in your life
Material possesions of your partner, or associates

The following will contain information concerning the importance of death and all its related events in your life. This does not necessarily apply only to your own existence but can extend to the lives of people you know or by whose death your life is affected. Death, in this context, is not restricted to the end of biological existence, but extends to all forms of endings, physical as well as psychological. Here, it will also be ascertained whether you have certain potentials for the manifestation of extra-sensory perception, miscellaneous forms of mediumship, general occultism and matters connected therewith. As in other sections of your computerized horoscope, it must be remembered that any important determination must be read with the greatest caution as one indication alone can seldom be relied upon for the sole meaning. In matters concerning death, as well as any other aspect of your life as analyzed here, you should attempt always to find a confirmation in some other section of the horoscope. Keeping these things in mind, you will better understand the several interpretations contained here, as well as elsewhere in this study. The following information is our interpretative analysis of the planets influencing your eighth house and of the astrological aspects involving those planets. Finally, it should be remembered that whatever the astrological influences may be, the final outcome lies basically in your own freedom of will and in your capacity to avert undesirable occurrences.

Saturn Ruling the Eighth House

Saturn was found ruling the eighth house at the time of birth. Because of the restraining influence of this planet, matters concerning legacies, inheritance, and the financial dealings of your partner or associates could be severely limited and may be frustrated by what seems to be harsh fate. Circumstances will require that you carry heavy responsibilities caused by affairs of other persons, and this will consist primarily of administrative duties. Financial loss incurred by your associates may indirectly affect you. Psychologically you are rather serious in connection with sexual affairs. A little cold at times, you approach sex with caution, rationality and planning. Excess reason and thought in this direction may create some frustration in sexual matters. From a health standpoint, you are liable to suffer from some chronic disease after your middle age. Much will depend on the astrological aspects of Saturn, and in this connection we ask that you read those paragraphs referring to Saturn's cosmic condition. There are strong indications that you may have a long life, and death will result from natural causes. Financially, however, as said before, this is not a good astrological combination for financial gains by marriage or through partners nor does it promise much success with wills.

The Ninth House

Your higher mental outlook - possible attitude to religion
Nature of your own distinct philosophy of life

The matters which appear in the title can be interpreted by examination of the contents of the ninth house. This is the house of the higher mind, philosophy, and is, therefore, connected to possible religious and scientific attitudes it also contains information of the abstract and subjective aspects of the mind in contrast with the third house which stands for the less spiritual and more concrete mind that only operates in the physical plane.

As indicated in the previous section, we are going to attempt to define your involvement and disposition in all matters regarding the higher aspects of the mind. By derivation we shall see your attitude in subjects such as communications and traveling to foreign lands. We are going to deal, too, with the possible fireworks of the mind such as philosophy, metaphysics, and theology, as well as all that which concerns your scientific and religious attitudes. Here we shall inquire into your power of abstract thought contrasted with applied intellect. Materially, we will see what your connection with Sagittarius is, if any, as well as what the possibilities are in foreign lands. From a chronological point of view, in this section we shall deal more with the future than with the past or present. One of the physic regencies of this house pertains to dreams, imagination, visions, prediction, and intuition. Of course, all these facilities will be manifested in accordance with your individual development and will depend upon the level of being on which you exist. For your own information, these interpretations here are available from an analysis of possible planets influencing the ninth house.

Mars in the Ninth House

Mars, the planet of energy, was found in the ninth house at the time of birth. Although your personality may not appear as such, your mind has a constant urge to assume a pioneering and courageous drive in intellectual matters which are going to cause many extreme attitudes throughout your life. You are very assertive in your ideals and convinced of their truth. You can become heated and even angry when your convictions are questioned. It is going to be through the functioning of your higher mind in the pursuit of answers to many philosophical matters that you will express much activity and energy. With regard to religious and philosophical subjects, your mind is definitely enthusiastic and perhaps too forceful with the result that impulse may overwhelm thought. Because of your propensity to adopt extremes of disposition in religious and metaphysical subjects, you may appear as somewhat fanatical (whether actually religious or not) and bigoted. The key to a better directing of your tremendous energy will reside in your power to exercise self-control for otherwise your whole life is going to be involved in a constant destruction of orthodox beliefs and a ceaseless search for freedom of thought.

Mars Square Jupiter

Your Mars square Jupiter indicates that it is essential for you to discipline yourself in using your abundant physical and intellectual resources. Everything you do must be planned, or you will waste a lot of energy in nonproductive enterprises. You want to copy those you admire for their professional accomplishments, but you may not be willing to endure all the hard work required to succeed. You make valiant efforts to acquire knowledge, but when there is no immediate reward you quickly lose interest. Once you acquire faith in your ability to succeed, persistence and determination will come. You are impatient to an extreme.

In spite of the sloppiness resulting from your careless use of your energy, you will nevertheless benefit somewhat from the lessons learned. Only time can refine your manner of applying yourself. You need to define your objectives clearly and then establish a program for realizing them, a schedule you can adhere to. You need to consolidate your resources to make a massive assault on your most important priority. To do anything less than this would be a sheer waste of energy. Wide interests are fine, if you take up each subject exclusively, but not if you attempt to develop a variety of interests simultaneously.

You are almost certain to have domestic and professional difficulties when you first set out to make a life for yourself. This planetary combination inclines you to some difficulty in dealing with people. You feel threatened by competitors and unfairly treated by superiors in your job. You do not accept criticism gracefully. Your domestic tranquillity could be disturbed because you complain so bitterly about the way you are treated that your partner may become bored with it all.

You have the potential for excellence in law, government, teaching, writing, public speaking, sports, acting, and the communications media in general. This aspect gives you the necessary drive to accept challenges, for you realize that they are the only way to determine your competence. You are probably more likely to avoid a confrontation when you suspect that your opponent is expertly trained and has a greater advantage than you. With experience, you will meet any challenger with complete assurance of success. Even if you do not succeed, you will know you have given your best, and that is all that can be expected.

This configuration indicates that you are accident prone because of your reckless disregard for safety measures. You tend to act impulsively, not taking time to consider whether any danger is involved. Because you do everything to excess, you need frequent rest to restore your physical reserves.

The Tenth House

Professional and/or public life
Influences concerning your position in society

As mentioned previously, we will now deal with an analysis of your computerized horoscope in terms of the possibilities of worldly success, professional activities, and overall reputation. From a material standpoint, this section may be regarded as the culmination of the horoscope, or that section of your life which will be most observed by others. You must remember that many activities or endeavors have a result which is, to a great extent, triggered by the psychological attitude of the individual. As an example, you will clearly see that an introverted person has less possibility of becoming publicly known than an extrovert because the latter exists more outside of herself. We will reiterate to state that no matter what the astrological influences are, the final outcome is decided solely by the willpower of human beings and their ability to manifest that power. Again, we will analyze the foregoing possibilities either through an interpretation of the planets positioned in house ten or through their zodiacal regency and astrological aspects. Please remember that the sections dealing with astrological aspects are to be found throughout these computerized horoscopes. They will have a marked bearing on the outcome of this possibility.

Neptune Ruling the Tenth House

Neptune, the planet of mystery, was found ruling your tenth house at the time of birth. Outwardly you present to the public a very mysterious and ambiguous personality. When this occurs, it has no connection to your inner self. You are drawn to the insubstantial, intangible and nebulous. Either of two trends could develop: a keen interest in esoteric ideas, spiritualism and mysticism, or strange, bizarre and deceptive activities. Your professional career promises to be a rather strange one. Much will depend, however, on the astrological aspects that surround Neptune. In this connection we request your attention to all paragraphs in this computerized horoscope defining the cosmic state of Neptune as they will better define the course of your existence regarding your professional pursuits. Have no fear. It is possible for you to derive benefit from Neptune's position if you are able to exercise your will power to strengthen your character. Travel is foreseen, and your honor and reputation may be delicately subjected to enmity and opposed vibrations. A strange life could lead to unpredictable heights.

The Eleventh House

Human relationships that pertain to non-material goals
Friendships - possibilities of the luck element entering in your life

Before proceeding with the interpretation of your horoscope, it may be desirable to effect a clarification of the meaning of this section. It has to do with your most intimate wishes, hopes, and ideal aspirations. In a material sense it shall contain information pertaining to your acquaintances, friends, and your relationship to persons of authority. The data is obtained by analysis of the mundane condition of the eleventh house of your chart. Because of the correspondence between this house and the zodiacal sign of Aquarius, the former possesses some of the psychological and eventful considerations of the sign such as the possible element of luck entering into your life and general information about physical and financial welfare. As in other sections of the chart we must remind you that whatever information you may find here should be taken as a guideline rather than as a definite fact. Much depends both on the particular cosmic status of each of the planets found influencing this house (astrological aspects) and in an ultimate sense, on your own ability to determine your own destiny.

Sun in the Eleventh House

The Sun was found in the eleventh house at the time of birth. Your hopes and aspirations are charged with power, vitality, and are as if enfolded by a single desire. Many of your intimately nourished desires are subconscious. You are aware of others but your foremost interest is with understanding your real underlying self and its mission on this Earth. In communicating your hopes to others there is a vigor which you unconsciously emit, and your ideas and enthusiasm seem to extend to those who relate to you. In general, this is a favorable position. Throughout your life you will receive assistance from persons occupying superior positions in life. If you are ever involved in business you may elevate your financial status by associating with persons in authority, even though they may not personally be your friends. In whatever profession you may be involved, you are likely to gain and develop in position. There is a strong inner desire for power and ambition, personal and social. After middle age there are strong possibilities that you will gain in reputation and esteem through relationships with people of prominence or with those who have had important positions in government. Destiny may grant you sufficient strength of character and even opportunities to carry out your wishes to their utmost. You should not be too preoccupied with financial concerns and other material prosperity, nor for increase of reputation as these things may be forthcoming without your efforts. Spiritually, you seem to have a loyal disposition and you are straightforward and honestly oriented. You're very well aware, however, of a sense of superiority and dignity, and feel confident that your destiny will come to be fulfilled during middle age.

Sun Square Mars

The square from the Sun to Mars gives you much enthusiasm and energy to carry out your tasks, but under prolonged pressure you periodically need to wind down and get away from your work. You must try not to drive yourself so hard in fulfilling your ambitions. When your efforts do not yield the expected results you become annoyed easily and fly off the handle in disgust. Experience will probably teach you that you did not plan your actions carefully enough, so that you got exactly what you deserved under the circumstances. In time you should learn to meet obstacles by anticipating them and taking steps to overcome them in advance; in this way you will avoid the frustration of resistance. Think before you do anything, and you will save the precious time that is wasted in doing it over. You need to learn patience in handling difficulties and to conserve your energy for constructive purposes. When challenged, you react with indignation, feeling that your competence is being threatened. You would be better advised to observe and learn how others conduct themselves under pressure. This is better than indulging in senseless argument or a bitter display of temperament.

There are many fields in which you could successfully apply your talents, such as teaching, writing, sports, military service, medicine, law, and police work. However, you would have to understand the limitations to your freedom that these careers involve. Because you value your freedom, you should determine your priorities before indulging in any worthwhile endeavor. You must be willing to make that investment if you expect to gain prominence and recognition.

You are fairly good-natured and enjoy the company of many friends whom you admire for their own accomplishments. But you can be overbearing in demanding attention and trying to focus discussions on subjects that you are especially knowledgeable about. You have to learn to be a good listener too.

Although you have a highly developed sexual nature, you are not too successful in overcoming the frustrations involved in satisfying it. Either you want what you cannot have, or you have grown disinterested in what you do have.It is obvious that you will have to compensate as much as possible by diverting your energies into satisfying and enjoyable activities. The mate you are looking for is one who can match your physical needs and also be a companion in your other interests.

Somewhat careless about safety precautions, you might invite accidents. Take care of any cuts as soon as they happen in order to reduce the possibility of infection.

Sun Conjunct Jupiter

The conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter indicates that you almost never act in moderation. In everything you do you show boundless enthusiasm, and you never really believe you will fail. Because of this faith in your ability to do anything you set your mind on, you may overestimate your capabilities and suffer disappointment on occasion. But even then, you can pick up the pieces and start in on another venture. If you learn to plan your actions more carefully, your successes would be more consistent. Lacking the ability to efficiently manage your talents, you tend to wander aimlessly from project to project, trusting that everything will eventually work out satisfactorily. While you do not necessarily rely on it, luck seems to attend you when you need it most.

Although you want recognition for your efforts, you are not driven by ambition. For you it is more important to live a full life, rich in experiences and with abundant possibilities for using all your potentials. You are generous to a fault, and no one who brings you a tale of woe will go away empty-handed. This is one of the many reasons why you have some difficulty saving money. Even when thrift is essential, you are self-indulgent.

Your occupational interests are varied, but you are generally inclined toward a profession, such as medicine, law, education, philosophy, philanthropic endeavors, travel, or any other field that offers opportunities for growth. You quickly tire of routine jobs that have few chances for progress and development or jobs that do not use your imagination. You work best when you are permitted to use your creativity and work to the full measure of your enthusiasm. You are well informed on many subjects and always eager to learn more.

You tend to be liberal in your religious views and somewhat indifferent to religious organizations, a matter that you feel rather apologetic about. An avid reader, you feel you must develop your own philosophy to guide you in life. You have high hopes for the future and never allow yourself to get into a rut that limits your progress. Subtle spiritual urgings tell you that everything that occurs in the outer world has a purpose in the inner world of consciousness. You have enormous faith, although it does not follow any structured ideology, and it sustains you by enabling you to fulfill your destined role.

Your emotional contacts are primarily with individuals who share your enthusiasm about life, who are eager to share their experiences with you and are not exclusively preoccupied with material concerns. You appreciate the sanctity of all life - vegetable, animal, and human - and you are warmly disposed toward anyone with a similar feeling. You are an emotional glutton, though, and may have some difficulty finding a partner who will satisfy your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs in a totally satisfying relationship.

Your physical problems come about through lack of moderation. Doing too much for prolonged periods of time without sufficient rest can easily produce physical weariness. Also, your blood pressure could become troublesome. Cultivate healthful living habits.

Sun Trine Neptune

The trine from the Sun to Neptune means that you have enormous talent to express, but you may never find the energy to exploit it. You take up ideas with enthusiasm, then drop them right away. Your mind has a precocious quality, in that you learn quickly and with deep comprehension. You respond to what you learn both emotionally and intellectually. In reality, you are also extremely psychic, and much of your knowledge has been acquired through this faculty. This may have been the reason you were bored, as a child, by teachers who were giving you information that you already knew intuitively. Because you learned easily and did not have to overcome the usual obstacles, now you do not readily take on duties unless you want to very strongly. You may avoid involvement in the affairs of the community, for it is almost impossible for anyone to provoke you to respond to your social responsibilities.

You can write your own ticket to your professional ambitions. Probably you will never encounter a challenge that you are unable to meet. You are extremely creative and will be able to perform almost any task assigned to you. Your greatest problem is dawdling when time is urgent or schedules must be met. Consequently, it is better for you to be self-employed, so you can work at your own pace, and others do not have to depend on you. Art, drama, education, writing, and medical research would all provide you with a field for creative expression. Even though your ambitions may not be defined, others will benefit from your efforts.

Your personal relationships are characterized by permissiveness between you and your mate, a freedom based on mutual trust. You and your beloved enjoy a blissful, romantic love and can indulge in escapes to Shangri-La. You can be devoted to him and know that indiscretion will never come into your life. Your family will be warm and tender toward you, and your children will be a source of endless joy to you as they grow into maturity.

Sun Opposition Pluto

The Sun in opposition to Pluto shows that you are defensive when challenged by others. In competition you may resort to extreme measures to guarantee winning. You generally assume that your opponent has more power than you and that your own position is insecure. If it becomes obvious that you cannot win, you may turn your back on the threat and pretend it doesn't exist. Nothing bothers you so much as being unsure of a situation. At times you will strike first, hoping to protect yourself, only to regret your imprudent action. At other times, you will encourage others to act while you conserve your energies.

Your extreme temperament may separate you from those whose cooperation you need to shore up your own defenses. You assert your will with such defiance and aggression that only the stout-hearted can put up with it. You need to use logic and temper your attitude with greater compromise. You may be preoccupied with sex and its influence on others. Be careful that you do not destroy yourself in the process.

The most persistent challenge you face is to recognize the right of others to assert themselves. Unless you allow this, you will be constantly harassed by people who will refuse to support you. You might also experience difficulty in regaining debts owed you. These problems will be only temporary if you learn to cooperate with those whom you feel threatened by. Stop suspecting everyone whose opinions differ from yours.

In time you will feel sure of your own worth, and the security of your professional or domestic situation will no longer bother you.

At some point in your life you will probably undergo great changes and psychological realignment. At that time you will be able to stand alone, fully self-assured. If you tolerate others rather than resent them for threatening you, you will realize that you have the authority to accomplish your objectives independently.

Jupiter in the Eleventh House

Jupiter was found in the eleventh house at the time of birth. Your most intimate wish is to develop yourself in life from all angles - physical, moral, emotional and intellectual. You manifest your ambitions in a jovial, optimistic, cheerful, and enthusiastic manner. The secret of comprehending the possibilities of financial and moral prosperity in your life lies in the manner in which you will initiate, conduct and resolve the various elements of relationship between you and your acquaintances. You should be attentive to the fact that after middle age you may have succeeded in many accomplishments so that your former ambitions and aspirations may become too relaxed, making you lose your zest for new accomplishments and creativity. You are very fortunate in the sense that you will have many sincere and fortunate friends from whom you will obtain benefits in more than one way. Emotionally, you have an urge to express yourself socially and to conduct many activities both of a philantrophic and of a psychological nature. By maintaining the esteem that you already have, and in solidly defining your reputation, you will undoubtedly acquire the favor of many persons of authority and wealth who will serve as great aids in the course of your professional career.

Jupiter Trine Neptune

With the trine between Jupiter and Neptune you have the inspiration and integrated knowledge to make your life rich and contented. Your deep spiritual understanding of life and people will give you moments of serene contemplation. Being aware of the coarse realities in your environment, you may offer to make some contribution to refining them. You can see good where others see evil, constructive potentials where others see decay, and restored order where others fear utter chaos.

With your sophistication, you should participate in activities that benefit the public. Your efforts could stimulate social programs for developing the productive potentials of poor people. Education, art, religious interests, and writing are some avenues of expressing your enormous creative talents. These would prove successful to you and immeasurably beneficial to others.

You have the deepest respect for religion and philosophy because they bring order to the lives of those who respond to them. For yourself, however, you are fascinated by the occult and have a deep understanding of mystical matters. Your psychic abilities are considerable, and much of your knowledge comes through this faculty. Others sense your strength when they seek comfort from you. Permitting others to benefit from your tender, loving care helps relieve your spiritual anxieties.

Your greatest fulfillment is through service to others, especially when your efforts result in lasting benefits. There are always causes to which you can make a significant contribution. Even if you are not gainfully employed, you will be involved in useful activities, such as art or fashion shows or a benefit for a needy cause.

Your refined nature is comfortable in romantic attachments with others of similar persuasion. You never sacrifice your ideals to satisfy a physical need, for you respond only to people who have meaningful spiritual values.

Jupiter Opposition Pluto

With Jupiter in opposition to Pluto, you need vision to cope with people who resist you in your desire for growth and expansion. You are apt to question every ideology and to challenge dogma by asserting your own. Therefore your search for answers to life's mysteries will create conflict with others. Your social values are often not in step with those of society, and you may alienate the very people who can help you make dramatic changes in social attitudes. You have a saviour quality that people will sometimes disdain, if you pompously declare your mission to serve mankind.

On the negative side, you may be inclined to seek positions of power in order to more effectively manage other people's lives. You may try to gain financial advantage over people as an additional pressure on their destinies. In this way you may win a qualified victory over them, but if you use them in your rise to power, you will never gain their respect and admiration.

Be careful not to become affiliated with illegal enterprises merely because they offer better returns. The society you manipulate can legally restrict and even confine you; even the wealthy are imprisoned. You must carefully weigh your activities against the risks involved. What may seem right for you may be completely wrong for society.

On the other hand, you may be motivated to correct social injustices and start a crusade against social harassment. You may focus on how you can best serve others through intimate response and spiritual dedication to their problems. Your dramatic flair can arouse the general public both through skillful personal contacts and through the media.

Be specific about your aims to serve as spokesman to help others achieve their objectives. Also, it may be better to be chosen than to immodestly elect yourself on the assumption that without you they will suffer disappointment or defeat. You have a lot to offer people; do not spoil it with arrogance.

The Twelfth House

The hidden side of your personality
Subconscious and semi-conscious influences
Possible negative psychological load

We are now practically at the end of this analysis of your computerized natal horoscope. Before we end, however, it is necessary that we interpret the influences appearing in the twelfth house, the last of the circumference of mundane houses. Therefore, this section will delve into those lesser known and more deeply hidden astrological vibrations which, acting at a subconscious (or paraconscious) level, direct both your actions and your desires by seemingly invisible but very well-strung chords. They are ceaselessly and rhythmically calling up the law of cause and effect karma through which each being must work out his own destiny. This is, basically, an area in which the state of your mind is restless, ever-changing, and impermanent (yet paradoxically eternal). This house deals with the mystical, the paranormal, and your connection with the Collective Unconscious, as well as your dreams and desires. There are no rational methods nor is there a logical system that can predict a single kind of manifestation of these instantaneous thoughts. They carry their own momentum as though they were psychic comets crossing the unknown recesses of a universal mind. Materially speaking, from our ordered and formal understanding, we see all these phenomena as predictable moods that come and go at the margin of control. The events that exist in conjunction with these psychic states can be among the most challenging that a human being undergoes. Examples are confinement, limitations, restraints, prison, disgrace, bondage, inner sorrow, secret enemies, and conspiracies. More positively, it rules hospitals, asylums, and places of rest. If we look at this aspect from our usual pain-avoiding attitude, then they appear as horrible things of life, better not thought about. But these things happen and they appear to be necessities in this dualistic world. For every quality of life there must exist a parallel quality with precisely the same intensity as its counterpart, but of a quality diametrically opposite. Let us see now which astrological influences appear here and how they affect you. As always, remember that stars influence, but you can be the sole master of destiny if you follow the star that dwells in yourself - the most powerful of all the stars.

Mercury in the Twelfth House

Mercury was in the twelfth house at the time of birth. Psychologically you are continually trying to analyze others in order to find their motivation. A natural human researcher, you spend time projecting your interests and in faultfinding. It may be very desirable to reverse these tendencies and turn your mind's eye on your inner self. There are many good things about your mind; it is alert and subtle. It is also focused on risky activities and adventures. It is very intellectual really, but you do have some talent for understanding the exotic. Unfortunately, you lack effective opportunities to apply your talent for uncommon modes of thinking. There is not much place in the world for your practical and efficient knowledge. This can lead you to anxiety, worry, self-depreciation, and an intense absence of self esteem. Feel more, think less, work harder.

Mercury Inconjunct Saturn

Mercury inconjunct Saturn shows that you are responsible and serious, but you emphasize these qualities very much, which can make things difficult. Overestimating what people really expect from you, you go to great lengths in their service. In your desire to gain approval from others, you indulge them to the point that they may become annoyed with you. Your willingness to be the scapegoat for their failings encourages people to lose respect for you. Avoid being the willing victim of those who will take all you can give, even if you become mentally exhausted in the process. You seem to have all the symptoms of a confirmed masochist, and this brings out latent sadistic qualities in others.

You will make progress as soon as you stop sacrificing yourself for people who are too incompetent to help themselves. Turn your talents to such work as architecture, engineering, research, science, welfare agencies in the service of government, education, teaching, or physical therapy. In these fields you will be able to see rewarding evidence of your efforts. You will still be doing something for others, but you will be free from the harassment that sometimes occurs in personal contact.

Try to establish priorities in your life. Do those things that you know must be done before doing anything that other people suggest. Learn to say no when asked to donate your time and efforts; you can say that your current obligations do not permit it. In other words, get people off your back, or it will be bowed under the burden. For the most part such efforts are a useless investment anyway.

Do not look back, because you may be disappointed that you have not yet achieved your objectives. Make a firm resolve to indulge yourself more than you have, but do not indulge in self-pity. Learn from the past and turn over a new leaf.

You should take a good, hard, honest look at yourself. You may not realize that you are talented. Try to detach yourself from the opinions of others and concern yourself with developing your potentials. In the privacy of your own home, try your hand at some craft activity; you will find out how skilled you are. You should also realize that you do not have to be in the shadow of others. At the same time avoid criticizing people for hurting you; they could not have done it without your permission. This may dramatize the fact that you do not have to win anyone's approval, but you certainly need to confirm your own competence.

Mercury Inconjunct Uranus

The inconjunct between Mercury and Uranus shows that you are prepared to endure severe punishment in attempting to serve the world at large. You are an intellectual workhorse, and your serenity is constantly disturbed by the problems of others. You work in hesitant spurts of enthusiasm followed by periods of mental anguish for not completing what you start.

You can effectively channel your self-imposed obligations to your immediate environment and humanity in general by choosing an occupation that deals specifically with these matters. Local social welfare work, fund-raising for medical research, active medical research, and rehabilitation for the mentally deficient are some of the ways this can be done.

You have projected yourself toward the abstract future, and your future seems secure, if you can look back without regrets for what you did not do years ago. You may bear a burden of guilt for not doing what you could for others.

Your attitude is admirable, and you cannot be faulted for the contributions you have made. However, in offering yourself in such dedicated service, you are the one to lose. You owe yourself something too. Until you establish your priorities, you will be at the mercy of people who will find things for you to do, to the point of abusing your generosity.

You will find yourself attracted emotionally to people who serve in similar capacities to your own. Selfish people are quickly assigned to the junk pile in your estimation. But do not be too quick to judge; they may be exercising the restraints that you have failed to exercise.

Your biggest problem is to know when you are extending yourself so far that your health will suffer. Have periodic check-ups to determine whether you are taking more out of yourself than you are replacing. If so, you may be heading for a nervous disorder that could be serious.

Venus in the Twelfth House

Venus was in the twelfth house at the time of birth. This astrological combination is interpreted in two different categories: the psychological and the circumstantial. We will start with the psychological. It has to do with little known facets of your personality. Only those very close to you have a hint of them. Regardless of the way you speak and express yourself, when you are alone, relaxed, and free of worry, you can have a sociable and congenial temperament that runs alongside a generous, kind, and attractive character. You have a fondness for art, pleasure and aesthetics. Also you have a secret love of romance that you usually keep hidden. This astrological combination may lead you into clandestine love affairs. You are irresistibly attracted to these since you find in them a satisfaction that eludes common definition. Yet, unless you use a great amount of tact and diplomacy, these secret affairs may create social complications that force premature termination. As a result, your lover will become an enemy. Beware of jealousy that is uncalled for and torturous. This kind of self-induced distress could disturb you to the point that it interferes with your daily life. Finally, you are devoted to animals. You particularly care for very large animals and they may bring you many gratifying moments. There are possibilities that you will enjoy tranquil self-seclusion at various periods of your life.

Venus Opposition Uranus

With Venus opposition Uranus you are somewhat emotionally unstable. You have strong desires and do not care who knows it. Your intensity in expressing yourself often leads to uncomfortable or at least unusual relationships. You seem intent on exploring every kind of human contact, totally disregarding the dangers involved. You are a rebel who insists that experience is the best teacher. Perhaps, but it is also the most painful way to learn, since the residues linger and may even haunt you later in life. You are impulsive and even reckless in handling money, probably overspending on clothing or on pleasures to indulge in.

You depend on your bright and witty charm to carry you to success in your job. It is possible for you to enjoy warm personal and social contacts with your superiors. Any profession in which you must deal with the public could provide you with much satisfaction.

You do not submit to authority without challenge, which can be a barrier to realizing your goals. You enjoy competition, because you have enormous assets to help you succeed. But if there is no excitement accompanying the competition, you lose interest. You are willful, determined, and persistent, and you take on responsibilities with ease. You may alienate your closest friends or associates as you climb to success, because you will detach yourself from them if it is expedient.

Your romantic affairs will always remain just affairs unless you can learn to compromise and meet others halfway. You tend to want fulfillment without making a contribution to sustain a permanent relationship. If your attitude does not change, you will enjoy a succession of full and satisfying romantic alliances. But you will have no assurances of truly belonging to someone in the later years of your life, and loneliness is very uncomfortable for you.

Astrological Data used for Personal Portrait
for Adele Adkins (female)
born on 5 May 1988 local time: 8:19 am
in Tottenham, ENG (UK) U.T.: 07:19
0w04, 51n35 sid. time: 22:12:16

Planetary positions
planet sign degree motion
Sun Taurus 15°00'42 in house 11 direct
Moon Sagittarius 26°13'36 in house 6 direct
Mercury Gemini 0°53'31 in house 12 direct
Venus Gemini 25°21'03 in house 12 direct
Mars Aquarius 18°56'28 in house 9 direct
Jupiter Taurus 13°14'13 in house 11 direct
Saturn Capricorn 2°04'59 in house 6 retrograde
Uranus Capricorn 0°39'52 in house 6 retrograde
Neptune Capricorn 10°02'37 in house 7 retrograde
Pluto Scorpio 11°05'01 in house 5 retrograde
True Node Pisces 21°37'26 in house 10 retrograde

House positions (Placidus)
Ascendant Cancer 5°30'52
2nd House Cancer 21°26'56
3rd House Leo 8°44'19
Imum Coeli Virgo 1°01'20
5th House Libra 4°05'04
6th House Scorpio 21°50'40
Descendant Capricorn 5°30'52
8th House Capricorn 21°26'56
9th House Aquarius 8°44'19
Medium Coeli Pisces 1°01'20
11th House Aries 4°05'04
12th House Taurus 21°50'40

Major aspects
Sun Square Mars 3°56
Sun Conjunction Jupiter 1°46
Sun Trine Neptune 4°58
Sun Opposition Pluto 3°56
Moon Opposition Venus 0°53
Moon Sextile Mars 7°17
Moon Conjunction Saturn 5°51
Moon Conjunction Uranus 4°26
Mercury Quincunx Saturn 1°11
Mercury Quincunx Uranus 0°14
Venus Opposition Uranus 5°19
Mars Square Jupiter 5°42
Jupiter Trine Neptune 3°12
Jupiter Opposition Pluto 2°09
Saturn Conjunction Uranus 1°25
Saturn Opposition Ascendant 3°26
Uranus Opposition Ascendant 4°51
Neptune Sextile Pluto 1°02
Neptune Opposition Ascendant 4°32
Pluto Trine Ascendant 5°34
Numbers indicate orb (deviation from the exact aspect angle).