Free Children & Youth Horoscopes

Children experience life through play and have to try out a lot before anyone can even apprehend their later path in life with all its possibilities and ramifications. Nevertheless: Certain inclinations and talents can be read from a child's birth horoscope, even when they are still young.

Free horoscopes

Child's Horoscope

The Child's Horoscope by Liz Greene is especially written for parents who want to enable their children to follow their own path right from the start. This horoscope in particular shows Liz Greene's wide experience and her deep insights into the development of personality. Free Try-Out Edition

Children and Young People

The short version of the Children and Young People horoscope addresses young persons. It describes the most important elements in the birth chart: the Sun, the Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars and the Ascendant. Free Horoscope

Full reports in the Astro Shop

Holding hands

Relationship Horoscope

In the Relationship horoscope Liz Greene shows empathetically and aptly what brings you together, what kind of character your relationship will develop and what both partners can transform within themselves. She describes love as a wonderful, powerful but also complex matter.

Holding hands

The Child's Horoscope

Children experience life through play. They have to experiment with all sorts of things before their future paths, with all their possibilities, can become visible or even imaginable. However, certain inclinations and talents can be inferred from their natal charts.