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Ayanamsha is the deviation in degrees of the sidereal from the tropical zodiac at a given epoch.

Sidereal astrologers dissent from each other on the question where exactly in the firmament the sidereal zodiac should have its initial point (0° Aries). For this reason, there are several different sidereal zodiacs. These are defined by their respective ayanamshas.

Detailed explanations on ayanamsha are given in the followign article: Artikel Ayanamshas in Sidereal Astrology.

Vælg kun denne mulighed hvis du virkelig ved, hvad du foretager dig.
Måneknude = 0° Vædder. Vælg kun denne mulighed hvis du virkelig ved, hvad du foretager dig.

Vælg kun denne mulighed hvis du virkelig ved, hvad du foretager dig.
Efemerider for andre objekter

Fælles elementer:

Udvælgelse fra følgende lister:

- Liste over asteroidenavne/numre med 24398 navne

Selecting Asteroid Numbers from a List

Please note that the total number of additional objects in a chart is limited to 10.

A typical use of this feature is to construct family charts, where asteroids named like the family members are added to a normal chart. Currently there are about 24398 asteroids named officially by the IAU (International Astronomical Union).
This list is updated from http://www.minorplanetcenter.net/iau/lists/MPNames.html periodically.

It is not (yet) possible to buy a name in the list; you must discover a new asteroid and you will receive the right to suggest a name.

This is an alphabetical listing of the names of the numbered minor planets. It was last updated on 27 Jul 2023.

A click on an asteroid name leads to a Nasa-JPL page with orbital details about the named asteroid. This JPL page opens in a separate window or browser tab.

- Liste over andre astrologiske faktorer og "hypotetiske" planeter
Du kan indtaste de objekter, i overensstemmelse med deres respektive liste, adskilt af kommaer. For asteroider bruge deres officielle katalognumre, for faste stjerner deres navne, og for andre objekter deres liste numre. eksempel: "433,227,Sirius,Regulus,h21,h22,h48".
Foretrukken indstillinger
Referencested: Barcelona, SPAIN, 2e11, 41n23 modificer data
Form nulstilling: Astrodiensts egen indstilling Genindstil