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Historic: Battle of Fontenoy

Historic: Battle of Fontenoy Gender: N/A
born on 25 June 841 Jul.Cal. at 08:00 (= 08:00 AM )
Place Auxerre, France, 47n48, 3e34
Timezone LMT m3e34 (is local mean time)
Data source
Timed historic source
Rodden Rating B
Collector: Keller
Astrology data s_su.18.gif s_cancol.18.gif 07°00' s_mo.18.gif s_leocol.18.gif 12°46 Asc.s_leocol.18.gif 21°32'

Historic: Battle of Fontenoy : Treaty of Verdun (partition of  Carolingian Empire) - natal chart (Placidus)
Historic: Battle of Fontenoy : Treaty of Verdun (partition of Carolingian Empire)
natal chart (Placidus)
natal chart English style (Equal houses)
natal chart with Whole Sign houses
Alternative birthtime
Treaty of Verdun (partition of Carolingian Empire)
Date 10 August 843 Jul.Cal.
Place Verdun, FR, 49n10, 5e23
Timezone LMT m5e23 (is local mean time)
Astrology data s_su.18.gif s_leocol.18.gif 20°49' s_mo.18.gif s_capcol.18.gif

Historic: Battle of Fontenoy (Author:Anonymous)


The battle of Fontenoy (841)was deciding for the future of France and Germany.The three sons of Ludwig der Fromme,

Karl der Kahle, Ludwig der Deutsche and Lothar were fighting for power. As Lothar was the loser, he got the "middle empire", while Karl and Ludwig received as winners the parts which formed later the east and west of the Frankish Empire.The partition, was finally reality in the treaty of Verdun 10 august 843.In the battle near Auxerre 40 000 soldiers had lost their lifes.

Link to wikipedia (german)


  • Death by War or Terrorism 25 June 841 (greg.) at 08:00 AM in Auxerre (40 000 died in the "first European battle")
    chart Placidus Equal_H.

Source Notes

Engelbert Mühlbacher:"Deutsche Geschichte unter den Karolingern", there:"at the second hour after sunrise" (the author gives 08:00)


  • Notable : Famous : Historic figure (The three brothers who put an end to Frankish Empire)
  • Mundane : Disasters : Deranged Actions
  • Mundane : Political : Agreements (Treaty of Verdun, 10.8.0843 jK)
  • Mundane : Political : Battles (Battle of Fontenoy)