Venus Retrograde in Leo

by Cathryn Hunter

Venus Rx
Venus retrograde
 Source: Jill Wellington, Pixabay

♪ The Second, Third And Hundredth Chances,
Balancing On Breaking Branches. ♪
- Exile, Taylor Swift

In Venus retrograde we have the opportunity to consider second chances.

The planet Venus will be retrograde in the sign of Leo, July 23 to September 3, 2023. In his book, Hellenistic Astrology, The Study of Fate and Fortune, Chris Brennan mentions the word retrograde comes from the Greek word anapodismos meaning “walking backwards”, or hupopodizontes meaning “retracing steps.”

In this time period, forward progress related to Venus concerns (love, money, and beauty), may slow down, or be delayed, leaving us impatient and frustrated. Generally we are at a loss when important topics in our lives feel stalled. Most of us describe success as tangible advancement of our plans, ideas, and dreams. We are most comfortable when we see progress, when we move from point A to point B in the most direct and efficient path possible.

♪ If The Story’s Over
Why Am I Still Writing Pages? ♪
Death by A Thousand Cuts, Taylor Swift

This slowing down, retracing, backward movement is not without benefit. The opportunity the retrograde period offers us is the time to be in the moment, to understand what is real, now. We can grasp how the past has informed the present. Retrograde planets give us a chance to reevaluate and regroup. Perhaps imagine a new plan, or re-imagine our relationship.

In retrogrades benefics are less benefic,
and malefics are more malefic.
- Judith Hill, Astrologer

Venus is a benefic; meaning she is a benefactor, a reconciler, she has sovereignty over love, glamour, ornamentation, wealth, gems, luxury, physical beauty, the arts, artists, culture and the courtesan. She encourages, is charming, social, and leans towards cooperation. If we choose to engage her support, it is wise to wait for the times of her full power, when she is in direct movement.

In Relationship

♪ Wanting Was Enough
For Me, It Was Enough
Back When I Was Living For The hope Of It All
For The Hope Of It All ♪
- August, Taylor Swift

This is an opportune period to reflect and contemplate relationship concerns; to sort out conflicting feelings, and a rewarding time to facilitate that process through therapy. Perhaps exploring, have I been patiently waiting and hoping for far too long for things to change? What would I change if possible? Is the giving and receiving balanced between us? For this relationship to succeed to what extent must I prioritize the other over myself? What sacrifice of myself is required to sustain this relationship?

This Venus retrograde in the sign of Leo suggests relationship concerns related to how much one is honored and appreciated within the relationship. Leo needs to shine, to have a relationship that is deemed worthy, and to have a partner who is proud of him/her.

♪ Saw You There And I Thought,
OMG Look At That Face
You Look Like My Next Mistake ♪
- Blank Space, Taylor Swift

If we meet a new interest under a retrograde astrological thought would be to take it slowly emotionally, and anticipate a slow start. If romantic interests begin at this time, the astrological teaching is to wait for direct motion to commit or attach importance to it. Hold back judgments. Enjoy the new connection rather than taking it too seriously. Often perspectives change once Venus moves forward. This period is best used as discovery rather than a time for promises. (1)

This is not the most auspicious time to become engaged or wed.


Astrological thought leans towards delaying cosmetic procedures, as well as any beautification treatment, if possible. It’s not the time to try a new hair color or haircut, unless it is intended to be temporary or experimental. Perhaps that tattoo you love now will not stand the test of time, to be removed in 18 months or so, during the next Venus retrograde in 2025.

This teaching holds true for any form of beautification, including redecorating. Perhaps the chartreuse kitchen that felt fashionable and modern at the moment, only to eventually annoy.


Astrological teaching recommends waiting for the direct motion of Venus to make large financial commitments, decisions, or purchases, if feasible. The time is appropriate to investigate and consider possibilities.

Just be Charming
- Attributed to K. Stanislavsky by James Lipton, Actors Studio

Release the pressure of expectation of yourself, your partner, and the relationship, as well as the need to make a decision or take action. This is a processing and discovery period. The last time Venus was retrograde in Leo was the Month of August 2015 into the first week of September of that year. Revisit that period, there may be equivalency, signals, or clues that perhaps inform this current period. If compelled to address a situation it would be wise to engage the charm of Venus rather than the reactive nature of Mars.

(1) These are generally accepted astrological teachings and doctrine, gleaned from the study of the bedrock wisdom and philosophy of ancient and modern astrologers.

Cathryn HunterCathryn Hunter has been a lifelong student of astrology and has a thriving practice of twenty five years which is based in Los Angeles. Her work encompasses both modern as well as ancient techniques. She shares with her clients the translation of astrological symbols and archetypes into useful information and insights that can be helpful on one’s journey. Her monthly newsletter on current astrological trends can be found on her website.

© Cathryn Hunter, 2023