The Author Franz Kafka: Refinement of Chart Analysis with Harmonics

by Ferhan Çeçen

Franz Kafka in 1923
Franz Kafka, in 1923
Source: Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) is considered one of the most important authors of the 20th century who became famous with his original writing style. In the first article in Astrolog No.240, I analyzed the aspect picture in Kafka’s natal chart [1]. This article also appeared in extended version at the Astrodienst site:

At the same time I used the Age Point (AP) method to explain many developments in his life. As a continuation, in this article I would like to demonstrate that much more information can be gained with the use of harmonic charts. With their help one can recognize which characteristics are particularly accentuated.

Figure 2: Kafka's chart
Figure 1: Natal chart of Franz Kafka,
3 July 1883, 7:00 am, Prague/CZ, 14e26, 50n05
Source: Astrodatabank (2)

What are harmonic charts?

Harmonic charts show the vibration of planets with each other. They are derived from the natal chart itself. Using them it is possible to analyze a natal chart like under a magnifying glass. Thus, harmonic charts are nothing else than a magnification and allow a more differentiated analysis than the natal chart itself which is the 1st harmonic chart (H1).

Harmonic charts are basing on the principle that aspects are a fraction of the circle. For example, an opposition is formed by the division of the circle through 2 (360°/2 = 180°). Thus, planets in opposition in the natal chart are said to make a 2nd harmonic aspect.

Today, harmonic charts can easily be constructed with the help of astrology programs. Yet, they are often harder to interpret than natal charts.

Figure 2. 2nd harmonic chart (H2)
Figure 2. 2nd harmonic chart (H2)

To construct a harmonic chart, the distance of a planet in the natal chart (H1) from 0° Aries is multiplied with the “harmonic” number, which also decides about the meaning. For example, to construct the second harmonic chart (H2), the distance of a planet from 0° Aries is multiplied with 2. This also leads to the widening of the distances between planets.

In Kafka’s natal chart (Figure 1), Venus and Mercury are in close conjunction at 19°30’ and 19°31’ Gemini, respectively, with a distance of 1 minute. In the second harmonic chart (H2) they move to 9°00’ and 9°02’ Virgo, thus the distance between them is increased to 2 minutes, but they are still in tight conjunction (Figure 2). Uranus moves in H2 to 9°36’ Pisces, thus forming an opposition (90°x2=180°) to this conjunction. All harmonic charts are constructed in the same way. For example, out of a square in natal chart, a conjunction is obtained in H4 (Figure 3) whereas an opposition is formed in H6 (Figure 5) (6x90°-360°=180°).

Figure 3. 4th harmonic chart (H4)
Figure 3. 4th harmonic chart (H4)

Harmonic charts have the advantage that they allow the recognition and interpretation of minor aspects. For example, planets having the aspect of 360°/5= 72° in a natal chart, form a conjunction in H5. Even if no major aspect is observed between the planets of a natal chart, some may form in harmonic charts. For example, the distance between Jupiter and Mars is 47°48’ in Kafka’s natal chart, thus no major aspect is observed. However, a trine is formed between the two in H5 (Figure 4). They are said to vibrate with each other according to the meaning of the 5th harmonic. Without the use of harmonics, this relationship between the two would be hardly recognizable from the natal chart.

In interpretation of harmonic charts, usually the houses, the four axes and generally also the signs are not considered. Most important is the formation of conjunctions and hard aspects. As the harmonic number increases, there is a higher possibility that an existing aspect disappears. However, if an aspect still exists in high-numbered harmonics, this is of particular importance.

There is also the concept of “harmonics family”. For example, H3, H9, H27 etc. are all formed by multiplication with 3. Thus, they belong to the same family and are connected with each other with regard to their meaning. The meaning of some harmonics can be better deduced, if they are expressed in smaller numbers with known meanings. For example, H15 results from 3x5. But, there are also harmonic charts with prime numbers that cannot be divided, such as H5, H7, H11, H13 etc.

Figure 4: 5th harmonic chart (H5)
Figure 4. 5th harmonic chart (H5)

Interpretation of Kafka’s harmonic charts

Perception of the counterpart

In H2 (Figure 2) an opposition is formed between Uranus and the Mercury-Venus conjunction. H2 can carry different meanings such as relationship, polarity, perception of the counterpart and awareness. Since Mercury and Uranus are considered as intelligence planets, this opposition here could reveal Kafka’s great consciousness. He may also had an unusual way of thinking (Mercury-Uranus) and an original style in relationships (Venus-Uranus).

Unrest in relationships

Figure 5: 6th harmonic chart (H6)
Figure 5. 6th harmonic chart (H6)

There is a connection between H2 and H6 (3x2). The latter displays the harmony (3) in interpersonal relationships (2). In H6 a very clear T-square is recognized between Uranus, the Mercury-Venus conjunction and Saturn whereas Saturn is located at the apex. The opposition between Uranus and the Mercury-Venus conjunction may symbolize Kafka’s unrest, isolation and the unusual style in relationships. Since Saturn usually acts as an inhibiting factor, its square to the Mercury-Venus-conjunction can be a sign of relationship difficulties. Also the placement of all planets at the “I” side (left of the IC/MC axis) of the natal chart (Figure 1) confirms the same statement, as explained in the first article [1]. (Such a placement can point to problems in relationships). Thus, H6 here points to the disturbance of harmony (3) in relationships (2) and has a higher explanatory power than H2. Indeed, according to biographies Kafka was afraid of commitment.

Original writing style

Figure 6: 8th harmonic chart (H8)
Figure 6. 8th harmonic chart (H8)

The partial square of Uranus to the partial Venus-Mercury conjunction in the natal chart can indicate a strong, original, creative thinking style and wording.

Although in the natal chart the Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Cancer is detached from the whole picture, these two planets are integrated into the picture in many harmonics. In H4 symbolizing self-assertion, energy and challenge, Venus, Mercury and Uranus are in conjunction and make a square to Jupiter and the Sun (Figure 3). Thus, they are promoted by these two planets.

In examination of harmonic charts, the numbers have to be considered from which they are formed. In H8 (4x2) which demonstrates hard aspects and is regarded as motivating [3,4], this time the Venus-Mercury-Uranus conjunction receives an opposition from Jupiter, indicating that this planet enhances the original writing and thinking style of Kafka (Figure 6).

The creativity and playfulness

H5 stands for playfulness and creativity in life. In Kafka’s H5 a T-square is formed between Saturn, the Sun and the Moon with the latter being located at the apex (Figure 4). Therefore, it is as if the Moon were “feeling” this difficult theme indicated by Saturn and the Sun. Of particular importance here is the partial opposition between Saturn and the Sun. The Saturn-Sun opposition usually symbolizes inhibition or an inclination to melancholy. In H5 this would mean that the person lacks the lightness, the open and joyful attitude towards life.

This partial opposition between Saturn and the Sun in H5 may also symbolize Kafka’s problems with his father. As it is known, the psychological suppression by his authoritarian father shaped his whole life. This subject consistently appeared even in his novels. Also the unaspected Saturn/Pluto duet (in conjunction with Chiron) along the individuation axis (the 4th/10th house axis) of the natal chart (Figure 1) can be interpreted as a sign of this father problem. Yet, this subject in Kafka’s life is much better recognized from the H5 than the natal chart.

On the other hand, if solely a look is taken at the Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Cancer in the natal chart (Figure 1) where Jupiter is traditionally exalted, no problem would be expected with the father, but rather the opposite. In addition, given the AC in Leo and the strong stellium in Gemini in the natal chart, one would suppose that Kafka had a confident, open and cheerful personality. However, in reality he had a pessimistic, introverted and sensitive nature.

In H5 also a great trine exists between Mars, Jupiter and the Venus-Mercury conjunction. The emergence of such a distinct aspect figure in a harmonic chart is of particular importance since at least three planets are vibrating with each other. Here this great trine with a relatively tight orb could mean an effortless relationship between these planets. Indeed, Kafka’s energy and passion (Mars/Jupiter) was expressed through a narrative (Mercury) art (Venus).

Writing style

Kafka’s writing style is evaluated as factual, coolish and objective. H5 gives best hints about his writing style. It is said that the told story is accepted as a fact by the reader [5]. This point may be astrologically symbolized by Saturn which is forming hard aspects with the Sun and Moon in H5. As it is known, Saturn strips away any extravagance and leaves the essential thing. Therefore, it can be said that H5 generally describes Kafka’s style very well.


Figure 7: 13th harmonic chart (H13)
Figure 7. 13th harmonic chart (H13)

H13 indicates isolation and originality. The person strives to be unique and to rise above the crowd [3]. In the case of an extremely strong H13, the person can even become an eccentric [6]. In H13 an opposition is present between the Sun and Uranus, standing as an indication of originality (Figure 7). On the other hand, in the natal chart the distance between the Sun and Uranus is 680 52’, thus no relationship can be recognized. Without the use of harmonics, it would be impossible to detect this relationship.

Skill for language and writing

Figure 8: 16th harmonic chart (H16)
Figure 8. 16th harmonic chart (H16)

The Venus-Mercury conjunction still continues in H16 (Figure 8). In this case also Uranus is attached to this conjunction. H4 stands for exertion, performance, assertion, energy and challenge. A quadruple of it leads to H16 which symbolizes the wish to accomplish some great and long-lasting thing in life [3].

This Venus-Mercury conjunction also appears in high-numbered harmonic charts. If such an aspect continues to exist in H16 and higher harmonics, it is considered as an internalized characteristic, and not just as an external one [3]. Thus, it can be said that Kafka’s aptness for writing and language is a very internalized characteristic. This shows that it is always helpful to analyze high-numbered harmonic charts for a thorough understanding of a personality.

Abstract ideas

Figure 9: 31st harmonic chart (H31)
Figure 9. 31st harmonic chart (H31)

Regarding the meaning of harmonic charts, often no consensus is reached among astrologers. According to David Cochrane, who has vastly contributed to the field of harmonics, H31 denotes an inclination to abstract ideas and an interest in unusual matters [4].

Interestingly, a very clear aspect figure is recognized in Kafka’s H31 (Figure 9). Saturn is located at the apex of a T-square in which Neptune and the Jupiter-Venus-Mercury conjunction oppose each other. The hard aspects of Saturn to these soft planets may point to the discrepancy between reality and dream world. In a way this may also explain the exceptionally original concepts and abstract symbols in Kafka’s works, as seen in the story “The Metamorphosis (Die Verwandlung)” about the Gregor Samsa figure, who wakes up one day to find himself transformed into an insect.

Closing words

In astrology it is always advisable to combine different methods in order to increase the explanatory power of a chart. As shown in this article, harmonic charts can be helpful for a refined analysis of a person.

1. Ferhan Çeçen, Der Schrifsteller Franz Kafka, Astrolog, Nr 240, S.26-28, März/April 2021
3. David Cochrane, Astrology for the 21st Century, First Edition, Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc., USA, 2002.
4. David Cochrane, The First 32 Harmonics-A Qualitative Research Study, 2012 Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc., 2012.
6. Bernhard Rindgen, Die neue alte Technik der Harmonics, 2004

The original of this article was previously published in German in the journal Astrolog (No.241, 2021, pp. 30-32) under the title “Die Harmonics - Der Schlüssel zur astrologischen Aspektdeutung”.

Ferhan CecenFerhan Çeçen is a chemical/environmental engineer and an academician at the Bogazici University in Istanbul. She has completed all programs of the astrology school “Wisdom of the Sky (Goklerin Bilgeligi)” led by Hakan Kirkoglu. She has ISAR approved certificates (CAP ISAR). E-mail:

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