Differences in Astrological Twins

by Marguerite dar Boggia

Campbell and Enrico
Joseph Campbell and Pio Enrico
Source: Campbell - Joan Halifax, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons; Enrico - privately owned by M. dar Boggia, with kind permission

Joseph Campbell came from an Irish Catholic family. Pio Enrico came from an Italian Catholic family. The parents of both families were middle-class and financially successful. Joseph Campbell was born on March 26, 1904 at 7:25 PM EST in White Plains New York. The time is from memory. Pio Enrico was born on March 27, 1904 at 3 AM EST in Manhattan, New York. The time is from the birth certificate in his father's handwriting, rectified to 2:59 AM.

Both boys delighted in attending the movies. When Joseph’s Father took his son to see Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show at Madison Square Garden, Joseph was thrilled. He identified with the Indians on their prancing ponies. He was fascinated and obsessed with the Indian, who had his ear to the ground.

Pio’s Mother, in order to shop at Macy’s department store, had to promise to take Pio to see a Buffalo Bill movie. Pio had a gun which he treasured. He made swords out of wood for his playmates. They were the warriors. The mothers in the neighborhood would complain to Pio’s Mother.

When Joseph was 12 years of age watching a cowboy movie slaughtering native American Indian women and children, he stood up and shouted: “No! You don’t understand!” His Mother was embarrassed. Joseph had a younger brother and a sister.

Joseph was an altar boy in the Catholic church. Pio became an altar boy in St. Patrick’s Cathedral when he defended a younger Italian boy, being beaten by the Irish boys. At that time there were more Irish boys than Italians in the church. At home, Pio visualized himself defending the younger Italian boys. This punch is for Tom and this punch is for Joe.

When Pio was 10 years of age, his parents thought that life in the city was not conducive to Pio’s growth. Pio was an only child. They left for Italy. His Father bought extensive property next to the river in northern Italy. He planted vegetables, grapes and made wine which he served in his restaurant. Pio was delighted to live close to nature in the country. For breakfast he would take some bread and climb a fruit tree. They had every type of tree: figs, apples, peach, apricot, plum, pears, etc. Pio would climb the 90 trees and take one bird from the nest and nurture it. His father could not dissuade him. His bluejay would comb his eyelashes.

Campbell chart
Joseph Campbell, March 26, 1904 at 7:25 PM EST in White Plains New York
Source: Astrodatabank, RR: A

Joseph was so fascinated by native American Indian lore, that he read every book in the library. He even read the 14 volume Bureau of American Ethnology. Pio would read late at night when his parents were asleep. He used a candle flame. His books were those filled with adventure and courage, such as “Blood and Sand” by Vicente Blasco Ibanez.

Both boys were precocious. When Pio was 2 years of age, he had a hernia. His Mother took him to Italy for surgery. While in the hospital, Pio recalled being out of the body, watching the surgery. He noticed that the hospital grounds had a cherry tree. Because an infection set in, his Mother had to leave for the United States. She left Pio with her parents. When Pio was recovering, he asked his Grandpa for some cherries. His Grandpa said that it was too early for cherries. The doctor said that there was a cherry tree in the garden and that he could get him some. Ever since, his Grandfather called him Mr. know-it-all. He remained with his grandparents until he was 4 years of age, when his parents retrieved him and traveled to France, where they remained for one year. They then returned to the United States.

In 1917 Joseph was exceedingly ill with a respiratory disease. His parents sent him to live in the country. This was a joyous period. He learned the names of the birds, fauna, and much more. He was close to nature. Joseph attended the best schools and eventually went to Columbia University. As an accomplished athlete, he received awards in track and field events. For a time, he was among the fastest half-mile runners in the world. Pio was an excellent athlete also. He excelled in bike racing.

In 1927 Joseph received a fellowship to attend the University of Paris in France. At that time he still attended Mass. At the age of 15 Pio told his Mother that he could not accept a god who would burn him. His wise mother said that he did not have to attend church. His father warned him to avoid politics and the church. Pio’s father wanted him to become an attorney. Pio refused. His father said, “In my house, you do as I wish.” So independent, self-willed Pio, left home and formed a partnership with two friends, selling good fertilizer. Eventually he was allowed to return home, where at the age of 16, he became a blacksmith, in order to help his Father to construct a second story for their home.

At that time between 1920-21 there was a civil war in Italy between Fascists and Communists. At the age of 16, Pio gathered 500 young men from the hills to fight the communists. As their leader, he had so much magnetism, insight and power, it was as if he was being used by his Inner Self. Mussolini won the conflict, but he reneged on his promise to establish a republic.

Enrico chart
Pio Enrico, March 27, 1904 at 3 AM EST in Manhattan, New York
Source: Astrodatabank, RR: AA

At the age of 19, Pio, while in the Italian air corps, had 'a near-death experience’ and was pronounced dead. While out of the body for 20 days, he was taken on a tour by a guide and told to play an instrument similar to an organ. Before re-entering into his body, he saw many of his past incarnations. Most of them were related to battles and to war, where he was a leader. A statue in ancient Greece was erected for his heroism. When he returned to his body, the Inner Self commanded: ”No more conquering nations!” He then became the writer at 19 years of age. His book was published in Italian. Pio married at 24 years of age and had a son. He was disillusioned with politics and returned to the U.S. in 1929. He worked as a French interpreter for a chef. His wife joined him for two years but then returned to Italy, when she had another child. Pio continued with his writings at night after work.

Joseph during the depression years 1929-32, lived in a shack with NO RUNNING WATER on land in Woodstock, New York. This was a time of bliss for him. His joy came from the soul. This is when he wrote his books. He divided his 12 hour day so that he studied and wrote for eight hours. He considered himself as a ‘scholar’. When he was 30 he found work as a teacher in the literature department at Sarah Lawrence College. It was a post he would retain for 38 years. It is said that he spent 6 hours a day reading for 65 years. Knowledge was important to him.

Joseph attained fame in 1949 with his best-selling book: The Hero with a Thousand Faces. George Lucas, his friend, based his trilogy Starwars on it. Campbell wanted the book to be a guide to reading a myth. He explained how challenging experiences could be seen as initiatory adventures. He believed myths are important because it puts us in touch with our inner being. When he was asked by his students for help in determining their vocation, he said that enthusiasm comes from God. He asked: Where is your enthusiasm? Follow your bliss.

For success we consider the 10th house, its ruler and its aspects. In Joseph’s chart His Aries stellium trines the Moon, the ruler of the 10th house and domiciled in the 10th house. Wow! His fame (Moon) is assured. He wrote 38 books, appeared on radio and television programs, the most famous being the Bill Moyer’s program. The rulers of the 2nd house of income for Joseph are Pluto, Mars and Jupiter. Pluto and Mars are sextile and Jupiter is part of the Aries stellium that trines the Moon. His Venus, as the ruler of the Libra ascendant, in the 5th house of creativity, trines Neptune in the 9th house of publication of books and spiritual endeavors. His desire was to help humanity. Neptune and Uranus square the Aries stellium in the 6th house (work). Joseph was unemployed during the depression for 5 years.

Pio’s 10th house rulers are Pluto and Mars. They are sextile. Mars is in the 3rd house of writing and communication. Pluto is in the 5th house of creativity. He wrote plays, radio scripts for his radio program, TV scripts and two novels. Only one novel was published and serialized on an Italian radio station in New York City. There was NO remuneration. The rulers of the 2nd house of income for Pio are Neptune and Mars. Mars quincunxes the MC. That is not favorable for success! Neptune and Uranus square the Aries stellium in the 2nd house of money. He definitely was not a financial success. He made no money through his writings, directing or acting. Pio had a loaded second house. His great desire was to make money through his writing, acting, stage direction, and production. Apparently this was not the will of his inner self. In his past life he was famous, had power and was exceedingly wealthy. In this life he was forced to live in an apartment with NO bathroom! The soul requires certain experiences.

Saturn in Joseph’s chart is in a grand trine with ascendant and Pluto. Pluto, is the ruler of the 2nd house. His income was assured. Saturn sextiles Mars, the ruler of the 6th (work) and 7th houses (relationships). He liked people. In Pio’s chart Saturn sextiles Mars, the ruler of the 2nd and 3rd houses (writing). It trines Pluto in the 5th house of children and creativity. In both charts, Mars trines Uranus. Both Pio and Joseph were spiritually-oriented and interested in occultism. (Uranus) Joseph met Krishnamurti while young. Pio identified with HP Blavatsky, who wrote many books on occultism, including "The Secret Doctrine."

Saturn in Aquarius in Pio’s chart is in the first house. It is on the Equatorial Ascendant, which is like a minor ascendant. This gives it extra influence and power. As a type, Pio was dynamic, magnetic, independent, self-willed, persevering, martial, self-confident, serious, generous, loving, kind but stern. He had NO tact or diplomacy. His friends were few, but they admired his great courage. He definitely was not a scholar or an amiable, affectionate, pleasant, sociable type with a great sense of humor, and interesting, funny stories to tell, as was Joseph. That was their big difference. Joseph was a financial success. Pio was not. When Pio had a backer for his stage production on Broadway, Pio insisted on being in control. That was the end of the financial support and success.

Joseph was a teacher. He wanted to educate and help humanity. He believed in the evolution of the masses. Joseph died in 1987. Pio was a warrior and an idealist. He believed in revolution for the masses. He supported all revolutions for peace based on justice and freedom.

Joseph had Mars in the 7th house. He married a dancer and choreographer in 1938. Pio never divorced, loved several women and eventually lived with a young woman starting in 1944 until he died in 1976. I was that woman.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Campbell: Joseph John Campbell (March 26, 1904 – October 30, 1987) was an American mythologist, writer and lecturer, best known for his work in comparative ...

Marguerite dar BoggiaMarguerite dar Boggia formerly served as Membership Secretary for ISAR, the International Society for Astrological Research. She was past Secretary and Director of ISAR and Publisher of Kosmos, the ISAR journal. She was a co-founder of UAC and its past Secretary and Director. She can be contacted at her website which she created at the age of 90: www.FreePythagorasTeachings.com

© Marguerite dar Boggia, 2022