The Star Profiles of Female Firebrands

by Sioux Rose

sunsetThe economist studies financial trends, the political strategist studies polls, and the astrologer checks the pages in her ephemeris. Emerging from today’s Capricorn emphasis—reflected through the As above, so below equation--arises the next Great Conjunction. The label applies to those regularly recurring (at precise twenty-year intervals) conjunctions that join together The Zodiac’s designated law and order planets: Jupiter and Saturn. Since 1860, with but one exception, each of these alliances has occurred in an earth sign. Emphasis on the Zodiac’s most materially oriented element allots judicial emphasis to property rights and persons who belong to the ownership class. A refreshing break in this pattern will lift judicial perspectives from earth (and related mundane interests) into the air element once the pair next unites in the rebel sign of Aquarius on December 22, 2020. Air, by nature, is ideologically based. And since this element directly influences Libra, the sign of justice, and Aquarius, the sign of humanitarian ideals; the upcoming Great Conjunction looks to be auspicious.

Years ago I endeavored to weave the archetypes of time into a virtual mood map designed to show people--especially women who come under the direct influence of the lunar cycle… given its congruence with their menstrual cycles--where they are in terms of inner time. The lunar cycle explains our natural mood swings. Witnessing what appears to be a vast social engineering experiment that widely distributes mood-altering medical prescriptions (anti-depressants) to a sizable chunk of the human population, I thought it made sense to instead teach people how to flow with their inner shifting tides, the fruit of the lunar cycle. 

Just as a picture purports to convey a thousand words in the way of description; when we personify the planets, their characters become more accessible to our understanding. While it’s true that most Zodiac signs resonate with their designated ruling planets, others invite a deeper examination. So, with the Great Conjunction headed for Aquarius where Pluto is soon after destined to make its first appearance in more than two centuries, the sign associated with iconoclasts and radical rebellion to status quo standards courts a break from convention. In other words: Uranus, step aside to make room for Artemis. This rebel goddess is a fit figure for our times. Throughout history humanity has worshipped the Divine son (sun). But where is reverence for the Divine daughter? Interestingly enough, in mythology, Apollo--the god linked with the sun--happens to have a twin sister. Born from the same cosmic DNA, is it probable that only the male side of the Divine Zygote would prove holy?

And so, as the Age of Aquarius--the sign opposite Leo--rises, the most radical way to shift the calculus of culture and the paradigms it gives rise to is by recognizing Apollo’s twin sister as equally divine and therefore due equal reverence, and in the mundane sphere, representation. This realization—put into practice--would balance the equation. After all, the long-held asymmetrical emphasis on only the masculine side of Divine Creation has led to war against virtually everything including our planet’s living systems upon which our lives depend.

ArtemisAquarius’ traditional ruler is Uranus. I posit that the sign of rebels deserves a deviation. And what better way to bring about a global shift than by raising half the world’s population to equal status? It’s time to recognize the Divine Feminine so she can act as co-partner to the masculine force that’s dominated our planet for centuries. In my book Moon Dance, I chose Artemis to represent the sign of Aquarius. She symbolizes women who answer to their own truth instead of adopting the metrics of patriarchy’s long reign.

As humanity approaches the next Great Conjunction due next month, a number of dynamic female firebrands have entered the political limelight. While the phenomenon extends beyond the United States, for the purpose of this essay I’ve focused on key female figures on America’s stage. I’m not talking about those women who are eager to disrobe before cameras for their hours of prime-time power on Reality TV shows. No. We’re instead witnessing a new kind of woman making her presence felt in the political arena: I call them the daughters of Artemis. Not all are running for the U.S. presidency. Thankfully, a few are. The list includes:  Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and metaphysical guru Marianne Williamson. In addition, there’s rising New York star, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and publisher Arianna Huffington.

When I looked up the birth dates of these powerhouse women the first thing, I noticed was that every one of them is born under a cardinal sign! The pattern compelled me to check the charts of Angela Merkel (Germany), Theresa May (United Kingdom), and her predecessor, Margaret Thatcher to see if the same cardinal emphasis held true. It did! Then I wondered if the pattern was a product of the present era, so I turned back the pages of time to check the birth blueprint of Eleanor Roosevelt. And there it was again! She, too, was born under the cardinal sign of Libra. The cardinal signature provided the first layer of my analysis. Chart specifics would reveal yet more significant data. Unfortunately, no time of birth could be found for Elizabeth Warren who’s earned her Artemis bona fides in the role of The Peoples’ Advocate. She’s masterminded programs to increase wages, reduce college tuition, and spread health care access.

The search for uncommon cosmic denominators advanced with a review of seven remarkable female firebrands, I stepped outside of the political circle since in this Age of Communication pundits with platforms also profoundly shape the political discourse. Anna Kasparian, co-anchor of The Young Turks, is doing just that. She’s born under the cardinal sign of Cancer while Amy Goodman, host of the long-running Democracy Now program is born under the sign of Aries. Cancer native Ariana Huffington, publisher of the Huffington Post also merits mention.

These cardinal sign figures are actively shaping present political dynamics. Let’s examine the charts of several bold women who are courageously expressing their inner Artemis as they shake up the status quo and its systems of entrenched privilege.

Eleanor RooseveltAnd just to prove that Artemis wasn’t born yesterday, we’ll also review the chart of Eleanor Roosevelt, a firebrand who paved the way for human rights, broader civil liberties, and respect for women. Fortunately, her birth hour is known. Eleanor’s Sagittarius rising is matched by that of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Germany’s leader, Angela Merkel (a Cancer native). In a sampling of seven charts, the fact that four hold the same ascendant is statistically significant. Interestingly enough, two of the remaining chart profiles hold Gemini rising which means that nearly 90% of these charts reflect a strong communications calling.  

Plus, five of these seven chart samples also show natal moons in cardinal signs! Female leadership of the bold sort appears to tie in with cardinal sign signatures added to either Sagittarius or Gemini rising. Some female leaders work with the establishment--which has yet to produce equal rights for the gentler gender. Could the rebel planet Uranus invoke the distinction by marking the charts of a new breed of women destined to acquire leadership roles?

In the search for compelling cosmic parallels, let’s examine the charts of three female 2020 presidential hopefuls: Kamala Harris, Marianne Williamson, and Elizabeth Warren. (Even though her time of birth is unknown, she’s too important to leave out of this discussion). Both Marianne Williamson and Kamala Harris hold Jupiter in their 11th houses. This placement compels them to see themselves as champions of The People. Once we review the Presidential trio, we’ll check the charts of other female dynamos who are bravely expressing their Inner Artemis. The times require nothing less.

Kamala Harris chartKamala Harris: Building her political career on her experience as a legal prosecutor, Ms. Harris’ chart starts with the articulate sign of Gemini rising. Following Mercury, the chart’s governing planet, we come to the 5th house to discover the winged messenger bonded to her sun. These positions show that Ms. Harris’ great passion is protecting children. Her Libra sun is conjunct Mercury in Scorpio. This particular conjunction liberates Ms. Harris from the tunnel vision typical to combust Mercury since her sun faces Mercury from across the border. The sign differential broadens Mercury’s perspective.

Some people critique Harris for having adopted the rigid metrics of the War on Drugs. Essentially it manufactured a crisis that eventuated in a disproportionate incarceration rate for Black citizens. Ms. Harris’ chart (and thus person) is not without contradictions. After all, duality and polarity are coded into Gemini’s cosmic DNA. In addition, Ms. Harris was born on a full moon which indicates that her life path compels her to reach an accommodation between her sun (representing her outer worldly needs) and her moon (indicative of her inner needs).

Uranus makes its presence felt strikingly as part of a rare conjunction involving Pluto and Venus. This powerful Virgo trio occupies Kamala’s 4th house. There it suggests a tremendous depth of perception. Uranus’ mandate for change works in concert with Pluto’s transformative power. Since both planets merge forces with Venus, Ms. Harris is committed to changing society’s values. She would take aim at the root of phenomena and would never be satisfied with superficial answers to life’s profound questions. She has the soul of a natural-born detective.

Marianne Williamson
chartMarianne Williamson distinctly exhibits her Artemis bona fides since Uranus conjoins her sun in her first house. The first house is the first thing we notice about a person. With Uranus, governor of Aquarius rising, Marianne was born to lead on Feminist, i.e. women’s rights, issues. One of her best-selling books is entitled, A Woman’s Worth. Her sun-Uranus duo conjoins Venus, the goddess of love. Marianne’s key teaching is that human beings are invariably faced with the choice between love or fear. Marianne’s Venus sits in her 2nd house where it anchors her core her value system in justice, fairness, and universal love.

Uranus rising has Marianne stand out as an unorthodox thinker; and she is indeed mocked by media figures whose worldview is utterly materially based.

Suggestive of a soul-based familiarity with the law of karma, Marianne’s conservative Saturn—exalted in Libra--is found in her 4th house. This position roots her psyche to matters of justice.

Born just before full moon, Marianne’s moon sits across the Zodiac in the conservative sign of Capricorn. The case can be made that Saturn enacts Old Testament tenets. Located in her 8th house, Saturn would incline Marianne to adopt an “eye for an eye” concept of justice. Add in her natal Mars-Scorpio and the karmic lesson of forgiveness becomes significant. Marianne is a brilliant Course in Miracles analyst, and much of this course centers upon forgiveness. The Course itself states: You teach best what you most need to learn.

Ms. Williamson’s chart also begins with Gemini, the messenger, rising. Known for her best-selling books on spiritual self-help, Ms. Williamson brings a refreshing spiritual perspective to the political arena. Even while recognizing the political odds she faces Marianne is committed to bringing the causes of truth and justice into the limelight. What better platform than the presidential campaign stage… especially in this era of the emergent Artemis?

Elizabeth Warren chartElizabeth Warren: While we don’t have an accurate birth time through which to establish her rising sign, we do have the ultimate validation of Artemis’ influence over Ms. Warren’s chart and by extension, her life. Just one degree separates Elizabeth’s Gemini sun from her Gemini Uranus. Since Uranus evokes Aquarius, as mentioned, this duo awakens the female iconoclast and catalyzes her truest expressions.

Interestingly enough, Elizabeth began her career as a Republican. An expert on economic systems of compensation and distribution, one can see why she initially identified with the pro-business political party. However, Elizabeth’s natal Jupiter in Aquarius, broadens her sense of justice. Watching the Republican Party move further and further to the right, she jumped ship to join the resistance.

Ms. Warren is a fierce debater who always comes prepared with clear facts and figures. Her planetary profile features a tight conjunction between Mars and Mercury. This pair is found in the sign of sales, persuasion, and communication savoir-faire: Gemini. She will never run short of ideas since her mind generates concepts non-stop.

Notably, Ms. Warren’s birth blueprint also boasts an unmistakable Yod. Referred to as the finger of God, it marks specific souls for key purposes. Ms. Warren’s sun-Uranus sit on the first degree of Cancer and form sextiles to her Saturn found at 2-degrees Virgo and her Jupiter placed on the first degree of Aquarius where it establishes the Yod’s pivot point. This intriguing chart formation features three of the Zodiac’s heavyweights, and it’s helped to catapult Elizabeth Warren to greatness. She probably feels an interior calling to improve humanity’s lot.

Our review of these first three charts yields several analogies: Jupiter is either found in Aquarius or the 11th house; and in two out of three cases, the sun directly melds forces with Uranus. The keen communication sign of Gemini also factors into the mix.

Cortez chartQuickly rising into political prominence is New York firebrand, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Born into a generation prompted to reform government, Ms. Cortez’s chart begins with Sagittarius rising. And it’s there that we find an incompatible trio consisting of Uranus, which points to her firebrand nature; Saturn, the preserver of traditions, and Neptune, the dissolver. Uranus sits at 2-degrees of Capricorn with Saturn at 8 degrees. Neptune completes the trio from its position near the 10th degree of the sign associated with government, authority, conservative values, and political ambition.

Persons born into this group are destined to question authority. Neptune, signature of duality locks in with Saturn, protector of the established order. Instinctively, Alexandria senses that much is being dissolved before her eyes. While nebulous Neptune can summon sublime levels of compassion, the stuff that generates spiritual transformation; it’s better known for deception. For average souls, negotiating the vastly different mission statements of Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune will prove a perplexing lifelong task. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is no doubt keenly aware of deception operating in high places.

Perhaps on account of this incompatible trio rising in Alexandria’s chart, she’s reckoned with these forces since the moment she could walk and talk. Adding further complexity to the mix, while designating Ms. Cortez a natural-born political missionary is Jupiter, ruler of her Sagittarius rising. It opposes her ascendant’s trio from Cancer where it occupies her 7th house. From this position Jupiter excites the Libran ideal of justice. It also inspires Alexandria to act as The People’s Counselor in the role of Congressional Representative.

With her natal Libra Sun conjoined with Mars, Ms. Cortez is a natural born fighter… especially for justice ideals. She’s one of the founders of The Green New Deal. Her sun-Mars pair sits high in her 10th house which marks Alexandria for the political limelight. I would not rule out Ms. Cortez running for President in the future. Her Moon, located at 1-degree of Aries opposes her Mercury found at 2-degrees of Libra. She emotionally identifies with her political constituents and is sincere in the assertion that she speaks as their voice.

Roosevelt chartFormidable predecessor to today’s Woman’s Movement, Eleanor Roosevelt’s chart data bears mentioning.  Her birth hour places Sagittarius on her Ascendant and positions her Libra sun high in her 10th house. There it forms a square to her Cancer moon located in her 7th house. Any powerful politician’s wife is forced to share her spouse with the public.

Eleanor’s chart governor, Jupiter, was found in Leo and occupied her 8th house. Sitting just across the 9th house border, her Virgo Venus conjoined her Jupiter-Leo. This pairing granted a great generosity of spirit along with a love for humanity, with an emphasis on children.

Uranus, the maverick and signature of Artemis was found in Eleanor’s 9th house where it closely conjoined her Mercury. Eleanor was considered an outspoken critic of her times. She bravely articulated her views. While her Uranus sat on the 29th degree of Virgo, her Libra-Mercury excited social justice issues and ideals.

Eleanor’s Saturn fell in Gemini. Being a voice for women’s rights (added to basic human rights) in that earlier era extracted a price. Like Marianne Williamson, Eleanor’s chart held Mars in Scorpio. Its endowment of inner power fueled causes that call for transformation.

Arianna HuffingtonIt’s common in other lands for media moguls to acquire positions of political status. Who can say whether Ariana Huffington (founder of the Huffington Post) will one day run for high office? Like other candidates on our list, Arianna’s chart reveals an emphasis on cardinal signs. Both her sun and moon occupy the sign of Cancer as does her Uranus; however, it conjuncts neither luminary. Ariana’s sun sits in her 8th house with the Moon positioned across the border in her 9th house. Ms. Huffington would be secretive, by nature, a cosmic fact substantiated by her Scorpio ascendant.
Pluto, ruler of her Ascendant sits in her ninth house of publishing. How apt. Her liberal views no doubt emerge from Mars found in the justice-seeking sign of Libra.

Mars often describes the key male(s) in a woman’s life. Ariana’s Mars shares a tight conjunction with duplicitous Neptune; and as it turned out her first husband came out as gay. This marriage put Ariana’s name on the proverbial map, and it also provided her with the funds to start her own publishing empire. (Interestingly enough, the late Frances Lear, former wife of Norman Lear the TV sit-com producer was also a Cancer native who used her abundant divorce funds to found her own Feminist-leaning magazine: Lears.)

Venturing across the Atlantic, we note that the late Margaret Thatcher, Theresa May, and Angela Merkel all were born under cardinal signs and each indeed attained high office. Since Theresa May’s time of birth is unknown, we’ll take a peek at the charts of Mrs. Thatcher and Mrs. Merkel. Do powerful Conservative women tap into the spirit of Artemis? Angela Merkel is fair-minded and better qualifies as a moderate. The same cannot be said for Maggie Thatcher or Theresa May, who fate placed in the hot seat when she initially presided over the volatile BREXIT matter.

Merkel chartThe Artemis signature does show up in Angela Merkel’s birth blueprint. A tight conjunction joins her sun with Uranus as both occupy her 7th house. She’s probably far more of a radical than she lets on! Angela’s Jupiter, ruler of her Sagittarius ascendant and exalted in the sign of Cancer also falls in her packed 7th house. She’s surely a people person. Her Jupiter conjoins Mercury in her seventh house making her a natural born negotiator. She’s skilled in the art of compromise and no doubt has strong gut instincts to top off her business savoir faire.

Angela’s Saturn found in early Scorpio occupies her natal 10th house. Further signifying leadership, Angela’s fiery Mars, the planet that would rather lead than follow, radiates from her first house. Seven of Angela’s ten key planets, along with her north node occupy cardinal houses, primarily the first, seventh and tenth. These celestial factors point to recognition and influence of a high order. Angela’s Aquarian moon establishes another link with the Artemis principle and shows that she genuinely cares about the welfare of her people.

Thatcher chartFor contrast, might we find iconoclastic signatures in Margaret Thatcher’s birth chart? It could be argued that any woman who attains a position of power in our still male-dominant world operates as an iconoclast. After all, they’re breaking the mold by stepping outside of traditional gender roles.
Mrs. Thatcher’s chart, like that of Ariana Huffington, began with a Scorpio ascendant. The ruling planet, Pluto was positioned in her 8th house and occupied the sign of Cancer. It formed a harsh square to her Libra sun which sat in her 11th house. Mrs. Thatcher’s eleventh house sun-Mercury duo likely had her viewing herself as a voice of The People. However, the sun’s square to Pluto indicated major power struggles. Still, as a Libra native, Mrs. Thatcher strived to be fair. Even if she never made an open public statement on the matter, she likely believed in women’s equal rights.

Thatcher’s Saturn, located at 13-degrees of Scorpio conjoined her ascendant, albeit from Maggie’s 12th house of karma. A formidable soul imprint carried over from an earlier incarnation, it likely compelled Mrs. Thatcher to take on enormous responsibility through her position of high authority. In all probability, stubborn doubts persisted beneath the façade of her ordinary consciousness. Plagued by fears whose source eluded logic, Maggie must have expended enormous psychic energy to keep the demons of doubt at bay.

A pattern of obfuscation is also seen in the close conjunction between Maggie’s moon (28 degrees 37 minutes Leo) and her nebulous Neptune (found at  24 degrees of Leo) The pair sat in her 9th house suggesting that in the role of messenger (Sun-Mercury), Maggie delivered duplicitous or otherwise vague, strategically disguised messages. In her private reflections, she likely viewed herself as a martyr.

Uranus, the ultimate signature of rebellion, was found in Maggie’s 4th house. Either there were unconventional aspects to her early home life or separation from a parent. Uranus motivated Maggie to rebel against the values of her family of origin. When a woman seeks power within traditionally male-dominant spheres of influence she takes on the mantle of the iconoclast.

Attempts to analyze Mrs. Thatcher’s early family life would pivot on Uranus placed at 22 degrees of Pisces. Such an effort would take us next to Neptune which closely conjoined her Moon. It appears that one parent, likely the mother, indulged in escapist behavior such as alcoholism or otherwise pursued the limelight in order to evade the banalities of ordinary family life. Mrs. Thatcher emotionally yearned for wide attention and recognition to fill the void. Through politics, she answered those needs.

Charts can be spliced and diced down to their minutest details. Nonetheless, it’s the staple planets that convey the storylines of our lives.

May chartWe’ll close our study with a glimpse at Theresa May’s chart. Lacking an accurate birth time, we can still check the positions of the major planets for any unusual indications among them. Since more women have attained seats of power since Margaret Thatcher’s era, research is needed to determine if the planetary signature of the iconoclast also factors into the charts of women who still embrace the status quo.

In Ms. May’s astrological profile two things stand out. First, May’s chart features four separate planets occupying the 29th degree of signs! Her Mercury is found at 29 degrees of Virgo, her Saturn is at 29 degrees of Scorpio, her Pluto is at 29 degrees of Leo, and her Neptune is at 29 degrees of Libra. It’s tough to imagine a more striking set of symbols to connote the end of an era. Clearly, May’s chart shows her personal role in ushering in Britain’s transition, a/k/a Brexit.

It’s possible that Theresa’s Moon might also sit on the 29th degree of a sign--Leo. In any case, it does conjoin Pluto which indicates secrecy along with an emotional identification with power.

Yet another native of the cardinal sign family, May’s planetary profile also reflects a tight opposition that’s set between her Mars—found at 13 degrees, 44 minutes Pisces, and her Jupiter—placed at 17 degrees, 44 minutes of Virgo. The ensuing polarity points to constant tension between the sign of order and that of chaos. This astrological feature reads like a literal translation of Theresa’s fate regarding the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union.

Few can predict where future financial, social, and cultural shifts will lead. The irreconcilable opposition set between the signs of order and chaos certainly mirrors current events in the U.K.

We come away from this small study recognizing the preponderance of cardinal sign placements along with strong Uranus signatures in the charts of those women who operate as daughters of the rebel goddess, Artemis. These women pave the way for other women to attain seats of power and influence. How else can the paradigm that’s historically limited decision-making to men significantly alter?

If you or someone close to you has Sagittarius or Gemini rising; the sun, moon or Mercury paired with Uranus, and key planets in cardinal signs, you just might resonate with Artemis. Are you ready to distinguish yourself as the rebel-iconoclast your birth blueprint celestially suggests? Have you thought about running for office? A hopefully more enlightened future calls out to you!