The Evolving Astrologer, by OPA

The Age Point in Astrology and the Author Franz Kafka

by Ferhan Çeçen

Franz Kafka in 1923
Franz Kafka in 1923
Source: Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Due his extraordinarily original works, Franz Kafka (1883-1924), is considered one of the most important authors of the 20th century, known for his bizarre and absurd stories and novels. He spent most of his life in his birth town of Prague. The term “kafkaesque” was introduced into literature to describe situations like those found in his works. In this article, we explore the value of the AGE POINT (AP), a progression method conceptualized by Swiss astrologer Bruno Huber, to explore the different milestones of Kafka’s life.

An Introduction to the Age Point (AP)

The Age Point (AP) is a method developed by Bruno and Louise Huber. It is based on the assumption that the natal chart has a time dimension in it and behaves like a clock, known as the lifeclock (1).

In this method the age is progressed through the houses of a natal chart as shown in Figure 1. Each house corresponds to 6 years of age. The width of each house is then divided into 6 equal age segments. The 6-year cycle grew out of Hubers’ research in which different possibilities were tested. Only the 6-year cycle brought dependable results. The number 6 was seen as a psychological rhythm number. Koch houses are used in this method since they were shown to yield the closest results to reality (1).

Figure 1: Age Point moving through houses
Figure 1: Age Point (AP) moving through the houses with respect to age.
Source: Diagram provided by the author

When we are born, AP begins at AC and moves through the houses in an anti-clockwise direction. As a result, at the ages 18, 36 and 54, AP reaches the angles IC, DC and MC, respectively. AP arrives at the Ascendant again at the age of 72. Then a new cycle is started in the same way.

In each house a balance point and a low point are defined. The balance and low points are determined using the golden mean, as explained in detail in Huber’s book (1). These points divide the house into three zones as cardinal (cusp to balance point), fixed (balance point to low point) and mutable (low point to cusp). An intensity curve is drawn through balance and low points reflecting stronger and weaker regions (1). The balance and low points are marked at the rim of a chart using a long and a short line, respectively, as seen in Figure 2 and 3.

There is a strong significance to a planet forming a conjunction or an opposition with the AP. But trines, squares, sextiles and semi-sextiles are also considered. When AP passes through houses, it can trigger existing aspect figures or form new ones. It can also activate unaspected planets.

Since each chart has a different width of the houses and disposition of signs, the location of planets and the aspects of AP differ in each natal chart, and will be very unique to each person. This method is mostly used for an understanding of developmental processes and not for prediction of events. AP also serves as an excellent tool for rectification of birthtime. The reader is advised to have a look at the reference (1) for details.

Analysis of Kafka’s Chart Aspects

Figure 2: Kafka's chart
Figure 2. Natal chart of Franz Kafka,
3 July 1883, 7:00 am, Prague/CZ, 14e26, 50n05
 Source: Astrodatabank (2)

In the Huber analysis method (3, 4), we begin with a holistic view of the chart. As explained in a 2019 Career Astrologer article by Ferhan Çeçen (5), Huber has defined three different types of aspect formations: linear, quadrangular and triangular. The whole aspect picture in Kafka’s natal chart is linear-triangular (Figure 2). It consists of a trine between the Sun/Jupiter and the North Node (an independent linear figure) and a triangle between Uranus, Mercury/Venus and Neptune. In the Huber method the latter is known as a “medium-sized learning triangle” which is a pattern that can represent strong curiosity, a search for information, and a need to be awakened. Linear pictures (or independent lines) indicate dynamism, cardinality and tension. According to this method, asymmetrical pictures are also dynamic. The asymmetry of the whole aspect picture reinforces the dynamism suggested by the line between the Sun/Jupiter and the North Node.

The Huber method uses rather strict orbs, resulting in fewer aspects than in a standard analysis*. As explained in a former 2019 Career Astrologer article (5), ten planets and the North Node are considered without using the aspects to angles. In total seven aspects are considered.

  • Squares (90°) and oppositions (180°) are shown by the red color.
  • Sextiles (60°) and trines (120°) are shown by blue.
  • Importance is placed also on semi-sextile (30°) and quincunx (150°) aspects which are shown in green.
  • Conjunctions are usually shown in orange.

The distribution of aspect colors is also important in a chart. In this natal chart (Figure 2), first red and blue aspects stand out. The only green is a semi-sextile aspect between the personal planets in the 11th house and Neptune and Mars in the 10th house. According to this method, the red aspects indicate tension, pressure and conflict whereas the blue aspects create a restful, rather introverted and statically-inclined mood. Thus, the red and blue combination forms a polarity (1). On the other hand, green aspects show adaptiveness and allow different ways of thinking. Huber came to the conclusion that it is difficult to find a middle way if green aspects are lacking. Such persons incline to black-and-white type thinking and an “either-or” attitude. The person may be full of optimism, but then full of desperation. Therefore, given also the bundle shape of this chart having no opposition aspects, the red-blue combination can explain to some extent Kafka’s inclination to pessimism. At the same time, the outer edge of the learning triangle consists of red and green aspects. This often symbolizes a person who appears irritated by the conflicts caused by outer world.

The presence of few aspects is noteworthy in this chart. The astrologer Karl Georg Breit from the Huber school indicates that such persons are early developers, usually have a quick perception, and demonstrate uneasy behavior (4). 

Emphasis of the 4th quadrant

In Kafka’s natal chart, all planets except Uranus lie above the horizon and in the 4th quadrant. In the Huber method, this quadrant is known as the “Being” quadrant where the person combines individual and universal consciousness. In the Huber method the Sun, Moon and Saturn are the three ego planets that make up the personality. The presence of these three in the 4th quadrant emphasizes the importance of universal values personally for Kafka. In his chart, the Sun and Moon are located in the 11th house (a house associated with Aquarius), associated with societal groups. Indeed, he was a social critic, and apparently directed the dynamism in the chart, as indicated by linearity, to the problems in society, as he dealt with workers’ rights.

Uranus as an outstanding planet

The distant placement of Uranus from the rest of the cluster of planets makes it a tension point, as referred to in the Huber method. Therefore, themes associated with Uranus are likely to be strong in Kafka’s life – and indeed, Kafka had a very individual style that was expressed narratively. Further, he experienced many separations in his personal relationships.

The strong stellium in Kafka’s 11th house in Gemini is squared by Uranus. In the Huber method, Mercury and Uranus are named as intelligence planets, so the square between them, can be seen as an indication of highly original, creative thinking and wording. The partial Mercury/Venus conjunction in Gemini can be regarded as a sign of an extraordinary narrative capability. This characteristic is further supported by the Moon and Saturn located in Gemini, the sign of language and communication.

Detached Sun

If a single planet or an aspect is detached, it usually behaves independently from other figures. In this chart, the Sun/Jupiter conjunction in trine to the North Node is detached from the rest of the chart. Thus, this linear figure differs from the rest of the chart which indicates individuality and independence. The Sun forms only smooth aspects in water signs in Kafka’s chart. This actually points to a sensitive and tender core, and indeed, he is described as a delicate, thoughtful, shy, and reserved person.

Tracing the developments in Kafka’s life with the Age Point (AP)

We will now explore different milestones in Kafka’s life using the AP. Significant developments in his life are also illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 1: Kafka's chart and age points
Figure 3. Age Points corresponding to important developments in Kafka’s life.
1: AP square Pluto, July 1887 (Age 4)
2: AP at Uranus, May 1892 (Age nearly 9)
3: AP at North Node and aspecting Sun/Jupiter, 1902 (Age 19)
4: AP in 5th house (1907-1913) forming a T-square in chart, September 1907 (Age 24)
5: AP in 5th house: important works, occupation with workers’ rights, famous story finished in short time in 1912 (Age 29)
6: AP at the low point of 6th house: Tuberculosis in 1917 (Age 34)
7: AP square North Node, quincunx Sun, 1918: Spanish flu (Age 35)
8: AP above horizon: well-known “Letter to the father”: November 1919 (Age 36)
9: AP square Mars in February 1922: psychological-physical collapse (Age 38)
10: AP in Pisces, square Saturn: Death on June 3, 1924 (Age nearly 41)

AP in square to Pluto and Saturn

In the Huber method, the 4th/10th house axis is named as the individuation axis. In the 4th house (place of Cancer) one is influenced by family and roots and is not an individual yet. On the other hand, the 10th house (place of Capricorn) stands for a grown-up person and an individual. According to Huber, a strongly occupied 10th house shows a strongly defined individualist. In this chart four planets and the centaur Chiron are located along this axis (Figure 1). Two challenging planets, Saturn and Pluto (in conjunction with Chiron), are unaspected as a duet. Their conjunction with Chiron in the 10th house may point to a trauma caused by an authority figure (possibly father).

Using the AP, the first house (between 14 Leo 16 and 8 Virgo 43) represents the first 6 years of age. These 24 degrees are divided by 6, meaning that each year of his life is represented by 4 degrees of his 1st house. This means that when Kafka was 4-5 years old (July 1887-July 1888) AP was betwen 0 and 4 degrees Virgo in the 1st house, and it squared Pluto and Saturn at 1 and 4 degrees Gemini. This was the first hard aspect he experienced. Two brothers of him died due to disease in those years, on the 15th December 1886 and on the 10th April 1888, respectively (6).

AP in conjunction with Uranus

Later in May 1892, when Kafka was nearly 9 years old, AP passed over Uranus in the 2nd house. Location of generational planets (Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto) in the 1st quadrant of a chart sometimes points to difficult situations in early life. In this chart, additionally the Moon in Gemini forms an aspect with the Uranus in the 1st quadrant. One possible interpretation of this aspect is the detachment from the mother. Indeed, Kafka’s relationship with his mother remained distant (7). Thus, the first square of the AP to the Pluto/Saturn duet and then its conjunction with Uranus represent challenging times in Kafka’s early life, as it was the case with his parents.

AP in the 4th house: 1901-1907

At 19 years (1902) AP passed over the North Node in the 4th house and formed a trine to the Sun/Jupiter conjunction. It triggered this detached linear aspect configuration. At that time, Kafka met Max Brod who then became his close friend (8). Max Brod saved Kafka’s works and published them, although Kafka instructed him to burn them. It is interesting to note that this encounter with Max Brod later led to Kafka’s fame. Thus, it is possible, the aspect of the Sun/Jupiter with the North Node stands here as a symbol of fame.

In the years 1901-1907, Kafka studied at university. He first began studying chemistry, but then gave it up and tried many other branches. In the period from October 1901 to April 1905, AP was located in Scorpio, the sign of representing soul searching and changes. In 1903, Kafka finally settled for law studies when AP formed a trine to the Sun (consciousness) and Jupiter (justice themes). In 1905, AP opposed the difficult Pluto/Saturn duet. This was the year he reportedly stayed in a sanatorium (8). In 1906, Kafka received a doctoral degree in law, and the AP was in the sign of Sagittarius (justice themes) and formed a quincunx to the Sun and Jupiter.

AP in the 5th house: 1907-1913

Kafka worked for a short period of time (October 1907- July 1908), at a private insurance company. He was employed from 1908 to 1922 in a semi-public company dealing with workers’ accident insurance. Kafka engaged with workers’ rights and solidarized with their cause when he was 24-25 years old. The AP was in the 5th house in Sagittarius and opposed the Gemini stellium in the 11th house (Aquarius house: human rights). With the AP located in the 5th house in 1907, for the first time a strong T-square aspect figure was formed in the chart, with Uranus, related to revolutions, at the apex. In the Huber school, this strong aspect figure consisting of three red aspects is known as the “performance triangle”. With Uranus at the apex, a breakthrough may be expected. When AP moved through the 5th house (creativity, self-expression) opposing the Gemini stellium, Kafka wrote many important works while being involved with workers’ rights.

AP in Capricorn: 1909-1916

Franz Kafka in 1910
Franz Kafka in 1910
Source: Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

On October 1, 1909, AP moved from Sagittarius into Capricorn—a more demanding sign, while still the 5th house where the AP remained until February 11, 1916.

The year 1912 is regarded as a turning point in Kafka’s life (7), a time when he began to accept his lonely life, and following family pressures, he contemplated suicide. He was able to pull out of depression and concentrate on writing again.

In November 1911, AP was in the 5th house and formed an opposition to the Sun, then in March 1912, made an opposition to Jupiter. Kafka wrote his famous story, "The Judgement (Das Urteil)” on the night of September 22-23, 1912 in only eight hours. At that time, he was 29 years old and AP was located in the mutable zone of the 5th house. The mutable zone represents the region between the low point of a house and the next house cusp. At the low point, the energy is inward-directed and at its lowest level. Then, after this point, in the mutable zone, energy flows and ascends again until the next house cusp, as explained in detail in Huber’s book (1). In this method, it is assumed that a person can reach the maximum capability in the mutable zone of the 5th house. The intellectual achievement of Kafka at that time was an opening for his original writing style. The year 1912, was both depressing and prolific for him.

AP in the 6th house: 1913-1919

In the period from July 3, 1913 to July 3, 1919, AP was moving through the 6th house. In 1913, Kafka was promoted to the vice secretary position at the insurance company when AP was in Capricorn, the sign of professional achievement (7), forming a great triangle aspect (known as the large blue talent triangle) with Uranus in the 2nd house and Neptune in the 10th house. The houses 2, 6, and 10 are associated with profession and career. Additionally, the 2nd house stands for talents and income. Kafka was promoted several times until his retirement in 1922. Yet, he regarded his job as a ridiculously simple one, and called it a “bread-and-butter job.” He would have preferred to dedicate himself solely to writing.

The 6th house

Virgo, and the 6th house, is associated with possible illnesses and general constitution. In 1915, Kafka was recruited to the military. It is reported that the time he spent in the military played a role in his illness two years later (9).

The year 1917 was full of events for Kafka. He was engaged in July 1917, but the engagement was broken the same year in December. He also suffered from poor health after experiencing a haemorrhage in August 1917, and in September was diagnosed with lung tuberculosis. In March 1917, AP had reached the low point of the 6th house. Since at the low point of a house the energy is inward-directed and at its lowest level, the low point of the 6th house can indicate professional or health crises. At the time of diagnosis, AP was located in Aquarius in the mutable zone of the 6th house where changes in health or daily life can be seen. Prior to that, AP formed a trine with Saturn which was in conjunction with Pluto and Chiron, and was the ruler of the 6th house, when aspected by the AP in the 6th house. After this period, Kafka was sick for several years (1917-1922), and spent most of the time in a sanatorium. As AP moved further through the 6th house, in 1918, he became ill with the Spanish flu. AP formed a quincunx with the Sun and squared the Moon’s Nodes having only soft aspects in the chart. The Moon’s Nodes, often considered as karmic factors, received, for the first time, a challenging aspect from the AP in the 6th house.

AP in the 7th house: 1919-1924

Franz Kafka' letter to his father in 1919
Franz Kafka's letter to his father in 1919
Source: Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

In 1919, Kafka was engaged again, yet this engagement was not accepted by his parents. Under this impression he wrote in November 1919, the famous “Letter to the father (Brief an den Vater)“ (9), in which he accused his father of having exerted a tyrannical power. At that time he was 36 years old, AP was in the 7th house and had just risen above the horizon. With the AP located in this air house, he disclosed his thoughts, although he did not actually send the letter.

In 1920, he broke the engagement, and AP was in Aquarius forming a quincunx with the separative Uranus which also squares the Mercury/Venus conjunction. Earlier in Kafka’s life, many separations in the chart can be found. For example, in 1914, when AP was located at the beginning of the 6th house forming a quincunx to the Moon, he broke another engagement. The quincunx aspect can symbolize uncertainty, longing, or difficulty in decision-making.

Square of AP to Mars, Pluto and Saturn

In 1922, Kafka had a psychological-physical collapse (7). In February 1922, AP made a square aspect to the intercepted Mars. Then, in May 1923, AP moved from Aquarius into Pisces and approached the 8th house, leading to a weaker period in his life.

In July 1923, AP was in the mutable zone of the 7th house, where changes in relationships are likely to occur. AP formed a square to Pluto, then to Chiron. At that time, Kafka met his last partner, however, his marriage plans failed (7). Approximately one year later, just before AP formed an exact square to Saturn, Kafka died on June 3, 1924 of tuberculosis when he was nearly 41 years old.

Closing words

The Age Point (AP) method, in which the age is progressed through the houses of a natal chart, can successfully reveal important milestones in a person’s life. In any case, it has to be applied with the consideration of the whole aspect picture in the chart.

1. Bruno and Louise Huber, LifeClock-The Huber method of timing in the horoscope, Hopewell, restructured and revised edition, 2006. ISBN 0-9547680-43.
3. Bruno and Louise Huber, Michael Alexander Huber, Aspect Pattern Astrology: A New Holistic Horoscope Interpretation Method (translated by Heather Ross), Hopewell, Knutsford, United Kingdom, 2005.
4. Karl Georg Breit, Die Spirituell-Astrologische Psychologie: Grundlagen der Horoskopdeutung und das revolutionäre Aspektbild, Hans-Nietsch-Verlag, Freiburg, 2014.
5. Ferhan Çeçen, Planets in natal charts: Importance of hemispheres, quadrants and aspect pictures, OPA’s Quarterly Magazine: The Career Astrologer, September Equinox issue, 2019, pp. 58-62.

*The reader is advised to use the website for the construction of a Huber chart.
This article is based on an article that was previously published in German in the journal Astrolog under the title “Der Schriftsteller Franz Kafka” (No.240, 2021, pp. 26-28).

 Published in: The Career Astrologer, December 2021.

Ferhan CecenFerhan Çeçen is a chemical/environmental engineer and an academician at university. She has completed all programs of the astrology school led by Mr. Hakan Kirkoglu in Istanbul. She has ISAR approved certificates. e-mail:

© 2021 - Ferhan Çeçen - The Career Astrologer

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