The Evolving Astrologer, by OPA

Pluto in Aquarius - Finding Your Muchness

by Georgina Sierra

© Georgina Sierra - published by The Evolving Astrologer, March 2023 / 04.04.2023

Mad Hatter
The Mad Hatter from 'Alice in Wonderland'
Source: Walt Disney, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

You used to be much more… 'muchier'. You've lost your muchness.
- The Mad Hatter, in Tim Burton's 2010 movie 'Alice in Wonderland.’

On a glorious spring day in Sydney, I met with a friend and esteemed astrologer for lunch. The conversation flowed from what was happening in our lives to astrology.

“How are you tracking with your midlife transits?” I asked. “I finished mine this year, and to be honest, I am a thousand times better than before they happened.”

“Don't ask,” she began. “I have lost all respect for Pluto. He turned my life upside down this year. I’m not the same as I was before.”

It brought a scene from ‘Alice in Wonderland’ to my mind when Alice questions herself after falling down the rabbit hole. My astrology buddy continued to tell me how difficult the transit was for her, about how Pluto brought her face-to-face with her inner demons and deepest fears. Transiting Pluto does precisely that, whether making a major or minor aspect to a natal chart.

Pluto represents “the will of the soul” and “requires the freedom to be and to become.” Pluto always makes his presence known, revealing the “deep unconscious need to explore certain core emotional and psychological realities that stem from the higher/deeper self.”(1) Pluto transits require us to pay attention. It is time to heed the invitation to a divine calling.

Pluto symbolism

When each transpersonal planet was discovered, the corresponding era flavored astrologers’ interpretation of that planet with what was prominent in human consciousness. The discovery of Pluto coincided with the time humanity discovered existentialism, a philosophical theory emphasizing that by merely existing, we can determine our own development. With free will, individuals choose to face realities head-on, accept the challenges presented, and carve initials on the tree of history.(2) As existentialism rose in popularity, it was a timely call for personal transformation.

Symbolism from mythology

To understand the planet Pluto and its symbolism in astrology, I will go back to my ancestral roots in Greek mythology. Pluto (Hades) was the ruler of the underworld. He was the lord of the dead and the giver of wealth, yet with all that power, he was lonely and wanted a wife. To satisfy his desires, Pluto abducted Persephone, the daughter of the goddess Demeter.

Pluto claimed Persephone as his wife and queen of the underworld. Demeter was so devastated by this turn of events that she abandoned her duties as the goddess of fertility. In turn, the world had no crops. Through these dark times, Demeter was experiencing grief from the loss of her daughter. She decided to face her demon, Pluto, and come to a truce with him.

Demeter and Pluto negotiated and agreed that Persephone would split her time, spending six months with her mother and the rest of the year with her husband. When Demeter was happy with her daughter by her side, the crops were bountiful. When her daughter was away as co-ruler of the underworld, Demeter was sad, and the crops were barren. In this way, the ancients explained the seasons.

Both Demeter and Pluto have a link to fertility. Demeter was the goddess of harvests. As the god of the underworld, Pluto was also a giver of wealth, including spiritual wealth. The Greek philosopher Socrates stated that Pluto is the "giver of wealth, which comes out of the earth beneath."(3)

In this myth, each character attains wealth through their transformation. Before the transformative event of the abduction, both Demeter and Persephone feared what was under the earth. They feared the dark and unseen. When Pluto emerged, their fears came to light.

Demeter experienced the mortal fear of loss and learned how to navigate it. Through her grief, she accepted it was time to let go of her daughter. Demeter gained new wealth as she adapted to altered circumstances, perhaps finding new interests. Pluto’s wealth expanded with a much-desired wife to share his kingdom and additional responsibilities as a husband.

Abduction of Persephone, by Ippoloto Scarsella (Called Scarsellino), circa 1550 – 1620
Source: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

What about Persephone? As a creature of beauty and grace, she may have resisted going into the underworld. Many artists attempted to capture the action and the emotional impact on the characters. In most interpretations, Persephone is shown resisting abduction, but not all. For example, in the Abduction of Persephone by Scarcellino, Persephone’s lower body and face are turned toward Pluto, not the mortals tugging at her arms. Was Persephone attracted to Pluto? Did she want to change on some level and realize it was time to evolve? Persephone, like all mortals, may have discovered she has a dark side and learned to accept it.

Ancient Greek mythology reflects different values than contemporary Western culture, emphasizing patriarchy, women as property, and glorifying violent triumphs. Yet, wisdom can still be plucked from mythological stores. Sometimes we must face unpleasant things and accept what cannot be changed. In Persephone’s case, I like to think that she used this opportunity to grow, choosing to transform into the queen of the underworld over and over again. Her spiritual wealth was in acceptance and empowerment.

The changes Pluto brings must be embraced. It is a time to face demons and fears as Persephone and Demeter did. Facing dark challenges in life is critical for evolution into the true self. Pluto brings people into truth, forcing each person to be honest with themself, to find spiritual wealth, and to find ‘muchness.’

Pluto in modern times

Client's chart
A modern-day Pluto transit from a client consultation
Rodden rating AA

I have explored how mythology can transform a character’s life, yet what can this look like in modern times? Pluto transits manifest as significant life changes. For example, a few months ago, I received a phone call from a distressed client. After analyzing her birth chart, I pulled up the bi-wheel with the transits of the day. Transiting Pluto was conjunct her natal Venus to within 17 minutes of exactitude. I knew something was changing in her relationships in a significant way. During the consultation a couple of days later, she confided in me that she had filed for divorce, and her youngest child had completed their gender transition within the last year.

School of Pluto - Cramming time

For the first time in 248 years, soon after the March 2023 Equinox, Pluto will take his first steps into the sign of Aquarius. This offers a glimpse into what life may be like for the next twenty years. Pluto stays in Aquarius for only a couple of months (March 24 - June 12, 2023) before returning to Capricorn during his retrograde phase. When Pluto returns to direct motion (October 11, 2023), it will be this final time in Capricorn for another 248 years. He re-enters Aquarius on January 22, 2024.

In March 2023, Saturn moves from Aquarius to Pisces. The great teacher, Saturn, was like a relief teacher. When he made his way through Aquarius, he gave a taste of the lessons to come. Saturn prepared humanity by bringing Aquarius into our collective consciousness before Pluto makes it a reality.

Pluto will bring an intense cramming session while he lingers in the final degrees of Capricorn. Stephen Forrest has aptly coined it as, Capricornosis.(4) Imagine you are a student at the School of Pluto. The semester started in January 2008 when he moved into Capricorn. As Pluto moves through the last two degrees of Capricorn, you are cramming at the end of the semester to submit all assignments and finish exams. The marks achieved will be listed, and the results of how you fared will be shown during the following semester when Pluto sweeps through Aquarius.

This time around

Monumental historical events occurred the last few times Pluto moved through Aquarius, and colleagues have wonderfully discussed them in other articles. We have one new astrological consideration for Pluto this time that we didn’t have during the previous transits in the astrological consciousness: the modern ruler of Aquarius, Uranus. I propose that societal changes will be more enlightened and advanced with Uranus in the mix this time.

Plutonian energies are a source of change and transformation in life.(5) At the collective level, there will likely be a rise in the use of artificial intelligence. The technological innovation and adoption rate is more rapid when Pluto is in Aquarius.

I suspect that the generations incarnated in this century (who have no idea how to survive without a mobile phone) will push for more technological advancements. Yet, society could shift in the other direction. Humans may decide that, as significant as these changes are, we want to reject technology and return to a simpler way of life. Therein lies a potential challenge. If humanity rejects technology, can we go back to how we were? Or will Pluto stop the march for technological progress and push for a return to nature? How far are we willing to go with technology to preserve our species? The events of the next twenty years will be stamped as an epoch of significant change.

The dark side of Pluto

Source: Hendrik Goltzius, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

As an evolutionary astrologer, I look for the positive in the malefic side of the planets. Each aspect is a challenge that we must face and conquer. Of course, I can’t bury my head in the sand as Pluto transits can also signify actual events. Pluto can bring traumatic occurrences like debilitating disease (Pluto square or opposite natal Sun), destruction of property (Pluto in 4th house), and loss of loved ones (Pluto in 8th house). Bad things happen in life, yet I believe that the more we accept these events, the less we feel like victims of Pluto.

When you see Pluto applying to a natal planet, life is about to change. Forewarned is forearmed. It is time to rise to a challenge.

Pluto's implications by rising sign

History reflects what this transit can bring on a collective level, which is also experienced on a personal level. Mythology depicts intense encounters that cause significant life changes. Individuals might anticipate Plutonian impacts based on multiple factors, including:

  • Other planets in the natal and transiting charts
  • The house Pluto is transiting
  • Planets in the Aquarian house of our natal chart

Due to the elliptical orbit of Pluto, his transit through Aquarius will be extended. The lessons involved are a slow, evolving process. It can be helpful to note the aspect Pluto makes with the natal Ascendant to delineate potential experiences. I have used this method to delineate each rising sign.

Aries/Aries Rising and Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising:
Creativity is your focus for the next twenty years. Opportunities may come with ease that will change life for the better. Collaborations will feel like someone is holding one's hand along the way. Partnerships are highlighted.

Taurus/Taurus Rising and Scorpio/Scorpio Rising:
Pluto’s transit through Aquarius may feel like a cross to bear. You may experience an internal conflict between what is done vs. what should be done. This pressure can push you to action, doing what is right for yourself at last. Now is the time to transform into your true self and move toward your life's purpose.

Gemini/Gemini Rising and Libra/Libra Rising:
In the next twenty years, it may look like transformation is easier for you than for others, at least on the surface. It won't all be smooth sailing if you become complacent. Being too relaxed can be a waste of energy. It is time to achieve what Pluto wants you to complete. Now is your time to shine!

Cancer/Cancer Rising and Virgo/Virgo Rising:
During this transit, there will be things that will feel like they aren't going anywhere. It will feel like there is a blockage of some sort, and it may be hard to comprehend why things aren’t working out. There is a reason why. The old ways don’t cut it anymore, and it’s time to do things anew. Changes you experience will feel foreign. These new lessons are from a soul level, not on the surface or material realm. It is a time to embrace these lessons that will bring you growth and unimaginable potential.

Leo/Leo Rising:
There will be a feeling of tension in life during this transit. Whether external or internal depends on where this happens in your chart. The psychological pressure may seem insurmountable, but there is a lesson here. Whatever is causing tension needs resolution. Your challenge is building a bridge between yourself and the cause of the tension, balancing both sides.

Capricorn/Capricorn Rising and Pisces/Pisces Rising:
A blockage may appear from a hidden source; it’s low intensity but persistent. The way to overcome these minor, nagging blockages is to face them and learn the lessons. It won’t be evident at first, which will be a source of frustration. You may find that recruiting opinions and advice of others will open your eyes to what isn't visible.

Aquarius/Aquarius Rising:
This transit focuses on the self. When Pluto crosses your natal Ascendant, you may reshape your entire identity and personality.(5) When you reflect on this period, you may realize it denoted ‘finally being true to yourself.’ The aspects and planets involved with this transit of Pluto will play a significant role in your life over the next two decades.


By the end of our astrology lunch, my Astro buddy and I realized Pluto had pushed us to the edge of where we feared to tread. Facing Pluto transits either in midlife or any other time can be a blessing in disguise. We both appreciated what Pluto had done for us. We finally knew who we were to the depths of our cores. We had faced him in our darkest hours to evolve into the light anew. We finally found our ‘muchness.’

 (1) Jones, Mark (2015), The Soul Speaks - The Therapeutic Potential of Astrology, Raven Dreams Press, pg. 125.
 (2) Forrest, Steven (2012), The Inner Sky, Seven Paws Press, pp. 159 & 160.
 (3) Jowett, B. (1892), The Dialogues of Plato - Translated into English with Analyses and Introductions, 3rd Edition, Oxford (Clarendon Press).
 (4) Forrest, Steven.
 (5) Hand, Robert (2001), Planets in Transit - Life Cycles for Living, Whitford Press, p. 478.

Published in: The Evolving Astrologer, March 2023.

Georgina SierraGeorgina Sierra opened her first astrology book over a Saturn Return cycle ago and hasn’t looked back since. She completed her studies at Sydney Astrology school, obtained her Practitioner's Diploma from the Federation of Australian Astrologers in 2021, and has been practicing Evolutionary Astrology with a dash of Traditional techniques. Georgina’s career before her Pluto-square-Pluto transit spanned from being a research scientist in chemistry, aviation, theatre, and music. While raising her young family, she splits her time between her two homes, Australia and Greece. She combines her love of astrology and writing with an ebook about Pluto in Aquarius, available through her website:

© 2023 - Georgina Sierra - The Evolving Astrologer

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7-Aug-2023, 12:38 UT/GMT
Moon331' 6"13n09
Mercury120' 2"5n56
Saturn517' 9"r11s12
Chiron1952' 0"r9n12
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