Raimund, Ferdinand Jakob

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Raimund, Ferdinand Jakob Gender: M
born on 1 June 1790 at 05:00 (= 05:00 AM )
Place Wien, Austria, 48n1230, 16e2223
Timezone LMT m16e2223 (is local mean time)
Data source
Accuracy in question
Rodden Rating C
Collector: Taeger
Astrology data s_su.18.gif s_gemcol.18.gif 10°44' s_mo.18.gif s_aqucol.18.gif 00°14 Asc.s_gemcol.18.gif 24°12'

Ferdinand Jakob Raimund


Austrian actor and playwright. With Johann Nestroy the main representative of the old Viennese folk theatre. He was born as 12th or 13th child of his parents. His mother died in 1802, his father in 1804, so he was brought up by his older sister Anna, nine siblings were predeceased. He did an apprenticeship as a confectioner and also sold the sweets at the National Theatre (later "Burgtheater"). This is how his interest in theatre grew. His artistic breakthrough came in march 1815 in the play "The Musicians at the High Market". After several stations in different theatres, where he also worked as a director, he succumbed for the first time in the summer of 1826 to his panic fear of contracting rabies. On 25 August 1836 he was bitten by a dog he mistook for rabid. Raimund was again overcome by his great fears and wanted to shoot himself, but failed. Hoewever, he died of the consequences of the bullet wound on 5 September 1836 at 46.

Link to Wikipedia biography


  • Relationship : Marriage 8 April 1820 (Soubrette Luise Gleich)
    chart Placidus Equal_H.
  • Relationship : Divorce dates 14 January 1822 (Luise Gleich)
    chart Placidus Equal_H.

Source Notes

Taeger Vol. 3, LES-14 (without source)


  • Family : Childhood : Order of birth (12th or 13th child of his parents)