
The Walkers

By Andrew Smith

milky way
The Walkers
Source: Casey Horner on Unsplash

Standing alone, between space and time, retrieving both new and old, a mediator of worlds, a guardian of those memories stored within both the Deep Mind and the heavens, a Guide whose prompts opens pathways familiar and whose voice is felt and experienced but not heard. Alien to this physical realm yet oddly familiar, a being whose presence occasions your everyday awareness but prefers to hover just beyond the physical senses, the Walker strikes a lonely path, without permanent home or solid family, yet his presence offers insight and healing for those with eyes to hear and ears to see.

Are they of this universe? Where do they truly belong? Will they stay with us or are they merely passing through? So many questions unanswered yet one thing is for certain, they unite differing perceptions. Very likely arising from the mysterious cloud that envelopes our solar system, some speculate they move between universes and differing realities, but no-one knows for sure where they originate. The current speculation is that they have strayed out of the vast Oort Cloud, a region of our interstellar solar system that surrounds the ice field, which in turn surrounds the wanderers and the Yellow Shining One, as well as the vast icy realm of the Kuiper Belt, which extends out beyond the orbit of Pluto towards this willowy cloud. No-one understands this strange cloud, which seems to act as a portal between dimensional space, just like the mist in the Celtic tails that shrouds this realm in a hazy light, allowing souls pass between realms.

It is out from this mist, these beings arise, never truly making it into the inner realm, ever hinting that they are passing through and will not linger like their invariant cousins, those Logi that inhabit within the planetary field. No truly of this world, but equally not at home in the Otherworlds, these Guides or Messengers, are bridges linking our everyday consciousness to a field of Intelligence deeper, older and vaster than anything we can fathom.

Stories are told of Beings that linger, be they fallen angels, star-beings, spirit guides, guardian angels or the Ancient Ones. They are folk who phase into our lives carrying non-linear messages, speaking in riddles and symbols, weaving together various timelines and opening up our perception to a deeper reality, soothing our pain and suffering by their insightful, yet willowy, presence.

Showing up within the liminal states – meditation, the dreamscape, the angelic presence, the Voice that speaks through another, the serendipitous haphazard, the Vision quest – these beings purpose is to bridge disparate states of being, seeking to unite and therefore heal, parts of Self that struggle to find meaning or connection. Often mistaken as being ancestral beings, they are more than that, as they arise from just beneath the star realm and enter this plane from above, as well as coming to ground within this earthy plane. They enable our evolution by making more accessible those transpersonal aspects of humanity by bringing to ground their messages.

The Centaurs

Known by both astronomers and astrologers are Centaurs, these comet-like bodies have not existed within our solar system for long and nor do they intend to stay forever. It is a wonder, therefore, that we exist at a time when their presence is needed, which suggests that they are necessary for our evolution and for our ability to grow out and beyond the limitations of our physical senses.

Leaving aside another such Walker, that of the shattered planet held in captive orbit between Mars and Jupiter, the largest of its family being known by the name Ceres, Hidalgo was discovered at 15 degree of Aries on the 31st of October, 1920 as an anomalous being erratically wandering between the asteroids and Saturn, at a steep inclination above the path of the Sun. However, it was not until another body with a less ambitious orbit was discovered in 1977, Chiron, that ‘science’ recognised the presence of a new group of sub-stellar beings. Chiron’s presence, the first of its kind, opened up a distinct pathway to bringing into full awareness the insights of the awakened mind. Orbiting towards Jupiter, Chiron crosses over both the paths that Saturn and Uranus make around our Starlight, opening up our physical awareness with insights as to how to become more authentic and truly free of those themes that bind and hold us fast.

Another made its physical presence known in 1992, but this time connecting the ethereal realm of the deeper imagination, opening up the infinite and boundless possibilities of the 5th dimension within this physical realm. Bringing the gods to earth was starting to become possible, as a quickening started to occur.

In the years thereafter, many, many more such Walkers were noticed and their path within the distant outer-inner solar system charted, just as pathways within human consciousness became more defined and tangible. Each Being has its own character and path, some not fully embodying within our physical being, like Charkilo, and others remaining within the ungrounded transpersonal realm, uniting perspectives and fusing worlds together, like Nessus.

These Walkers, in conjunction with the planetary orbits that they unite, make more accessible the developmental potential of those planetary beings, carrying distinct messages from the liminal world and the physical world, uniting heaven with earth. Additionally, those very same beings carry back to the stars, the message of the earthly incarnation.

A brief note on Chiron

Chiron's orbit
Chiron's orbit
Source: Reyk, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Bringing forth a blue light through his hands, the soothing skills of the healer who brings forth the ethereal light, altering the DNA and opening a gateway to bring back to spirit what has been experienced here, Chiron’s path is to weave spirit through the liminal space and to lift up our awareness of the inner worlds. Whilst historically considered a male entity, the angled and truncated cross of matter on the upper section of another truncated cross speaks of a strong emphasis towards the expression of the non-linear, sympathetic and intuitive Yin states. Encompassing the space between the MC and DSC, Chiron receives the realm of the close ancestors (the IC being the deep ancestors), and therefore speaks of family patterns that have been not disclosed and are required to be integrated so that the bearer can feel whole.

Working with Chariklo, whose presence is to aid the word of the deeper feminine within the dreamscape, they offer insight into ways to move between this realm and the Otherworld, as Chiron heals the sense of separation from the Divine, just as Chariklo provides the means to move through dimensional space and closer to the Deeper Light.

A note on Ceres

The being that was Ceres is now shattered, orbiting in a space that Kepler’s harmonic theory located, and at a frequency that is microtonal as opposed to heard cleanly and loudly; her obliquity immense, regularly bringing her away from the Path of the Shining One, freeing her of His immense influence; and her Presence a reminder that we once had a deeper, more Yin connection to our desire nature. Ceres, the largest and first known of the asteroids, is the core of what once was a planet. She is located in an orbit close to Mars but not too near Jupiter, where a reasonable space exists between both. Unlike the comet-like Centaurs, her bridge is merely to do with her regular movement high beyond the plane of the ecliptic wherein she received deeply moving, liminal light from the depths of our Yin consciousness and transmits it back to the Path of the Sun, enabling us to bridge meaning and desire. In fact, without her presence, we would struggle to raise the vibration of our Terra companion, Mars.

In terms of the astrology, Ceres is that part of the soul that intermediates between Mars and Jupiter as she orbits a large canyon between those two planetary beings. Whilst different to the Centaurs, she has a similar role as a meditator and bridge maker, as the sOul searches to embody the collective meaning and wisdom that is being transmitted from the outers through the social planets, Saturn and Jupiter, before that knowledge is actions upon at Mars, which in turn becomes physically manifest. Similarly our physical experiences are lifted up through Mars and given Soul at Ceres, which in turn are broadened and consolidated through Jupiter and Saturn, before being offered back to the Akasha for future generations to draw forth from at Uranus and beyond.

liminal world
In the liminal world
Source: Stefano Pollio on Unsplash

Drawing on the theme of the shattered feminine, a story told in her mythology and her discovery chart, I’ve noticed a striking presence of Ceres around the time of a miscarriage, that ‘elephant-in-the-room’ so common and yet so unspoken about. It is an intimate experience to grief the loss of one whose soul never fully incarnates, a soul who merely bathes in the waters within, cocooned in the mother’s sound bath, receiving her tone, connecting to her telepathically and then disappearing, not to be found. The anguish and heartbreak that a miscarriage can bring, starkly juxtaposes the indifference of the world around her, and at times from the father who has no idea of the intimate bond established between spirit and woman. Men cannot know this bond, as they do not carry the child. They do not know how deep the protection of the soul of the child is to mother, and how powerful her instinctive bond is.

Many mothers experience the return of their child in dream or in some other liminal message, settling the emotions and opening up her being to extra-sensory experiences. Many seek deeper meaning from this heuresis, or loss, and that heightened emotional state induces hypnogogic states, transporting the woman away from the density of the everyday world and onto a higher path, as she moves towards a deeper understanding as she seeks answers to ‘why’. She is transported from Mars to Jupiter, as desire is given meaning through Ceres.

It is for this reason, Ceres is a bridging planet, and her telos is that of the spirit of the unborn and the powerful desire to find union with her lost creative essence.

What to do about Pluto

No longer deemed by some a planet, yet her presence is unmistakable, if misunderstood and yet to fully reveal herself, she is felt and experienced more than seen and heard. How many times has our language misrepresented her evolutionary presence, clients waiting for revolutionary and almost explosive events, yet to discover a primal and chthonic liminal push to irrevocably shift their perception and consciousness regarding some dimension of their life? Confused and at time disappointed that things did not unfold in the manner that they had anticipated, Her existence is felt as a pressing awareness, untiringly yet invisibly acting as a deep, almost imperceptible heart-beat, encouraging you to truly grow, to deepen your experience and to push beyond on. It is often with hindsight that her message is truly understood and eventually integrated, and it is then that clarity dawns – how fundamentally altered your perception has become.

Her message is all about the transmutation of our heart, a necessary step for us to take if we are to move beyond the vicissitudes of our physical realities. Because our heart dwells in unattended dark, we often forget its sublime sensitivity to everything that is happening within our personal realm. Subtly, almost imperceptibly, the heart absorbs the joy of everything. And the pain and care as well. In time, our heart can become schooled in weariness, slowly closing us down to the enormity of what life can be and what love means. We can become hardened and defensive, and worse, indifferent.

Pluto ice
Shattering icy walls
Source: Umberto on Unsplash

Largely skirting on the perimeter of awareness, Pluto’s message is felt in the heart, shattering open it’s icy walls, exposing the warmth and innocence, flooding your awareness with compassion and forgiveness, as the intensity of the building emotions overwhelms the carefully constructed dam and forth flows such deeply felt emotions, that even the simplest things effect the most liminal profound shifts in perception, a new lightness entering your being, relief flooding the heart, enabling you to see, hear and speak from your heart.#

Her time is slow, her weave timeless, her memories lying deep beyond the present, extending at times beyond what your life experience has taught; as the past is revisited, a new awareness threatens the immaturity of then emotions, laying low the bitter weather. Yet powerful is the hold of those emotional experiences and your light has become hesitant towards letting go what has become biographical. Yet the deepest longing of the soul is to be seen and to freely love to live with the flow of the river of the heart, breaking through the gossamer veil of yesterdays to a place you had forgotten you knew before the bitter tree was planted.

Opening your eyes to how deep they’ve been owned and how entangled your heart has become beneath the unchecked growth out from that place of painful, overpowering emotions meant to open you up have been misunderstood and the rose has become a thorn, Her unseen presence compassionately hold a space within which begins your work of mourning. Your memory is ready to show you everything, having lingered over time, this and before, as layer of covering is exposed and the heart is eventually freed to beat openly, in a raw and primal fashion, releasing your true being and freeing you to learn to enter everything with your heart.

It is the teaching of all the deeper spiritual disciplines – the true wisdom of the heart, and Pluto, formally discovered within the realm of Cardinal Water in close 8th harmonic aspect to Venus, seems to hold the space within our human lexicon to offer insight into ways we can freely flow with the river of our emotional and imaginal world. Perhaps Her mythology has been over interpreted by the darkened perceptions of the Hellenistic tradition, further reinforced by the Christian Church whose political agenda was to ensure obedience and control, something has never truly felt right about the way in which She has been articulated within the astrological tradition since her formal discovery on the 18th of February 1930 at 17 Cancer. Perhaps it is presence of the Watchers in her birthing moment or that of the Deeper Feminine and the Protector that has prompted my awareness to review her presence, let alone the consistency of backward re-interpreting her presence in clients lives, but it seems that Pluto does not operate in the same category in which the other planetary archetypes orbit.

Unlike a normal planet, she does not stay in lane, crossing the path of Neptune for twenty years of her 247 year cycle. This practically means not only is she closer to the Sun for part of her cycle than Neptune, that she too Walks across the path, enabling us to access more readily the Neptunian consciousness. This last took place between 1979 and 1999.

Additionally, she reaches both above and below the Shining One’s reach, obliquely carrying with her information from within Yin space, transforming our Yellowed perspective with other shades and tones. This is a common feature of the Walkers, along with the fact that she was birthed within the ring of icy, the Kuiper Belt, a region of near interstellar space where an entire array of beings forges a ring around our solar system.

Her messages are rarely obvious in the moment, and her presence is, in my experience, subtle and liminal, taking time to truly ‘see’ the evidence of the profoundly altered state of awareness that has been undergone. This is why I find that I have to keep reminding clients not to listen to the dramatic language expressed within the terms – irrevocable change. It is utter transmutation, leaving you with a profoundly altered state of awareness, if, and only if, it comes through the heart and its instinctual knowing. As that heart receives from the beyond and also leads us back to the beyond, hence why you rarely hear those about to depart ever talk about ‘stuff’, preferring to repose with memories of love. In the end, it is all we have – lOve.

The Inner Landscape

discovery table
Discovered in fixed signs
Source: provided by the author

Curiously, the principle bridging planets (see table), were all discovered whilst moving through the Fixed signs of the zodiac. This strongly suggests that they presence in our lives is to facilitate the journey within. After all, it appears that the only way out is In!

It is as if the ‘largest’ Walkers that are directly related to illuminating the inner pathway, which makes sense when you consider that they translate the messages from the outer consciousness realms through the inner space, so that our actions and manifestation has more meaning. They also communicate from a deeper realm of consciousness, a place wherein language is non-verbal but transmitted telepathically through a plethora of experiential means.

Their message, therefore, is a deeply internal one, stemming from the depths of interstellar space and extending through the transpersonal consciousness and into this physical plane. Without stating they are Angelic, it is curious to note that the Angelics within the Scriptures descend from the various realms of Heaven to assist with the plight of being human. These beings were rarely described as being human, appearing in someone what an ‘alien’ form.

Interpreting those Bridging Connectors

It is important to take into consideration the sign that the Centaur exists in, since it is through that consciousness the ability to unite the two planetary orbits that it links, occurs. If Pholus is in Taurus, then the ability to connect Saturn and Neptune together, takes place through a Taurean expression. In effect you need to take the qualities of both Saturn and Neptune in your natal chart, their sign and aspect sequence, as well as house, and then seek the position of Pholus, regardless of whether he is in aspect to those planets or not, as a way of connecting the two planetary potentials together, akin to what we do with the midpoints. The message of Pholus is to lift the lid, as it were, to enable a deeper spirit to manifest, and therefore the position of where in your horoscope he falls, describes the quality of the experience of bridging these two planetary holons.

milky way
Source: Aleksandr Barsukov on Unsplash

Furthermore, the specific relationship that Pholus had upon your first breath, describes the quality of that bridging experience, the patterns and scripts that have coagulated within your blood line regarding the animation of spirit and the strengths and weaknesses that arise when attempting to use this part of your psyche.

The aspects that the Centaur makes, accounts for the eidetic imagery that accompanies their messages, and the ‘house’ it is found in, accounts for the landscape within the dreamscape that is frequented as the message is given.

Accessing these Beings

Unlike planets, the Walkers are not present in an everyday context. Therefore to access them more readily, they need to be invoked and questions put to them, as they speak to you through the dreamscape and through images that flash into your minds eye when you meditate or are in a semi-altered state of consciousness. Ask you and you will receive is a message from many spiritual traditions, and this is particularly apt of these ‘alien’ messengers whose language is not of this plane of consciousness and whose purpose is to make more accessible deeper states of consciousness, which in turn assist with the evolution of your soul.

Published in: Timelords Magazine, Nov. 2022.

Andrew SmithAndrew Smith a full time professional astrologer located in the Republic of Ireland since 1995 Aside from my client focused work, he is director of the Blue Rose, with my wife, Karen Morgan, hosting weekly classes (in person in Dublin, Ireland and online), monthly workshops, retreats and embodiments. Andrew describes his work as humanistic, and psycho-spiritually orientated. Andrew focuses on client centred astrological consultations, focusing on a humanistic/ transpersonal approach; Locational Astrology.
Location: Dublin, Rep. Ireland
Email: andrew @ andrewsmith.ie
Website: www.andrewsmith.ie
Facebook: www.facebook.com/andrewdhsmith

Current Planets
7-Aug-2023, 12:41 UT/GMT
Saturn517' 8"r11s12
Chiron1952' 0"r9n12
Explanations of the symbols
Chart of the moment