Vulpius, Christiane

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Vulpius, Christiane Gender: F
Johanna Christiana Sophie Vulpius
born on 1 June 1765 at 20:30 (= 8:30 PM )
Place Weimar (Thüringen), Germany, 50n59, 11e19
Timezone LMT m11e19 (is local mean time)
Data source
Quoted BC/BR
Rodden Rating AA
Collector: Scholfield
Astrology data s_su.18.gif s_gemcol.18.gif 11°25' s_mo.18.gif s_scocol.18.gif 14°35 Asc.s_sagcol.18.gif 17°40'

Christiane Vulpius (drawn by Goethe)


German mistress and wife of Johann Wolfgang Goethe. They lived together out of wedlock from 1788 until their marriage in 1806 and afterward until Christiane's death in 1816. Goethe is said to have wept bitterly at her death.

Their son August (1789-1830) was their only child who lived to adulthood. On 14 October 1791, Christiane suffered a stillbirth. Their daughter Carolina lived only two weeks (21 November - 3 December 1793). Christiane gave birth to two other children; each died after a short period (30 October - 16 November 1795; 16 December - 19 December 1802).

Link to Wikipedia biography



Source Notes

Sy Scholfield cites birth record quoted in the German biography "Goethe und die Seinen: Quellenmäßige Darstellungen über Goethes Haus" by Ludwig Geiger (Leipzig: Voigtländer, 1908), p. 6: "... und Fraue Christenen Margarethan gebohr. Riehlin, Töchterlein, ist gebohren Sonnabends den 1. Jun. s. e, Abends halb 9 Uhr, und Montags darauf als den 3. dito. nachmittags ¾ auf 1 Uhr, von dem Herrn Hof. Dise. Gottschalg getauft worden."

Translation: ... and [to his] wife, Christenen Margarethan nee Riehlin, was born a daughter on Saturday 1 June in the evening at half 9 [8:30] o'clock, and on the following Monday in the afternoon at ¾ to 1 [12:45] o'clock, [she] was baptized by Mr. Gottschalg.

Scholfield notes same data in "Christian August Vulpius: eine Korrespondenz zur Kulturgeschichte der Goethezeit, Volume 2" by Andreas Meier (Walter de Gruyter, 2003), p. 256: "Obwohl Christiane am 1. Juni 1765 „um halb neun Uhr" zur Welt kam, feierte sie aus bislang ungeklärten Gründen stets ihren Geburtstag am 6. Juni..." Translation: Although Christiane was born on 1 June 1765 "at half past eight o'clock," for reasons as yet unknown she always celebrated her birthday on June 6.

Previously this entry had no time of birth (but rated B): Taeger Lexicon


  • Family : Relationship : Marriage more than 15 Yrs
  • Family : Relationship : Mate - Noted (Goethe)