Astrodienst Forum Archive

The Astrodienst discussion forum was closed on January 31 2023, after almost 16 years of online discussions (the forum opened on March 21, 2007). The reason for closing the forum was that the software we used was outdated, and it had become a burden to maintain it.

During this time, a lot of valuable information and food for thought has accumulated. That is why we make all discussion threads (with at least 4 replies) available in this forum archive as pdf files. For reasons of discretion, we have only archived and published the discussion forum boards but not the personal interpretation boards.

Please note that the pages may take a few seconds to load, as they contain very large files.

English Forum

Deutsches Forum

Forum français

  • Astrologie psychologique et générale
    C'est une partie pour la discussion de toutes les matières qui appartiennent au domaine de l'astrologie occidentale psychologique et générale.
  • Autres branches de l'astrologie
    Cette section est réservée pour les sujets qui traitent d'autres sortes d'astrologie, par exemple l’astrologie védique ou chinoise, ou avec des approches et des techniques astrologiques spécialisées. Cette section est aussi pour l'astrologie de la politique et d'actualité mondiale.
  • Section de réaction
    Pour la réaction à propos des services d'Astrodienst et du site Web

Forum italiano

  • Astrologia Psicologica e Generale
    Questo è uno spazio per la discussione di tutti i temi che appartengono all'area dell'Astrologia psicologica occidentale e generale.
  • Altri rami dell'Astrologia
    Questo spazio è riservato per temi che riguardano altri tipi di Astrologia come per es. l'Astrologia vedica o cinese o relativi a approcci astrologici  specializzati come la scuola Hamburghese o la scuola Huber.

Foro español