Astro Shop - Personality Horoscopes

Groundbreaking Analysis of the Personality

Psychological Horoscope Analysis, by Liz Greene

Special Price!

The Psychological Horoscope by Liz Greene is considered by many experts to be the best computer-based horoscope interpretation - a fascinating combination of astrological empirical science and contemporary depth psychology. This text, which is individually tailored to your personal astrological profile, describes your talents as well as those aspects which are more challenging to help you learn more about the structure of your personality.

Customers say:

Liz Greene's report brings individual birth chart to a brand new level. Never in my life had I found so stunningly true information about my background, my current situation.

Terrific insights into my Self and invaluable to me personally. Can't thank you enough.

More about the Psychological Horoscope

Astro*Intelligence Premium Horoscopes

The Seven Sins - Working with your Shadow Side

Author: Liz Greene
Special Price!

In this profound, psychologically based analysis of personality, Liz Greene examines the birth chart in the light of the age-old concept of the seven Cardinal Sins. She shows in what form each of them can manifest in your personal life, what creative potentials each of them may hinder or thwart, and how this apparently destructive dynamic can eventually be transformed into a constructive, life-enhancing expression of the personality.

More about "The Seven Sins"

Career & Vocation

Author: Liz Greene
Special Price!

Vocation is one of the most important topics in everyone's life. Without astrological jargon, but on a profound astrological level, the astrologer and psychologist Liz Greene shows the way to a more fulfilled professional life.

More about Career & Vocation

Money & Success

Author: Markus Jehle
Special Price!

"Money and Success" is a fitting analysis of your very personal abilities and resources. Read how you can develop your individual potential in dealing with money and success.

More about Money & Success Horoscope

Stories from the Stars

Authors: Bernadette Brady and Darrelyn Gunzburg
Special Price!

This Fixed Star Report explores your personal relationship to the starry heavens. The vault of the heavens is a lace-work of stars that most people find awe inspiring. The starry sky holds wisdom contained within ancient stories placed there over thousands of years by our ancestors.

More about "Stories from the Stars"

AstroText: Good reports at an attractive price

Personal Portrait

Personal Portrait describes your character traits, your potential strengths and weaknesses as well as your abilities.

More about Personal Portrait

Love Horoscope

How do the stars influence your emotions? What kind of personality suits you as a partner? How do you behave in relationships? These and more questions are answered by the love horoscope.

More about the Love Horoscope

Color Horoscope

This horoscope interpretation combines Astrology with elements of Color Psychology - Check it out! It provides an insight into your character structures, describes your characteristics and needs and the various roles you play.

More about the Color Horoscope

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